英语人>词典>汉英 : 防抱死刹车系统 的英文翻译,例句
防抱死刹车系统 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与防抱死刹车系统相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The invention is capable of preventing wheel from locking, is capable of maintaining the direction of the car, and also has the greatest function of an ABS anti-lock braking system.


The Automatic Control Valves ABS is ABS for short, which is based on the conventional brake system security technologies to enhance improved by controlling the brake hydraulic flaps to achieve control of the wheel locking, the braking process , only when the wheels tend to be controlled when locking, ABS will tend to locking of the wheels anti-lock brake pressure regulation; in the control wheel was not tended to locking, the braking Butterfly Valves process and the conventional system exactly the same dynamic system, the braking process, its work process is actually locking - release - Locking - release cycle of the working process, the vehicle is always in the critical state of locking of the roll gap.


An experiment in Munich found that the drivers of taxicabs fitted with anti-lock braking systems were involved in no fewer accidents than those without.


更多网络解释与防抱死刹车系统相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


安全带预警收紧功能前座主动保护头枕辅助安全行驶技术小类刹车防抱死系统(ABS) EBD驱动防滑系统(ASR) 电子差速锁(EDS)循迹控制系统(TCS) 动态稳定控制系统(DSC)电子稳定程序(ESP) 自动制动差速器(ABD)电子制动力分配装置


关于来自客户的投诉,丰田分析认为刹车不灵是由于电子制动系统中急刹车时防滑的"防抱死制动系统"(ABS)制动存在原因. 今年1月底以后日本生产的新款普锐斯已在出厂前进行了系统升级,因而将不作为召回对象. 关于来自客户的投诉,

AP Accelerator Pedal:加速踏板

ATS Air Temperature Sensor 空气温度传感器 | AP Accelerator Pedal 加速踏板 | ABS Anti-lock Brake System 防抱死刹车系统


1 自适应制动器,带保持( Hold ) 功能和坡道起步互助装置5 刹车辅助系统(BAS)、电子循迹稳定系统(ESP),包括防抱死系统(ABS)及防加速打滑控制(ASR)


江铃福特 新世代全顺 长轴 9座 高顶豪华型(ABS) 基本配置安全带预警收紧功能: 刹车防抱死系统: (ABS) 驱动防滑系统: (ASR)电子稳定程序: (ESP) 电子制动力分配装置: (EBD/EBV) 主动车身控制系统: (ABC)定速巡航控制系统: (CCS) 倒车雷达: 电子

managed code:托管代码

Jeffrey Snover称,托管代码(managed code)就像是防抱死制动系统,过去如果在冰上驾驶汽车,你必须小心翼翼否则就可能翻车,但现在你不再需要手动控制刹车了.