英语人>词典>汉英 : 错误行为 的英文翻译,例句
错误行为 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

mis-action · failure of good behavior
更多网络例句与错误行为相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The DEA denies any wrongdoing or involvement in Bolivian politics.

DEA 否认任何错误行为或任何参与玻利维亚整治的行为。

In fact, human beings have realized that their acts would be wrong to cause serious damage to nature.


But traditional model checkers give users a single counterexample, chosen from the set of faulty behaviors. So it's also necessary to study how to give the user access to the entire set.


When I sleep at night because of daytime sleep at night for wrongful conduct, the next day was barely dawn, I climbed up on a grunt's found a grandmother and to recognize the errors and I can not speak out after listening to my grandmother's account After the loving hand touched my head with a smile said to me:"My child, you need to know a man must be honest, honesty is a bridge of friendship, it makes you a good friend all over the world, you know!"


This is 1 kind to breach discipline, freedom the false behavior of the desultoriness.


Is It Diverting Attention From Own Misdeeds?


To intentionally weaken the dollar to gain some illusory trade advantage is a fool's errand.


Talking with his son, the old man was the forgiver of the young man's past wrong doings.


Since, moreover, for God and the amendment of our kingdom and for the better allaying of the quarrel that has arisen between us and our barons, we have granted all these concessions, desirous that they should enjoy them in complete and firm endurance forever, we give and grant to them the underwritten security, namely, that the barons choose five and twenty barons of the kingdom, whomsoever they will, who shall be bound with all their might, to observe and hold, and cause to be observed, the peace and liberties we have granted and confirmed to them by this our present Charter, so that if we, or our justiciar, or our bailiffs or any one of our officers, shall in anything be at fault towards anyone, or shall have broken any one of the articles of this peace or of this security, and the offense be notified to four barons of the foresaid five and twenty, the said four barons shall repair to us (or our justiciar, if we are out of the realm) and, laying the transgression before us, petition to have that transgression redressed without delay.


For our purposes we may say that there are two justifications of punishment. What we may call the retributive view is that punishment is justified on the grounds that wrongdoing merits punishmentIt is morally fitting that a person who does wrong should surfer in Proportion to his wrongdoing .


更多网络解释与错误行为相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


criminality /犯罪/有罪/犯罪行为/ | criminally /错误地/犯罪地/ | criminate /使负罪/定罪/责备/


正直、道德规范(ethics)指个人或个人所在机构的正确与错误行为的相关标准. 个人道德规范和行为准则为决定特定情况下的是非判断提供了基础. 职业道德标准是建立在社会标准之上的,而且大多数行业形成了与社会标准一致的行为准则.

page fault:分页错误

在传统的虚拟记忆体系统中,当发生了分页错误(page fault)的时候,被取代的主记忆体页(main memory page)将会整个被写回储存媒体中. 然而,经过观察后发现,这种行为往往导致了许多不必要的写入动作,也增加了不必要的电源消耗. 因此,

Herding Behavior:从众行为

另外,遗憾理论还指出,投资者为了避免由于做出了一个错误决定而后悔,经常会采取从众行为(Herding Behavior)和追随行为. 他们认为,买一只大家都看好的股票,即使股价下跌也没什么,因为错的不止自己一个. 而如果自作主张买入一只市场形象不佳的股票,


misbehaviour 行为无礼貌 | misbelief 错误的信仰 | misbeliever 信仰错误者

make up for a misdeed:弥补某种错误行为

养儿育女的价值观 the value of child rearing | 弥补某种错误行为 make up for a misdeed | 回想起来 in retrospect

make up for a misdeed:弥补错误行为

18.生儿育女 child-bearing and child-rearing | 19.弥补错误行为 make up for a misdeed | 20.独立思考 think for oneself

making up for a misdeed:弥补某种错误行为

育儿观 a value of child rearing | 弥补某种错误行为 making up for a misdeed | 回想起来 in retrospect

Unfriendly Behavior:不友善行为

Unexpected Behavior,意外行为; | Unfriendly Behavior,不友善行为; | Description:错误描述,需要写清复现错误的步骤,以利于解决.


written test;笔试;; | wrongdoing;错失行为;; | wrongful act;不法行为; 错误行为;;