英语人>词典>汉英 : 锁骨下肌 的英文翻译,例句
锁骨下肌 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

musculi subclavius
更多网络例句与锁骨下肌相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Background: Sclenus anticus syndrome is a disease caused by scalene anterior muscle edema, proliferation and spasm, lifted the first rib, resulted in scalenus muscle interspaces constriction, crushed the brachial plexus and subclavicalar A.V.


Introduce the needle into the center of the triangle formed by the two lower heads of the sternomastoid and the clavicle, aiming toward s the ipsilateral nipple.


Aspiration of the subdeltoid bursa and AC joint yielded some fluid and a small piece of white material, which demonstrated monosodium urate by polarized microscopic study.

细针抽取三角肌下滑液囊和肩峰锁骨关节得到分别得到一些液体和一小点白色物质。在极光显微镜下显现monosodium urate。

Objective To observe the results of restoration of shoulder abduction by spinal accessory nerve transfer which was sectioned infraclavicularly to repair the suprascapular nerve in avulsed brachial plexus injury .


To systematicallyinvestigate this landmark, we conducted a study in four phases:1 Two blindfolded examiners determined the distance betweenthe tuberosity's medial border and the clavicle's lateral endin 100 dried clavicles and then 2 performed subclavian veincannulation in 20 fresh human cadavers using the tuberosityand the suprasternal notch as landmarks. 3 Three-dimensionalreconstructions of the subclavian artery and vein and surroundingstructures were derived from computed tomography datasets of10 patients. The length of the path of a virtual subclavianvein cannulation with the deltoid tuberosity landmark was measuredbilaterally. 4 In a prospective, randomized trial, subclavianvein cannulation was performed in 60 patients with a standardapproach or with the deltoid tuberosity as landmark.

为系统地研究这个解剖标志,作者将本研究分为四个阶段:1 双盲检查100个干燥的锁骨测量其三角肌粗隆内侧缘至锁骨侧面末端的距离;2 在20具新鲜的尸体上以三角肌粗隆和胸骨上切迹为标志进行锁骨下静脉穿刺;3 利用 CT 所获取的数据资料对10个病人的锁骨下动脉和静脉以及周围结构进行三维重建,测量两侧以三角肌粗隆为标志的虚拟锁骨下静脉置管路径的长度;4 选择60例病人以标准路径或三角肌粗隆为标志进行锁骨下静脉穿刺的前瞻性随机试验研究。

To systematicallyinvestigate this landmark, we conducted a study in four phases:1 Two blindfolded examiners determined the distance betweenthe tuberosity's medial border and the clavicle's lateral endin 100 dried clavicles and then 2 performed subclavian veincannulation in 20 fresh human cadavers using the tuberosityand the suprasternal notch as landmarks. 3 Three-dimensionalreconstructions of the subclavian artery and vein and surroundingstructures were derived from computed tomography datasets of10 patients. The length of the path of a virtual subclavianvein cannulation with the deltoid tuberosity landmark was measuredbilaterally. 4 In a prospective, randomized trial, subclavianvein cannulation was performed in 60 patients with a standardapproach or with the deltoid tuberosity as landmark.

为系统地研究这个解剖标志,作者将本研究分为四个阶段:1 双盲检查100个乾燥的锁骨测量其三角肌粗隆内侧缘至锁骨侧面末端的距离;2 在20具新鲜的尸体上以三角肌粗隆和胸骨上切迹为标志进行锁骨下静脉穿刺;3 利用 CT 所获取的资料资料对10个病人的锁骨下动脉和静脉以及周围结构进行三维重建,测量两侧以三角肌粗隆为标志的虚拟锁骨下静脉置管路径的长度;4 选择60例病人以标准路径或三角肌粗隆为标志进行锁骨下静脉穿刺的前瞻性随机试验研究。

Its insertion was mainly composed of tendinous tissue, which was spaned by the lower trunk of brachial plexus.


Basing on the setup of animal model of root avulsion of the brachial plexus, we divided the experimental animal into four groups by the operative method: Group A: one end of the maternal nerve graft was connected with the upper trunk of the healthy side by end-to-side neurorrhaphy, and the other end was sutured to the distal stump of musculocutaneous nerve infraclevicularly by end-to-end neurorrhaphy. Goup B: on the healthy side, the operation was the same, the other end was sutured to the distal end of C〓 by end-to-end neurorrhaphy on the affected side. Group C: the maternal nerve graft bridged the phrenic nerve and infraclevicular musculocutaneous nerve of the affected side by end-to-end neurorrhaphy. Group D: the phrenic nerve was sutured to the distal end of C〓 supraclevicularly by end-to-end neurorrhaphy.


更多网络解释与锁骨下肌相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

subclavian groove:锁骨下肌沟

13030 锁骨体 shaft of clavicle | 13031 锁骨下肌沟 subclavian groove | 13032 肩峰端 acromial end

subscapular m:肩胛下肌

subclavian artery 锁骨下动脉 59 | subscapular m.肩胛下肌 27 | sufentanil 苏芬太尼 46

clavipectoral triangle:锁骨胸肌三角

02056 锁骨下窝 infraclavicular fossa | 02057 锁骨胸肌三角 clavipectoral triangle | 02058 胸肌区 pectoral region

infraclavicular fossa:[锁骨下窝]

锁骨下窝(infraclavicular fossa)(左、右) 为锁骨下方的凹陷部,下界为第3肋骨 下缘. 相当于两肺上叶肺尖的下部. 肩胛上区(suprascapular regl'cm)(左、右) 为肩胛冈以上的区域,其外上界为斜方 肌的上缘. 相当于上叶肺尖的下部.

infraclavicular triangle:锁骨下窝

胸骨(前)区 sternal region | 锁骨下窝 infraclavicular triangle | 锁骨胸肌三角 clavipectoral triangle


styloglossus | 茎舌肌 | stylohyoid | 茎舌骨肌 | subclavius | 锁骨下肌

brachial plexus block by subclavicular route:经锁骨下路臂丛神经阻滞

brachial plexus block by interscalene route 斜角肌间法臂丛神经阻... | brachial plexus block by subclavicular route 经锁骨下路臂丛神经阻滞 | brachial plexus block by supraclavicular route 锁骨上法臂丛神经...


stylohyoid | 茎舌骨肌 | subclavius | 锁骨下肌 | subscapularis | 肩胛下肌

Musculus subclavius:锁骨下肌

锁骨下动脉 - Arteria subclavia | 锁骨下肌 - Musculus subclavius | 锁骨下静脉 - Vena subclavia

M. subclavius:锁骨下肌

锁骨下动脉 - Arteria subclavia | 锁骨下肌 - M. subclavius | 锁骨下静脉 - Vena subclavia