英语人>词典>汉英 : 闲荡 的英文翻译,例句
闲荡 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
loiter  ·  lop  ·  maroon  ·  moon  ·  mope  ·  mopery  ·  perambulate  ·  poke  ·  putter  ·  skylark  ·  swan  ·  traipse  ·  wanton  ·  moping  ·  poked  ·  poking  ·  streel  ·  trapes  ·  gallivanting  ·  loitered  ·  loiters  ·  lopped  ·  lops  ·  marooned  ·  marooning  ·  maroons  ·  moons  ·  mopes  ·  perambulated  ·  perambulates  ·  perambulating  ·  pokes  ·  puttered  ·  puttering  ·  putters  ·  skylarked  ·  skylarks  ·  swanned  ·  swans  ·  traipsed  ·  traipses  ·  traipsing  ·  trapesed  ·  trapesing  ·  wantoned  ·  wantoning  ·  wantons

fool about · fool around · hang about · hang around · on the gad · goof off · on the loaf
更多网络例句与闲荡相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But I do not believe that even in his misery he felt that entire and unmitigated surprise, that utter revulsion of feeling that is felt when a good woman wanders away from herself, and becomes the lost creature whom her husband is bound in honour to abjure.


Bibot had a keen sense of humour, and it was well worth hanging round that West Barricade, in order to see him catch an aristo in the very act of trying to flee from the vengeance of the people.


He's at that awkward age; always hanging around on street corners.


He's at that awkward age always hanging around on street corners.


Do not dawdle. Our personnel from the ships will guide you.


They are always dawdling .


He guessed it to be a scarecrow, or a roadside shrine to Elysia, the Mother of God—crossroads were infamously strange places, and the common folk often mounted a holy relic to keep away loitering ghosts.


Why don't you get on with your work, instead of just fiddling about?


Tom, I don't like to fool around much where there's dead people.


I like to hang out at mall with my fri ds.


更多网络解释与闲荡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fool around:闲荡,浪费时间

follow up 穷追(猎物等) | fool around 闲荡,浪费时间 | fool with 玩弄;乱摆弄

fool around:闲荡,干蠢事(或无用,琐碎的事)

fly by (一架或几架飞机)在低空飞过指定地点,飞越;宇宙飞船飞近天体 | fool around闲荡,干蠢事(或无用,琐碎的事) | free market自由竞争的市场


boulderbowlder 圆石头 | boulevardier 闲荡者 | boulevardier 巴黎咖啡厅的主顾

boulevardier:经常逛林荫大道的人, 闲荡者, 花花公子

boulevard | 林荫大道 | boulevardier | 经常逛林荫大道的人, 闲荡者, 花花公子 | bouleversement | 颠覆, 推翻 混乱 骚动


boulevard /大道/ | boulevardier /巴黎咖啡厅的主顾/闲荡者/花花公子/ | boulle /镶金银的细工/


chain?associationtask链锁联想任务 | chairwarmer闲荡汉 | Chaldean占星者

dally verb:闲荡, 嬉戏

dainty noun. 精美食品; 挑剔的 | dally verb. 闲荡, 嬉戏 | damp verb. 减弱, 制止振动; 潮湿的

dawdle verb:闲荡, 虚度

daunt verb. 使胆怯, 使畏缩 | dawdle verb. 闲荡, 虚度 | deactivate verb. 使无效

hang around with:(在某处)闲荡;(和某人)厮混

488hang around(在某处)闲荡;(和某人)厮混 | 489hang around with(在某处)闲荡;(和某人)厮混 | 490hang over(威胁、危险等)临头,笼罩,迫近

loitering:闲荡 闲荡

lodge a complaint 投诉 投诉 | loitering 闲荡 闲荡 | loophole 漏洞 漏洞