英语人>词典>汉英 : 镇痛剂 的英文翻译,例句
镇痛剂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
anodyne  ·  demulcent  ·  analgetic  ·  analgesics  ·  antalgic

更多网络例句与镇痛剂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On that side, those large steel vats are processing poppy extracts into what will become painkillers and anaesthetics.


Remind you that one: At that time her husband's comfort and encouragement is the best analgesic.


The metabolization of almond essence oil inside human body child is natural anodyne.


Herb widely distributed in tropics and subtropics used for forage and medicinally as a demulcent and having a fine soft bast stronger than jute; sometimes an aggressive weed.


Methods: After the model of acute soft tissue injury was established, all the rabbits were randomly divided into the treatment group and the control group. The following indexes were observed before and after the treatment: the changes of swelling and ecchymosis, the plasma viscosity, and the changes in histology and morphology.


Meta-analyses showed that there were statistical differences between metronidazole and placebo in pain after hemorrhoidectomy and the use of an additional dose of analgesia.

Meta 分析结果显示,甲硝唑组减轻痔切除术后疼痛效果优于安慰剂组,额外服用镇痛剂剂量少于对照组,同时可有效减轻患者术后第一次排便的疼痛分数。

Alexander Wong Hoi-tang, 39 —— once an outgoing sports lover who ran a renovation business —— has been in a coma since being given an injection of the painkiller lignocaine at Queen Mary Hospital on July 7, 1993, when he was admitted with chest pains.


Alexander Wong Hoi-tang, 39 —— once an outgoing orts lover who ran a renovation busine —— has been in a coma since being given an injection of the painkiller lignocaine at Queen Mary Ho ital on July 7, 1993, when he was admitted with chest pai .


Application of surgical flap in mastoidectomy[J].


Cancer treatments and strong pain killers like morphia can also cause itchness itchiness


更多网络解释与镇痛剂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


anal vein 臀脉 | analgesic 镇痛剂 | analog 相似体

analgesic drug:止痛药

analgesic agent 镇痛剂 | analgesic drug 止痛药 | analgesics 镇痛剂

analgesic agent:镇痛剂

analgesic activity 镇痛作用 | analgesic agent 镇痛剂 | analgesic drug 止痛药

Pain killer:镇痛剂

pain 痛苦 | pain-killer 镇痛剂 | pained 痛的


圣域( Sacred )这款来自英国 Ascaron 娱乐公司的动作 RPG 游戏依然套用了传统公式,但是..镇痛剂(Painkiller)试玩版(2004年6月12日新增)>是一款非常简单的游戏,但是它将许多非常好的因素很好的结合在了一起,

narcotic painkiller:麻醉镇痛剂

narcotic painkiller: 麻醉镇痛剂 | shallow breathing: 呼吸急促 | get hitched: 结婚


analgesic 止痛剂;镇痛剂 | analgetic 止痛剂;镇痛剂 | analog 类似物


analgesic drug 止痛药 | analgesics 镇痛剂 | anesthetics 麻醉剂


methacrylic 甲基丙酸烯 | methadon 镇痛剂 | methane 甲烷


适用于尿中麻醉镇痛剂杜冷丁(pethidine)及代谢物的检测及确证. 检出限:采用SCAN方式,检出限为50纳克/微升. ...本方法采用气相色谱分离/质谱法(GC/MSD)测定尿样中麻醉镇痛剂及代谢物. 适用于尿中麻醉镇痛剂镇痛新(pentazocine)及代谢物的检测及确证.