英语人>词典>汉英 : 闷 的英文翻译,例句
闷 的英文翻译、例句

cover tightly · be tonguetied · stop speaking · shut oneself or sb. indoors · dull in sound
更多网络例句与闷相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Beyond this flood a frozen Continent Lies dark and wilde, beat with perpetual storms Of Whirlwind and dire Hail, which on firm land Thaws not, but gathers heap, and ruin seems [ 590 ] Of ancient pile; all else deep snow and ice, A gulf profound as that Serbonian Bog Betwixt Damiata and Mount Casius old, Where Armies whole have sunk: the parching Air Burns frore, and cold performs th' effect of Fire.


In the dog days of August it will be too hot and sticky.


The days, he thinks dully, are getting shorter.


"Hazy" Good ambiguous name, yesterday in a rare fog enveloped the entire City, a very silly sense of visibility below 10 meters, just go out would be a kind of very exciting feeling, in that space of the Mist stay for a long time, feeling a boring person can not see anything, can only be seen a few zero-Mist dilute the flashing lights of the cars, you do not know what the status outside the 10 meters, or even the traffic lights, you do not know what you will face is how the situation, everything is unknown, that Mende feeling may just be time for everyone to face the unknown of a mind's instinctive reaction to fear.


Are you gonna mope all night long now?


If progressive smouldering or if flaming is not observed in this retest or if the cigarette fails to smoulder its complete length, record a pass result for the smouldering cigarette test unless the test piece fails the final examination.


He has a feeling of tightness in the chest or a feeling that he is suffocating.


How do you think it makes me feel when you say it's OK, in that sullen tone?


A 46-year-old woman, known to have radiation enteritis with chronic diarrhea and associated malabsorption syndrome, presented to the outpatient department complaining of severe tingling of recent onset in her hands and feet. The patient had a past history of hypocalcemic tetany 18months previously, but serum calcium had since remained normal on therapy with 1α-hydroxycholecalciferol, 0.75μg daily, plus oral calcium supplements.


Feel suffocated or anxious patients to walk after a meal when a sudden feeling of palpitation, breath, chest闷痛, emergency measurement of blood pressure, if 180/100mmHg up to more than coronary insufficiency should be considered.


更多网络解释与闷相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

asphyxiate:使窒息 闷死

suffocate 窒息而死 把死 | asphyxiate 使窒息 死 | sneeze 打喷嚏


choker /使窒息的人/窒息物/宽领带/ | chokey /窒息的/人的/拘留所/监狱/ | choking /窒息的/人的/透不过气来的/哽/

disconsolateness:悲伤; 愁闷; 阴暗 (名)

disconsolately 悲伤地; 令人不快地; 凄凉地 (副) | disconsolateness 悲伤; 愁; 阴暗 (名) | disconsolation 悲伤; 愁; 阴暗 (名)


frowardly /顽固地/固执地/刚复地/ | frowst /不通气/人的空气/居室内/ | frowsty /的/肮脏的/


smoky quartz 烟水晶 | smolder 熏烧;烧;火 | smooth combustion 稳定燃烧

suffocate t:使窒息, 噎住, 闷熄 i. 被闷死, 窒息, 受阻

1771. sue t. 控告, 向...请求, 请愿 | 1772. suffocate t. 使窒息, 噎住, 熄 i. 被死, 窒息, 受阻 | 1773. sulfa n. 磺胺类药剂

suffocating:(他胸部觉得闷闷的,好像透不过气来. )

He has nightmares occasionally.(他有时做噩梦. ) | suffocating.(他胸部觉得的,好像透不过气来. ) | He has pain in his teeth or jaw. (他的牙齿和下巴疼痛. )

suffocating:(他胸部觉得闷闷的,好象透不过气来. )

He has a dull heavy ache in the crotch.(他的胯部感到隐痛. ) | suffocating.(他胸部觉得的,好象透不过气来. ) | He has pain in his teeth or jaw. (他的牙齿和下巴疼痛. )


frowst /不通气/人的空气/居室内/ | frowsty /的/肮脏的/ | frowsy /不干净的/不整洁的/懒散的/

fire stink:闷火气味 ; 闷火臭味

"fire-refined copper","火炼精铜" | "fire stink","火气味 ; 火臭味" | "fire wall","防火墙"