英语人>词典>汉英 : 错误表现 的英文翻译,例句
错误表现 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与错误表现相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A condition existing within or at the output of a computing element that causes a substantial computing error because of the saturation of one or more of the parts of the computing element in an analog computer.


Interlanguage transfer, phonological universals and over-generalization are considered to cause the formation of phonological errors. Phonological errors take the following five forms: elision, addition, substitution, misplaced stress and over-precision.


He raised new concepts of the existence of"two exploiting classes","political class","bureaucratic class"and"bourgeoisie inside CCP".He regardeddifferent academic viewpoints,ideological conflicts,the normal intraparty ideologicalstruggles and diverged opinions all as the fierce performance of class struggle.Thirdly,he misunderstood the transitional period and the relations between class struggle andeconomic construction.


Lief between real people and doll had no significant difference.


We just ran into the wrong matchup at the wrong time, and performed poorly while doing it.


For those students who made errors, the type 9 was found to be the most difficult case. Type 2's have shown good results in other concepts. And type 8 students have performed the poorest in the aspect of equivalence fraction, but did better in simple fraction concepts.


Results: Compared with sham operation group, the ability of vascular dementia model mouse for learning and memory reduced, which showed extending the time for swimming the whole process, and increasing times of mistakes, and the activity of SOD in hippocamp was decreased and the content of MDA was increased(P.01). Compared with model group, Danggui Shaoyao-San could make the time for swimming the whole process shorten and times of mistakes decreased, and increase the activity of SOD and decrease the content of MDA in hippocamp, which were excellent than that of contrast medicine.


Resultsthe ability of vascular dementia model mouse for learning and memory reduced, which showed extending the time for swimming the whole process, and increasing times of mistakes; the content of cgrp and ss in hippocamp reduced. dangguishaoyao-san could make the time for swimming the whole process shorten and times of mistakes decreased, and increase the content of cgrp and ss in hippocamp, which were excellent than that of contrast medicine.


Later studies know that this kind of error in performance accounts for little, most of which are intralingual errors. As a result, error analysis appears in late 60"s and early 70"s, whose foundation is cognitive psychology. It regards errors as a sign of progress in foreign language learning.


Despite the popularity of school spelling bee competitions, adults in the US fared poorly in a survey comparing how English speakers on both sides of the Atlantic deal with commonly misspelt words.


更多网络解释与错误表现相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


[26]另外,布瓦耶(Boyer)也认为,沉默本身只不过是不诚实的表现,要构成诈欺,必须沉默是违法的. 在A负有说明义务的情形,A因义务违反而具备违法性. 至于是否是由于A的沉默引起B错误,则并不重要. [27]


.错误选项(distractor) 是在多项选择题中,紧随在题干后面的不正确选项. .评价(evaluation) 教师使用的那些测量. .展示(exhibition) 在受众以及那些要对表现做出评估的人面前,进行的一种公众表演.

System fault:系统缺陷

系统错误(System error) 不符合其原始系统规格之所有系统表现行为系统缺陷(System fault) 非正确的系统状态A. 缺陷预防(Fault avoidance)B. 缺陷侦测与移除(Fault detection and removal)机率,这种缺陷侦测与移除技术如系统测试 (system testing) 与除错C.



Perfect Match:完全配对

其主要为利用光罩法(Photolithography)在玻璃或矽晶片上直接合成特定序列的寡核甘酸,再以标记萤光分子的核酸(实验及对照组)与之杂交,并分析完全配对(Perfect match)与错误配对(Mismatch)的寡核甘酸杂交讯号差异,以计算基因表现的强度及差异.


仿真器致力于模仿系统的外在表现、行为,而不是模拟系统的抽象模型. 请参阅仿真和模拟词条. 仿真器(emulator)常被翻译为"模拟器(simulator)",这是过去的翻译错误造成的. 现已约定俗成. 请参阅模拟器词条.

ups and downs:起起伏伏

高尔夫球道上的起起伏伏(ups and downs)反映人生的起起落落,球员在球场上面对不利状况时的反应也如同人生的写照. 在球场上一洞打坏了?在下一洞补救回来或就任情势继续坏下去而毁掉全部剩余的球洞的表现?那在人生中作了错误的决定呢?


1.Lyster and Ranta(1997)提出了"领会(uptake)"的术语,意指学习者在教师纠正其错误后的反应,即学习者在下一轮话语中的行为. 他们认为"领会"表现了学习者利用教师的反馈做了些什么. 尽管他们在实验中发现了许多重铸(recast)的情况,

warm up:预热

故障现象 扫描过程中断,报1012故障代码,ERP提示灯丝选择错误,灯丝控制板的DS11黄灯亮,系统控制板上灯丝错误DS6灯亮. 这种现象最初表现为偶然中断,到一段时间后越来越频繁,一个病人的扫描都难以完成,甚至在开机预热(Warm up)也要中断几次.

lexical hedges:表现形式

词汇错误:Lexical Errors | 表现形式:lexical hedges | 词义分析:lexical analysis