英语人>词典>汉英 : 阶级意识的 的英文翻译,例句
阶级意识的 的英文翻译、例句


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The creation of a solidarity consciousness and the building of a social movement unionism will be essential to re-creating class consciousness.


The story takes place in the class-conscious England of the late 18th century.


I don't know why this method was chosen by the great men's mothers but I do know that my own mother, a highly educated, class-conscious woman, thought that breast-feeding was somehow beneath her dignity – it was the sort of primitive thing more appropriate to peasants.


Through the analysis on the connotation of social class consciousness, the thesis illustrates that social class consciousness is different from individual consciousness and economic consciousness, but it is a particular social class systematic understanding of its historical status and historical mission under certain social relation of production. On the basis of that, the thesis historically analyzes the bourgeoisie"s class consciousness, affirms that the bourgeoisie"s class consciousness is a historical progress comparing with the pre-capitalistic society, and reveals from a whole view the falsity and inauthenticity of the bourgeoisies class consciousness as well.


Though much of the class will be devoted to exploring the evolution of a new literary tradition by and for women from its earliest emergence in the West, wider historical and cultural movements will also be addressed: the Fall of the Roman Empire, the growth of religious communities, the shift from orality to literacy, the culture of chivalry and courtly love, the emergence of scholasticism and universities, changes in devotional practices, the persecution of heretics, the rise of nationalism and class consciousness.


Can you find anything in the "Communist Manifesto" that would support Lenin's position that workers need outside help to acquire a proper class consciousness?


Revisiting the site of class consciousness: how to remap class- based knowledges in the global division of labor.


At the same time, there is also limitation on Lukacs theory of social class consciousness. The paper gives it an objective evaluation, considering that it aggrandizes the motive function of subjective consciousness, excessively emphasizes the class consciousness motive function.


Though much of the class will be devoted to exploring the evolution of a new literary tradition by and for women from its earliest emergence in the West, wider historical and cultural movements will also be addressed: the Fall of the Roman Empire, the growth of religious communities, the shift from orality to literacy, the culture of chivalry and courtly love, the emergence of scholasticism and universities, changes in devotional practices, the persecution of heretics, the rise of nationalism and class consciousness.


Though much of the class will be devoted to exploring the evolution of a new literary tradition by and for women from its earliest emergence in the West, wider historical and cultural movements will also be addressed: the Fall of the Roman Empire, the growth of religious communities, the shift from orality to literacy, the culture of chivalry and courtly love, the emergence of scholasticism and universities, changes in devotional practices, the persecution of heretics, the rise of nationalism and class consciousness.


更多网络解释与阶级意识的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


目的在建构新的意义,而神话和内涵意社会阶级(social class)的产生是因为经济与资本累积的结果,而且社会阶级的隶属与阶级意识(class consciousness)有关,布尔乔亚(中产)阶级(bourgeoisie)不断地对普罗(劳工)阶级(proletariat)灌输错误意识,

class consciousness:阶级意识

这里需要明确的是珠江三角洲伤残农民工的"群体意识"含义. 首先,它是一个比照"阶级意识"(class consciousness)但又不同于阶级意识的概念. 具体说来,珠江三角洲伤残农民工的"群体意识"主要涉及以下三个层面. 首先是"身份认同"(identity),


class-C network C类网络 | class-conscious 阶级意识的 | class-list 优等生名册


具海根(Hagen K oo)在研究韩国工人的阶兰西 "霸权"(hegemony)的概念进行解释,而陈峰则从"道义经济定了所谓的历史主义(historicist)和建构主义视角. 查克里巴蒂(Dipesh Chakrabarty)在<<工人阶级历史的再思考:孟加阶级-自为阶级"扩展为资本主义结构、生活方式(ways of life)、意识倾向(dispositio


与之相反,他提供了一种激进的相互作用论(interactionism):即在所有实践之内和与其它实践之间的相互作用,从而将决定论问题放逐到了边缘. E.P.汤普森著作的组成领域--阶级关系、群众斗争、意识的历史形式、历史特定性中的阶级文化,与雷蒙?



the masses:大众

她认为,开始的时候,"mob"和"人民"(the people)是有区别的;以后到了队伍扩大了的阶段,与"大众"(the masses)--没有阶级意识的人们合流了. 由于资产阶级的胜利以至破落的人们--贵族阶级、资产阶级出身的没落的知识分子与这些乌合之众(mob)相遇的时候,


"文化大革命"的暴力"打击"(shock)造成了民族"自我意识"的"休克"(Shock). 这种状态表现为短暂的"意识空白"和"记忆丧失". 民族的"意识休克"为权力者的意识形态控制提供了条件,也为他们重构一种新的民族意识(即所谓的"阶级意识")扫清了地盘.