英语人>词典>汉英 : 铺陈的 的英文翻译,例句
铺陈的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与铺陈的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As far as the content and style are concerned,Xin's theme contains wide scope,some are to express the emotion,some are to intone the nature,some are to describe the fact. As for the style,his poems are more rich and colorful than others,some are circumbendibus,some are minuteness,some are generosity.


In restless dreams I walked alone,narrow street of cobblestone.


He also composed verse letters, elegies, epithalamia, and epigrams; they were published after his death as Songs and Sonnets.


The author is able to attract the students' attention in terms of writing and foreshadowing.


Creative background vocals and thinly voiced honky-tonk piano. The contrast between the sweet lyrics and the way McCartney wildly belts out the final choruses generatesa lot of power.listener in with each section's plot.

"The Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill"是一首影响我很多的作品,因为蓝侬在这首歌以一种循序渐进的方式讲述故事,逐步将听众引入各段落铺陈的情节之中。

It is possible to make any necessary changes for a model and then lay out the pattern on fabric.


I know we are not safe, locked in the lostness of the never realized yearning that can onlybe relieved in oblivion.


The overall comparison of males and females indicated that Chinese males (N=913) scored higher than Chinese females (N=965) on the following personality scales: Novelty, Diversity, Divergent Thinking, Leadership, Logical Orientation, Enterprise, and Internal Locus of Control; and Chinese females scored higher on Emotionality, Inferiority, Face, Veraciousness, Social Sensitivity, and Harmony.


The dinner was held beside a lake, a breezeless night made the scene more charming.


Intimate songs become in-it-together anthems, thanks to the chiming guitars, propulsive rhythms, and the emotional candor in Caws' vocals. A song like beautiful beat segues from a sparsely arranged, confessional first verse into a harmony-laden chorus and reaches multi-layered, canon-like proportions before the track fades out.

由于加入了谐音吉它,轻快的节奏还有Caws嗓音中真挚的情感,使得这些靡靡小调成为了包容兼并的美妙歌曲。beautiful beat这类的歌曲从较少编排、直白的第一段渐渐转入和谐铺陈的副歌部分,最终达到层次丰富,如同对位段的音乐部分,之后歌曲逐渐淡出。

更多网络解释与铺陈的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这款惊悚题材的冒险解谜游戏同>一样,采用了当时流行的真人实拍模式,以交互式的视频画面铺陈剧情发展. 游戏的女主角艾德丽安(Adrienne)和丈夫唐一同入住了一幢19世纪的老宅,结果丈夫受到老宅内恶灵的侵袭,精神失常,...剧情

Duke Ellington:艾灵顿公爵

>("C-JAM BLUES")是爵士乐世纪大师、作曲家和钢琴家艾灵顿"公爵"(DUKE ELLINGTON)的手笔. "JAM"在英语里是个多义词,在爵士乐里有着特定的含义,它是特指在一些小场合进行的爵士乐即兴演奏,强调其自由即兴、临场多变、随意铺陈的特点,


expatiation 铺陈 | expatiation 详细的说明 | expatiatory 详述的


expansivity 膨胀系数 | expatiation 铺陈 | expatiation 详细的说明

expatiation:详细的说明; 铺陈; 详述 (名)

expansiveness 扩展; 豪爽, 开朗; 广阔 (名) | expatiation 详细的说明; 铺陈; 详述 (名) | expatriate 亡命国外者 (名)

penny bank:扑满

扑克牌戏/penny ante | 扑满/penny bank | 铺陈的招待会/rain dance


(20)有趣的生命型态, 创造性的生命经验, 和对特立独行者的尊重, (21)乾净的生活(decent life), 寻访苍青驻足.本文将铺陈此旅程之themes如下: (1)家, 及怀乡, (2)寂寞的街灯, (3)时间, (4)速度, (5)疲倦的(weary)每一天, (6)人


amplification | 扩大 | amplificative | 扩充的铺陈的增强词义的 | amplificatory | 放大的


expatiation /详细的说明/铺陈/详述/ | expatiatory /详述的/冗长的/ | expatriate /亡命国外者/逐出国外/脱离国籍/放逐/移居国外/

ground cloth:铺地防潮布

铺陈的招待会/rain dance | 铺地防潮布/ground cloth | 铺张浪费/conspicuous waste