英语人>词典>汉英 : 阴茎 的英文翻译,例句
阴茎 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dick  ·  penis  ·  phallus  ·  priapus  ·  coles  ·  penises  ·  phalli  ·  organs  ·  penes  ·  phalluses  ·  putz  ·  tentum  ·  balanus

更多网络例句与阴茎相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The diminutive penis caused by hypospadia and intersex and micropenis resulted from endocrine disease does not belong to this category.


Penis residual stump was advanced to anterior portion of the newly restoration penile body as "glans"; To take full layer skin of penis from post-operating patients to observe neurofibril regeneration by light microscopy, electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy; To determine sensation recovery by physical examination; To check erectile function with NEVA System.


Scleroma albuginea and the penis can also affect the membrane compartment, such as erectile tissue when in the normal extension, the extension and relaxation, and induration Department impede erection and retraction of the penis, causing erection of the penis bending to the side, a direct impact on the penis inserted into the vagina.


Penile lengthening surgery in order to "Dragon's extended technique" is most commonly used, that is, at the appropriate position to cut off the penis on the suspensory ligament and the superficial part of the deep suspensory ligament, so buried in the perineum separating the penis, the penis does not change the total length of the circumstances, the growth of the penis can be seen in the in vitro part.


Methods: Selected 93 confirmed cases with hypospadias during May 2003 to Sep 2009. Patients in balanic type were treated with meatal advancement and glandularp lasty; patients with urethra orifice at 2/3 of corpus penis accompanied with slight chordee of penis were treated with Snodgrass method or Onlay method; patients with severe chordee of penis were treated with Duckett method; patients in scrotum or perineum type were treated with combination of Duplay and Duckett; severe hypospadia patients were treated with curved pedicle penis-scrotum and skin flap urethroplasty; patients with good outer plate of ventral prepuce and chordee of penis were treated with ventral pedicle hooded foreskin flap.


Methods: Selected 93 confirmed cases with hypospadias during May 2003 to Sep 2009. Patients in balanic type were treated with meatal advancement and glandularp lasty; patients with urethra orifice at 2/3 of corpus penis accompanied with slight chordee of penis were treated with Snodgrass method or Onlay method; patients with severe chordee of penis were treated with Duckett method; patients in scrotum or perineum type were treated with combination of Duplay and Duckett; severe hypospadia patients were treated with curved pedicle penisscrotum and skin flap urethroplasty; patients with good outer plate of ventral prepuce and chordee of penis were treated with ventral pedicle hooded foreskin flap.


As a plastic surgery of aedea, penis lengthening surgery is performed to rectify the short-penis abnormality、 increase the length and resume its normal function mainly for those people with inborn short-penis abnormality and those with scar contracture and coloboma after all kinds of trauma、 burn of penis.


Different operation were selected in 40 patients according the type of concealed penis. Simple concealed penis: weight reduction and observation or Y-V plasty of acrobystia. Phimosis type: slitting the outer plate of prepuce at 2, 6 and 10 clock point and at 4, 8 and 12 clock point on the inner plate then making a tongue-groove suture. Fascia bands type: removing the dysgenic dartos fascia band and moving up the penoscrotal spot and make a Y-V plasty. Webbing penis: taking a transsection and longitudinal suture at the penoscrotal spot.


Under the same concentration, tadalafil induce higher ratio of relation responses in the smooth muscles of CRF rabbit cavernosal strips, compared with papaverine and sodium nitroprussiate, with most significant difference occurring under the concentration indicators of 10-5 mol/L and 10-4 mol/L (P.01). Conclusions The effects of tadalafil on relaxation responses in CRF rabbit cavernosal strips highly depend on its concentration. The effect of tadalafil on relaxation responses in CRF rabbit cavernosal strips is better than that of papaverine and sodium nitroprussiate. Tadalafil may be an effective drug for treating CRF reduced erection dysfunction.


Methods Six weeks old male Fischer 344 rats (F344) were used as donors, and six weeks old male F344alb as recipients. All F344alb were divided into 4 groups: group Ⅰ(n=10) was untreated; group Ⅱ(n=10) was treated with CCl4 but no γ-irradiation and transplantation; group Ⅲ(n=10) was transplanted with 1×10^7 BMCs after γ-irradiation, but without CCl4 treatment; group Ⅳ(n=10) was transplanted with 1×10^7 BMCs after γ-irradiation, with CCl4 treatment. The BMCs prepared from the donors were infused via the penial veins of recipients immediately after whole body γ-irradiation (7.5Gy) and CCl4 treatment: 4 weeks after BMCs transplantation, CCl4 were injected into peritoneal cavity twice a week for 4 weeks.


更多网络解释与阴茎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dermoid cyst of penis:阴茎皮样囊肿

阴茎粘液性囊肿 penile mucoid cyst | 阴茎皮样囊肿 dermoid cyst of penis | 阴茎获得性包涵性囊肿 acquired inclusion cyst of penis


阴茎勃起(erection)被视作男子性生理活动好坏的一项重要征象,要顺利完成一系列性生理活动,阴茎充分勃起是一个必备的条件. 当然,阴茎勃起的先决条件是健全的神经内分泌控制,还要有健全的阴茎海绵体组织和充裕的血液循环.

Glans penis:阴茎头

尿道海绵体的前端膨大形成阴茎头(glans penis)或龟头,此处有尿道的开口称尿道口. 阴茎的皮肤在阴茎的颈前向内翻转覆盖于阴茎表面称为包皮(prepuce). 阴茎皮肤薄软而富于弹性和伸展性,海绵体充血后使阴茎变粗、变硬,称为勃起(erection).

penile hypospadias:阴茎型尿道下裂

阴茎头型尿道下裂 balanic hypospadias | 阴茎型尿道下裂 penile hypospadias | 阴茎远端型尿道下裂 distal shaft hypospadias


阴茎头 double glans penis | 巨阴茎 megalopenis | 隐匿阴茎 concealed penis

megalopenis:巨阴茎 巨阴茎

megalomaniac 夸大狂者 | megalopenis 巨阴茎阴茎 | megalophage 巨噬细胞 巨噬细胞

Penis envy:阴茎嫉妒情结

penis augmentation 阴茎加大 | Penis envy 阴茎嫉妒情结 | penis fracture 阴茎骨折


阴茎(micropenis)是指阴茎外观正常长度与直径比值正常,但阴茎体的长度小于正常阴茎长度平均值2.5个标准差以上. 阴茎的长度是指用手提阴茎头尽量拉直即相当于阴茎充分勃起时从阴茎顶到耻骨联合的距离. 成人一般以阴茎松弛长度不足3cm为小阴茎.

Total penectomy, with perineal cutaneous urethrostomy:阴茎癌阴茎全部切除合并会阴部尿道造口术

全尿道切除术Total urethrectomy | 阴茎阴茎全部切除合并会阴部尿道造口术Total penectomy, with perineal cutaneous urethrostomy | 阴茎阴茎部份切除合并鼠蹊淋巴切除术Partial penectomy with inguinal LN...

Total penectomy with inguinal LND, with perineal cutaneous urethrostomy:阴茎癌阴茎全部切除合并鼠蹊淋巴切除术及会阴部尿道造口术

阴茎阴茎部份切除合并鼠蹊淋巴切除术Part... | 阴茎阴茎全部切除合并鼠蹊淋巴切除术及会阴部尿道造口术Total penectomy with inguinal LND, with perineal cutaneous urethrostomy | 阴茎重度创伤修补术 Penis re...