英语人>词典>汉英 : 闹剧 的英文翻译,例句
闹剧 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
farce  ·  farcing  ·  laughy  ·  slapstick  ·  farced  ·  farces

更多网络例句与闹剧相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The merchant who says:"Montpellier not active, Marseilles fine quality," the broker on 'change who says:"Assets at end of current month," the gambler who says:"Tiers et tout, refait de pique," the sheriff of the Norman Isles who says: The holder in fee reverting to his landed estate cannot claim the fruits of that estate during the hereditary seizure of the real estate by the mortgagor," the playwright who says:"The piece was hissed," the comedian who says:"I've made a hit," the philosopher who says:"Phenomenal triplicity," the huntsman who says:"Voileci allais, Voileci fuyant," the phrenologist who says:"Amativeness, combativeness, secretiveness," the infantry soldier who says:"My shooting-iron," the cavalry-man who says:"My turkey-cock," the fencing-master who says:"Tierce, quarte, break,"the printer who says:"My shooting-stick and galley,--all, printer, fencing-master, cavalry dragoon, infantry-man, phrenologist, huntsman, philosopher, comedian, playwright, sheriff, gambler, stock-broker, and merchant, speak slang.


If you are a fan of Rowan Atkinson's brand of slapstick humor, then just perhaps JOHNNY ENGLISH is the film for you.

如果你是Rowan Atkinson闹剧幽默的风格的一名影迷的话,那么JOHNNY ENGLISH或许是一部适合你看的电影。

Over the years, we've gotten used to the Lakers and their drama-rama aura.


It doesn't. Goofy slapstick and ridiculous out-of-date banter make up the other 10%.


Multiple murders, romantic bantering and plenty of slapstick, was an ace screenwriter.


He characterized the Russian claims as 'slapstick,' saying that if a passport is going to be held up as evidence of U.S. meddling,'it shouldn't belong to some guy teaching English in China.


This week, after its first talks with the South in more than a year farcically broke down after just 22 minutes, it accused the South of "a vicious criminal act": the shifting of a border post.


3 Obedience Jim was a slave, and under the long-lasting oppression and slavery, deep inside hime, there was a servility of obedience. This point especially stands out at the end of the novel. After Jim was eventually captured, during his rescue by Huck and Tom, he listened to them for everything, which allowed an initially simple and smooth rescue operation become a child's play. But the debauch of its ending showing that when Tom becoming a clone and victim due to this farce, faced with torment and shame, while Jim was released as a result of Miss Watson's death will, show the miserable situation of the slaves at that time.

3.3 顺从吉姆是一个黑奴,在长期地压迫和奴役下,他骨子里自然就有了一种顺从的奴性,这点在小说的最后表现的极为突出,当吉姆最后被抓后,在哈克和汤姆的营救过程中,他事事顺着他们,让一场本来可以很简单顺利的营救活动变成了一场儿童闹剧,而当吉姆很自然地成了这一闹剧的小丑和牺牲品,受尽了折磨和凌辱,最好却因话说小姐的一纸临终遗言而获得自由而荒唐结局,这也说明的当时黑奴处境的可悲。

Jim was a slave, and under the long-lasting oppression and slavery, deep inside hime, there was a servility of obedience. This point especially stands out at the end of the novel. After Jim was eventually captured, during his rescue by Huck and Tom, he listened to them for everything, which allowed an initially simple and smooth rescue operation become a child's play. But the debauch of its ending showing that when Tom becoming a clone and victim due to this farce, faced with torment and shame, while Jim was released as a result of Miss Watson's death will, show the miserable situation of the slaves at that time.

3.3 顺从吉姆是一个黑奴,在长期地压迫和奴役下,他骨子里自然就有了一种顺从的奴性,这点在小说的最后表现的极为突出,当吉姆最后被抓后,在哈克和汤姆的营救过程中,他事事顺着他们,让一场本来可以很简单顺利的营救活动变成了一场儿童闹剧,而当吉姆很自然地成了这一闹剧的小丑和牺牲品,受尽了折磨和凌辱,最好却因话说小姐的一纸临终遗言而获得自由而荒唐结局,这也说明的当时黑奴处境的可悲。

Farce: A type of comedy based on a ridiculous situation, often with stereotyped characters. The humor in a farce is largely slapstick-that is, it often involves crude physical action.


更多网络解释与闹剧相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


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the friday night charades of youth:上演着青春闹剧的星期五晚

the valentines i never knew 与我无缘的情人节 | the friday night charades of youth 上演着青春闹剧的星期五晚 | were spent on one more beautiful 也只是美丽女孩的专场

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tank drama:通俗惊险闹剧

通俗惊险剧/tank drama | 通俗惊险闹剧/tank drama | 通讯快船/dispatch boat

A coded and epigrammatic melodrama inspired by his own tortured homosexuality:阿编码和警句闹剧他自己的折磨同性恋的启发

34. 34. The Picture of Dorian Gr... | A coded and epigrammatic melodrama inspired by his own tortured homosexuality.阿编码和警句闹剧他自己的折磨同性恋的启发. | 35. 35. The Diary of a Nobody George G...


P66近数年来,随着30年代俄国批评家巴赫汀(Bakhtin)的重被发掘,有关"闹剧"(farce)的文学理论亦绽现新意. 巴赫汀特重西方中世纪以降的"嘉年华"(Carnival)文学传统,对其中戏谑露骨的"笑"果,尤有独到的见解. 巴氏以为,

farce: n.1:闹剧,滑稽戏 2.滑稽,幽默 3.可笑的行为(或情景)

detached: a.1.独立的,分离的,不连接的 2.公正的,超然的 3.淡漠的 | farce: n.1.闹剧,滑稽戏 2.滑稽,幽默 3.可笑的行为(或情景) | be inclined to: 倾向于...的;赞成...的


Bahadur大人,阁下 | farceur 闹剧作家,滑稽演员 | chauffeur 司机

slapstick comedy:闹剧

闹剧 (SLAPSTICK COMEDY) 取法粗鲁、带攻击性动作之喜剧,以不造成伤害的暴力行为为其重点. 英文的典故来自一副由两块木头组成的拍板. 最早出现闹剧的是卢米埃的>(1895).


闹剧slapstick | 闹剧一般地farcically | 闹铃alarum