英语人>词典>汉英 : 阴谋 的英文翻译,例句
阴谋 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cabal  ·  complot  ·  conspiracy  ·  conspiration  ·  conspire  ·  intrigue  ·  machination  ·  machinations  ·  pitfall  ·  plot  ·  scheme  ·  conspiring  ·  polt  ·  caballed  ·  cabals  ·  complotted  ·  complotting  ·  conspiracies  ·  conspired  ·  conspires  ·  designs  ·  intrigued  ·  intrigues  ·  plots  ·  schemed  ·  schemes

更多网络例句与阴谋相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mohamed Fayed 'instantly feared Princess Diana crash was a plot' By Laura Clout Mohamed Fayed appeared convinced that the crash that killed his son Dodi and Diana, Princess of Wales was "a plot or assassination" from the moment he heard about it, the inquest into their deaths has been told.


And as experience shows, many have been the conspiracies, but few have been successful; because he who conspires cannot act alone, nor can he take a companion except from those whom he believes to be malcontents, and as soon as you have opened your mind to a malcontent you have given him the material with which to content himself, for by denouncing you he can look for every advantage; so that, seeing the gain from this course to be assured, and seeing the other to be doubtful and full of dangers, he must be a very rare friend, or a thoroughly obstinate enemy of the prince, to keep faith with you.


After that comes a potted history of the aftermath of the English civil war, starting with the botched scheming that led the maddeningly duplicitous Charles I to lose not only the military conflict but also his head.


A conspiracy theory is the belief and empirical hypothesis that historical or current events are the result of manipulations by one or more secretive powers or conspiracies Because conspiracy theories are frequently difficult to support with evidence, they are used as derogatory words According to Karl Popper's philosophy of science and falsifiability criteria, conspiracy is not a science But in reality, conspiracy theories are not all baseless, irrational and deceptive


On Nov. 5,1605, a few fanatical Catholics attempted to blow King James and his ministers up in the House of Parliament where Guy Fawkes had planted barrels of gun-powder in th e cellars.

年的火药阴谋案是最著名的天主教阴谋。1605 年 11 月 5 日,几个狂热的天主教徒企图在议会大厦炸死国王和大臣,盖伊福克斯已在地窖放了炸药桶。

A few fanatical Catholics attempted to blow King James and his ministers up in the House of Parliament where Guy Fawkes had planted barrels of gun-powder in th e cellars.

年的火药阴谋案是最著名的天主教阴谋。1605 年 11 月 5 日,几个狂热的天主教徒企图在议会大厦炸死国王和大臣,盖伊福克斯已在地窖放了炸药桶。

The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 was the most famous of the Catholic c**piracies. On Nov. 5,1605, a few fanatical Catholics attempted to blow King James and his ministers up in the House of Parliament where Guy Fawkes had planted barrels of gun-powder in the cellars.


On No. 5,1605, a few fanatical Catholics attempted to blow King James and his ministers up in the House of Parliament where Guy Fawkes had planted barrels of gun-powder in the cellars.


The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 was the most famous of the Catholic conspiracies. On Nov. 5,1605, a few fanatical Catholics attempted to blow King James and his ministers up in the House of Parliament where Guy Fawkes had planted barrels of gun-powder in the cellars.

O% ~/ T Q1 N1 ! p0 }1605年的火药阴谋案是最著名的天主教阴谋。1605年11月5日,几个狂热的天主教徒企图在议会大厦炸死国王和大臣,盖伊福克斯已在地窖放了炸药桶。

Remember, remember, the 5th of November, the gunpowder treason and plot, I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot. But what of the man?


更多网络解释与阴谋相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



conspiratorial:阴谋的, 阴谋者的

control and simulation language 控制和模拟语言 | conspiratorial 阴谋的, 阴谋者的 | lanon 聚酯纤维


conspirator 同谋者 | conspiratorial 阴谋的 | conspiratory 阴谋者的


conspirator 同谋者 | conspiratorial 阴谋者的 | conspiratorialdesigning 阴谋

conspiratorial means:阴谋手段

conspirator | 同谋者, 阴谋者, 反叛者 | conspiratorial means | 阴谋手段 | conspiratorial | 阴谋的, 阴谋者的

conspiratress:女性共谋者(阴谋者, 谋叛者)

conspiratorial | 阴谋的, 阴谋者的 | conspiratress | 女性共谋者(阴谋者, 谋叛者) | conspire | 共谋, 阴谋, (指事件)凑合起来


expire 断气、过期 | conspire 阴谋 | conspiracy 阴谋、同谋


intricacy 错综复杂 | intrigant 阴谋者 | intrigue 阴谋


intricately /纷乱地/复杂地/ | intrigant /阴谋者/私通者/奸夫/ | intriguant /阴谋者/私通者/奸夫/


conspiratorial 阴谋的 | conspiratory 阴谋者的 | conspiratress 女性共谋者