英语人>词典>汉英 : 闻一多 的英文翻译,例句
闻一多 的英文翻译、例句


Wen Yiduo
更多网络例句与闻一多相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Because of different national missions, both of them have approached the Christianism and want to find out the way in the religion.


Before becoming a fighter for democracy,Wen Yiduo exhibited the gentlemanliness of a modern man jof let ters, which combined the rich traditional Chinese culture with Westem culture.


As his going deep into practice of the new poetry, Wen Yiduo was far away from this complexion gradually, and he found two ways for the development of the new poetry: novelization and dramalization, and its also easy to find the increasing of narration in his own works.


It was Wen Yiduo who first distinguished between poetic language and practical language. Then he established an ontologic concept of forms in modern poetics and insisted on "the meaningful forms" of new verses.


Wen is a sturdy supporter of colloquialism. He tried to create works in spoken language consciously such as using a number of structural auxiliary words and some new adjectives in view of the situation of rigescent words of the classical poetry. As far as the form is concerned, Mr.


4" Refers to four leisure industry piece area, respectively is the small fish mountain history culture leisure piece area, namely use small fish mountain peripheral Kang Youwei, Wen Yiduo, Liang Shiqiu, Tong Dizhou, Shen Congwen historical culture celebrity former dwelling Lian Cheng and so on tourist routes, form the wide range the historical culture celebrity block; Collects the spring movement culture leisure piece area, namely by the day peaceful stadium, collects the spring square, the Zhongshan Park, the Victoria Peak forest park, the botanical garden, happy moves the world, the oriental cherry to meet and so on activities, the guidance increases the movement, the cultural festival to celebrate the activity in this area development; Eight critical junctions convalesce the cultural leisure piece area, already is called "the international construction exposition" Ou Lu the character and style construction resources superiority, uses for guides the dining office, the foreign land character and style dining and so on industry condition gathering; The peaceful angle commerce culture leisure piece area, in retention peaceful angle construction original Ou Lu the character and style, makes into it by the coffee, the bar, the foreign land dining, the high-end office, convalesces the commercial culture leisure area primarily."


This paper tries to compare Mr. Wens new and classical poems to make clear the development course of his new poetry and penetrate into discussing its new diathesis according to the difference and relation between aesthetic structure and function, and based on what mentioned above to find out the value of his new poems and its effects on the developing of modern poetry.


What's more, the songs for children are: I Am Eager to Get, A Girl in Beijing, I Am Seventeen Years Old, which focus on the children's life and mood, sincerely and cordially; the songs singings for history and its characters are: the Romantic History of Three Kingdoms, Wen Yi-to; the musical works which reflect social reality are: the Fired Paradise, the Times of Feelings; some works which praise beautiful natural landscapes and culture relics are: Tashi Island Paranoia, Guge Kingdom's Ruins.


Wen yi-duo, publishing an article in 1923, criticized the "inaccuracy" of Guo Mo-ruo's Chinese version of the English Rubaiyat done by Fitzgerald and thus opened a historical scene where the Chinese language began to become absent with the overriding drive of its English counterpart into translation.


According to Wen Yiduo's survey, it came into existence in the Wu Yue water-bound towns in the south of China more than 4500 years ago.


更多网络解释与闻一多相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


刘钧教授接着说:"另外一个很重要的因素就是一定要敬业(dedication). ""我个人认为,一个人要成为一个科学家的域值(threshold)并不是特别高,关键是在你所从事的事业上花了多少时闻听此言,再结合自己和周围优秀学生的观察,

Manny Pacquiao:曼尼.帕奎奥

本报讯 据新浪娱乐网消息,周星驰于1年多前为生力啤拍摄广告,一句"型英帅靓正",讲到街知巷闻,而近日另一位巨星李连杰接棒拍摄该啤酒的广告片,并再度跟拳击高手曼尼-帕奎奥(Manny Pacquiao)合作,而Manny更趁此机会向李连杰请教中国功夫.


缅甸(Myanmar)旅游指南 缅甸(Myanmar)旅游指南 概述 缅甸 是著名的"佛教之国",佛教传入缅甸已有2500多年的历史. 1000多年前,缅甸人就开始把佛经刻写在一种叫贝多罗树的叶子上,制成贝叶经. 正如李商隐诗中提到"忆奉莲花座,兼闻贝叶经". 在缅甸4640




法 医 部 门 来 了 一 位 " 冷 血 法 医 " 简 佩 妮 (Penny) , 传 闻 这 位 女 法 医 处 事 冷 静 、 沉 着 , 面 对 不 管 多 恶 心 的 尸 体 都 能 面 不 改 色 , 身 边 从 未 出 现 过 男 性 密 友,

Seeing is believing:百闻不如一见

不过,一般人对於自己感官的忠诚度相当高,正如古谚所云:百闻不如一见(Seeing is believing). 很少人会去怀疑自己所看到、听到的会是假的. 特别是在法庭上提供目击证据的证人!(请参阅自我观察1.1)希腊哲学家亚里斯多德(Aristotle)曾认为心脏是「灵魂」的所在地(the seat of the soul),

I want to seethe film again:我真想再看一遍

408. I smelled asmell of cooking. 我闻到了烧菜做饭的味道. | 409. I want to seethe film again. 我真想再看一遍. | 410. I've got toomuch work to do. 我要做的工作太多了.


后来,英美留学生相继返国,又介绍了"重音"(stress)的方法. 此中最知名的,首推徐志摩和闻一多. 他们都是英国浪漫诗的热爱者,而大体说来,他们也算能在他们各式各样体裁的诗中多多少少表现了一种秩序. 差不多在同一时间中,


" 06、仳(Pi)离:别离,旧时指妇女被遗弃 07、嘅(Kai):叹息 08、条:<<椒聊>>"条,长也. " 09、歗(Xiao):闻一多<<通义>>"啸、歗字同. ......<<说文>>曰'号,痛声也. '......歗犹号也. " 10、啜(Chuo):哭泣时抽噎 11、何嗟及矣:胡承珙&a