英语人>词典>汉英 : 长满 的英文翻译,例句
长满 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
overgrow  ·  overgrowing  ·  overgrows

更多网络例句与长满相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The common or purple foxglove produces pretty flowers along a tall leafy stem called a spike.


To grow over with herbage or foliage.


Trees in full leaf .To grow over with herbage or foliage.


THE empty house, in a middle-class corner of southern California, is two storeys high and boasts a three-car garage. Roses bloom around a kidney-shaped swimming pool, which is green with algae.


Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.


After more than ten years of reforestation planning, the mountain was covered with all types of trees.


In malignant room skin tumour early phase can see something without the aid of instruments in regular or opaque dirty tier or wall have a lot of white or the gray pellet and form festival or the lamina on tier of pleurae Piece with the development of tumour change thickly long and change thickly long full pleura surface tubercle the tumour tubercle stretches room skin to all sides postpone continuing becoming movie cyst lungs uses the person The cellar is getting smaller as shrinking more and makes to be put into much trouble inclining a chest wall subside.


I had crossed a marshy tract full of willows, bulrushes, and odd, outlandish, swampy trees; and I had now come out upon the skirts of an open piece of undulating, sandy country, about a mile long, dotted with a few pines, and a great number of contorted trees, not unlike the oak in growth, but pale in the foliage, like willows.


It was 4km long, held a throwing stick, was bearded and had a penis which was estimated to be 200m in length.


It was 4km long, held a throwing stick, was bearded and had a penis which was estimated to be 200m in length.


更多网络解释与长满相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Be covered with moss:长满绿苔

cover the table with a cloth把桌子铺上台布 | be covered with moss长满绿苔 | be covered with snow all the year round终年积雪

canebrake:藤丛, 甘蔗丛, 长满藤或竹的地区

Canea | 干尼亚(克里特之首府) | canebrake | 藤丛, 甘蔗丛, 长满藤或竹的地区 | Canela sassafras | 巴西黄樟

choke up with:塞满, 长满

choke stone | 填缝石 拱顶石 | choke up with | 塞满, 长满 | choke up | 闷住, 噎住, 阻塞

fill with pith:长满了木髓

fill with dense protein 充满浓厚的蛋白质 | fill with pith 长满了木髓 | fill yard 填方数量

freckled face:长满雀斑的脸

11) 泪珠布满的脸 tear-stained face | 12) 长满雀斑的脸 freckled face | 13) 麻脸 pock-marked face


overgrow 长得过大 | overgrow 长满 | overgrownwithweeds 芜

overgrow with:长满了

overground 地上的 | overgrow with 长满了 | overgrow 长满


overgrow 长满 | overgrown 长满 | overgrowth 繁茂

bed dul bed dongs bed ghob renx:长满了山谷长满了山巅

rut ub rut nongs jid dux zhangl,风调雨顺,节节拔高, | bed dul bed dongs bed ghob renx.长满了山谷长满了山巅. | ndut mlob mex jul roul gab gat,常青树上有了喜鹊,

weevilly:长满象鼻虫的 (形)

weevil 象鼻虫之类 (名) | weevilly 长满象鼻虫的 (形) | weevily 生满象甲的 (形)