英语人>词典>汉英 : 长空 的英文翻译,例句
长空 的英文翻译、例句


vast sky
更多网络例句与长空相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cetaceans are not created to decorate the immense chaotic oceans or to offer poets or littérateurs aspirations or inspirations. Nor does falconry soar towards the empyrean and scud in the firmament to demonstrate His almightiness.


At ice the person and of disobedience choose it a, the panda F-14 battleplane of the driver brushes past five vast sky toll-gates which highly stimulate, and shoot enemy's machine, battleship, tank of ruin the enemy, and the most ruthlessness BOSS.


However, if there is brotherliness in our mind ,our shadow shall not be a wandering life for long; If there is brotherliness in our mind, our strength shall break out universe.


Coquimbo people in the "Du Hang trustworthy, manufacturers' satisfactory '" business philosophy, established a "heartfelt solidarity, truth-seeking innovation, the creation of brand-name" spirit of enterprise, China entered the WTO in the wave of fighting the vast sky, the company will strive to develop into Diversified group, the type of transnational enterprise groups that in a market economy write a brilliant one.


As our Earth turns tonight, Vega, Deneb and Altair travel westward across the sky.


People devote their energy and fervency on the education investment for the great expectation and prospect of the children.


Hover is in extensive vast sky, ground to a stop in billowing 流 cloud, long breeze in穆 in穆, the eagle uses the standing alone mind the flotage in firmamental edge, through his entire life.


A believer is a bird in a cage ,a freethinker is an eagle parting the clouds with tireless wing .


Yes, Thanksgiving flowers rain, because rain nourishing his growth; goshawk Thanksgiving sky because the sky let him fly; mountain Thanksgiving earth because the earth so that he high-rise.


Goshawks to thank the sky, let it fly as the sky; mountain thanks to the earth because the earth it high ...... I thank the many, many people, but I am most grateful to those who are parents.


更多网络解释与长空相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Annabel Lee:安娜贝尔.李

>(Annabel Lee)富有音乐感和忧郁美:每当明月初上,那清晖总为我带来梦境/梦里再见我美丽的安娜贝尔.李/每当星临长空,我总感到那明亮的眼睛/它是来自我美丽的安娜贝尔.李/因此,每夜潮汐潮落,我总躺在她身边/那是我的宝贝,

be willing to change:不要死脑筋

don't procrastinate 别磨蹭 | be willing to change 不要死脑筋 | come from abundance 革命的乐观主义(感谢鹰击长空河友的指教)

Coma Berenices:后发[星]座

附图一是后发星座(Coma Berenices)附近宇宙一角,碟状光体都是和银河系类似的星系,附图二是用对红外线敏感的胶片照出来的银河图. 来自乡村的读者,一定记得月黑天晴的晚上,天上所呈现的一条银白色襟带,从天的一边横跨长空,延伸到天的另一边.


女人陶醉了是很忘我的,凄厉的惨笑撕裂长空钻(drill)入耳鼓搅拌我的脑浆-她若无其事地补妆,呲出参差的烟熏黄牙. 这里要谈一点,什么是精确?从数学的角度讲,我们可以通过严格的等价变换去验证算式的准确. 而证明>正确而精确的依据,

Far Cry 2:(孤岛惊魂2

H.A.W.X(鹰击长空) | Far Cry 2(孤岛惊魂2) | Splinter Cell: Conviction(分裂细胞 断罪)

Sneaky Homunculus:鬼祟童妖

100Shifting Sky变幻长空8E | 101Sneaky Homunculus鬼祟童妖8E | 102Spiketail Hatchling钉尾幼雏8E

Thou on whose stream, mid the steep sky's commotion:你激荡长空,乱云飞坠

Destroyer and presserver; hear, oh, hear! 破坏者,保护者,听吧... | Thou on whose stream, 'mid the steep sky's commotion, 你激荡长空,乱云飞坠 | Loose clouds like earth's decaying leaves are shedd, 如落叶;...

Dissolved in the mirrorlike transparent river:还是溶解在澄澈如镜的河中

融化在纯蓝如洗的昊天长空, Melted in the blue sky pure as if... | 还是溶解在澄澈如镜的河中. Dissolved in the mirrorlike transparent river. | 不知轻盈荡过的悠悠鸽鸣, Leisured coos of doves gently passin...

Prince of Persia:(波斯王子 奇迹)

UBISOFT(育碧) | Prince of Persia(波斯王子 奇迹) | H.A.W.X(鹰击长空)

The lights traversed the sky searching for enemy planes:灯光划破长空寻求敌人的飞机

The law does not meddle unduly with a person's private ... | The lights traversed the sky searching for enemy planes.灯光划破长空寻求敌人的飞机. | The inscription on the ancient monument was very hard...