英语人>词典>汉英 : 错误的描写 的英文翻译,例句
错误的描写 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与错误的描写相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For many Germans, the experience of reading the unvarnished awfulness of their own, their parents' or grandparents' wartime experiences was cathartic.


Based on a best-selling novel by Ian McEwan , A t onement is the story of a teenage d girls - an aspiring writer - who changes several lives when she wrongly accuses her sister's of fiancé crime.

根据 Ian McEwan 的畅销小说拍摄的《赎罪》,描写了一个年轻女孩,同时也是一个极有抱负的作家,在她错误地将她姐姐的未婚夫控告有罪后,改变了很多人人生的故事。

Chapter one is "Introduction". On the basis of summarizing the history of the study of the pictophonetic characters, we suppose some theoretical principle, such as the principle of the correspondence between the form and the meaning of the individual graph of Chinese characters, the principle of the total graphs of Chinese characters being a character-formation system, and the principle of the optimum development of the character -formation system in the history, and som analytic methods, such as the methods of structrue-function analysis, form-position analysis and meaning factor analysis, in the study of the pictophonetic characters. Chapter two is titled"General knwledge of the pictophonetic character." We discuss their origins, nature and some standards of distingnishing them, introduce the knowledge about the editions of SHUO WEN JIE ZI, analyse the functions of the modules of pictophonetic characters in detail, discuss concretely the function of phonetic graphs showing origins and pronunciations, the function of meaning graphs showing meanings and analogies, and the function of distinguishment when the two kinds of graphs are conbined. Chapter three is"The system of meaning graphs of Xiao Zhuan system."After we describe the structure of the meaning graph system, the relations between meaning graphs, the distributions of the function of meaning graphs showing meanings, and the frequency of all this kind of graphs, we get a table of all meaning graphs, a table of the frequency. Chapter four is"The system of phonetic graphs of Xiao Zhuan system."We describe the structure of the phonetic graph system, the relations between phonetic graphs, and between their function showing origins and their function showing pronunciations, and their frequency, then we get ageneral table of phonetic graphs and table of their frequency. Chapter five is "conclusion". We think that systematical methodology is useful in describing and analysing the formation system of Chinese characters. The methodology is adaptable in describing the formation system of modern Chinese characters as well as the historical character systems, adaptable in describing horizontally as well as comparing vertically. Only when we finish the systematical vertical compare on the base of systematical horizontal decription, could we know the true history of the system of Chinese characters, recover the rule of the system's development, and supply the theoretical supports for the scientifical arrangement of modern Chinese characters.


Rather than deconstruct our culture's romanticized vision of Dillinger as a handsome populist hero, Mann adds to the gangster's puffed-up Robin Hood image, photographing Depp lovingly at every turn and filling the story with unsubtle nods to the character's altruistic side. It's a missed opportunity.

Mann不去解构我们文化中夸大潇洒的平民英雄Dillinger的观点,而是去加深黑帮分子神气十足的Robin Hood式的形象,在每一个环节都把Depp拍得很可爱,不小心地使故事填充着不细致的错误,这些错误就是描写Dillinger利他主义方面。

更多网络解释与错误的描写相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

errant: a.1:漫游的,漂泊的 2.偏离正道的,迷途的 3.犯错误的,不正确的,离格的

be portrayed as: v.描绘成...,描写成...,描述成... | errant: a.1.漫游的,漂泊的 2.偏离正道的,迷途的 3.犯错误的,不正确的,离格的 | depraved: a.堕落的,腐化的,道德败坏的


我想要和大家分享一下.勘误文章是这样写的(黑体字 部分是我特意标出来的): "上周一的头版有一篇文章, 描写一些在英国比赛的骑着独轮车 (unicycles)的小丑.原文错误地把他们说成了骑着"独角兽" (unicorns)的小丑." 独角兽并不存在,