英语人>词典>汉英 : 锁骨上的 的英文翻译,例句
锁骨上的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与锁骨上的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods: The sign object was put at each acromial end and clavicle end of normal acromioclavicular joint. And then acromioclavicular joint was tested the locations in abducetion+superduct 、 endoduction 、 anteflexion 、 post-extention 、 external and interior rotation by using 3D- laser scanning camera .Computer calculate the rotation of the two sign objects in x 、 y 、 z axis(x delegate clavicle axis,y delegate coronal section ,z delegate sagittal axis).


He received total excision of tumor mass, and the nasal defect was restored with a full-thickness skin graft from the left supra-clavicle region. Thirteen months follow-up, the patient was satisfied with the surgical result.


Objective:To compare the clinical effects of brachial plexus nerve block performed with peripheral nerve stimulator or paresthesia technique.


We concludethat USG infraclavicular block is at least as rapidly executedas USG supraclavicular block and produces a similar degree ofsurgical anesthesia without supplementation.

USG 锁骨下阻滞至少与 USG 锁骨上阻滞一样迅速完成并且产生相似的不需加药的麻醉效果。

The infraclavicular and the AXIS approach can be substitutes for the supraclavicular approach. Considering the relative high incidence of pneumothorax, the infraclavicular approach should be paid more attention.


Objective To evaluate the feasibility of a new supraclavicular approach for percutaneous subclavicular vein catheterization in children and infants.


Ultrasound examination can increase the detectable rates of supraclavicular lymph node metastasis of lung cancer as comparing with palpation.


Supraclavicular Approach Is an Easy and Safe Method of Subclavian Vein Catheterization Even in Mechanically Ventilated Patients: Analysis of 370 Attempts.


Occasionally he closes his eyes...just for a second...to drift into a daydream...as he trudges down the straight and easy road to the county town of Malong in Yunnan.


Basing on the setup of animal model of root avulsion of the brachial plexus, we divided the experimental animal into four groups by the operative method: Group A: one end of the maternal nerve graft was connected with the upper trunk of the healthy side by end-to-side neurorrhaphy, and the other end was sutured to the distal stump of musculocutaneous nerve infraclevicularly by end-to-end neurorrhaphy. Goup B: on the healthy side, the operation was the same, the other end was sutured to the distal end of C〓 by end-to-end neurorrhaphy on the affected side. Group C: the maternal nerve graft bridged the phrenic nerve and infraclevicular musculocutaneous nerve of the affected side by end-to-end neurorrhaphy. Group D: the phrenic nerve was sutured to the distal end of C〓 supraclevicularly by end-to-end neurorrhaphy.


更多网络解释与锁骨上的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

axillary fossa:腋窝

三、自然陷窝和解剖区域 腋窝(axillary fossa)(左、右) 为上肢内侧与胸壁相连的凹陷部. 胸骨上窝(suprasternal f(3ssa) 为胸骨柄上方的凹陷部,正常气管位于其后. 锁骨上窝(supraclavicular fossa)(左、右) 为锁骨上方的凹陷部,

cervical plexus:颈丛

1.颈丛(cervical plexus) 由颈神经1-4的前支组成,位于中斜角肌和肩胛提肌的前方,胸锁乳突肌上部的深面. 颈丛发出皮支和肌支,皮支主要有枕小神经、耳大神经、颈皮神经、锁骨上 神经等. 这些神经分布于枕部、耳廓周围、颈前部、锁骨区等皮肤.



supraclavicular fossa:[锁骨上窝]

锁骨上窝(supraclavicular fossa)(左、右) 为锁骨上方的凹陷部,相当于两肺上叶 肺尖的上部. 锁骨下窝(infraclavicular fossa)(左、右) 为锁骨下方的凹陷部,下界为第3肋骨 下缘. 相当于两肺上叶肺尖的下部. 肩胛上区(suprascapular regl'cm)(左、右) 为肩胛冈以上的区域,

manubrium sterni:胸骨柄

(1)胸骨柄(manubrium sterni) 位于胸骨的上部,外形略呈六角形. 胸骨柄上缘中部为颈静脉切迹,在成人约平第二胸椎下方的椎间盘,上缘两外侧的卵圆形关节面,称为锁骨切迹,与锁骨的胸骨端相连接,下缘与胸骨体相连. (2)胸骨体(corpus sterni) 胸骨的中间部分,

sternocleidomastoid muscle:胸锁乳突肌

①胸锁乳突肌和锁骨上皮肤皱褶:胸锁乳突肌(sternocleidomastoid muscle)与颈根部软组织在两肺尖内侧形成外缘锐利、均匀致密的阴影. 锁骨下皮肤皱褶为与锁骨下缘平行的3mm~5mm宽的薄层软组织影,系锁骨上皮肤及皮下组织的投影. ①肋骨:肋骨后段呈水平向外走行,

brachiocephalic vein:头臂静脉

上经胸廓上口与颈部相通,底为膈.1.胸腺(thymus) 观察上纵隔前部的胸腺,儿童时期较发达,成年时期退化成脂肪组织.2.头臂静脉(brachiocephalic vein)和上腔静脉(superior vena cava) 在锁骨内侧端后面颈内静脉与锁骨下静脉汇合成头臂静脉,

infraclavicular fossa:[锁骨下窝]

锁骨下窝(infraclavicular fossa)(左、右) 为锁骨下方的凹陷部,下界为第3肋骨 下缘. 相当于两肺上叶肺尖的下部. 肩胛上区(suprascapular regl'cm)(左、右) 为肩胛冈以上的区域,其外上界为斜方 肌的上缘. 相当于上叶肺尖的下部.

sternoclavicular joint:胸锁关节

(X光、断层扫描、磁共振的)检查发现,右边锁骨上、紧邻胸锁关节(sternoclavicular joint)处有一个裂缝. 这也是造成我在Assen和Donington剧痛不已的元凶. 我已经跟Porcellini医师(2003年帮我动锁骨手术的专科医师)和Costa医师讨论过,会继续进行物理治疗.

suprasternal notch:胸骨上切迹

5-2c胸部体表标线与分区侧面删 一、骨骼标志 胸骨上切迹(suprasternal notch) 位于胸骨柄的上方. 正常情况下气管位于切迹 正中. 胸骨柄(manubrium sterni) 为胸骨上端略呈六角形的骨块. 其上部两侧与左右锁骨 的胸骨端相连接,下方则与胸骨体相连.