英语人>词典>汉英 : 钟乐 的英文翻译,例句
钟乐 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与钟乐相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The sun comes up (as always—the sun that rings us in, celestial carillon, and pounds off the days of us)—the sun comes up and the purity of its gaze gives us away: lost things, we struggle against that light and the darkness it makes so predictable.


The waltz-like rhythm used for the tune was thought to be so strange when it was first heard that people nicknamed the ;chimes Jowett's Hornpipe.


The waltz-like rhythm used for the tune was thought to be so strange when it was first heard that people nickname d the ;chimes Jowett's Hornpipe.


BCurators: Geng Jianyi, Fan Li, Shen Ligong, Yang Zhenzhong, Xu Zhen Participating artists: Chen Xiaoyun, Chu Yun, Cui Shaohan, Feng Chen, Fei Pingguo, Geng Jianyi, He An, Huang Kui, Jiang Zhuyun, Jin Feng, Jin Feng, Kan Xuan, Li Wen, Liu Wei, Peng Yun, Shao Yi, Shen Ligong, Shi Qing, Shi Yong, Sun Huiyuan, Sun Xun, Wang Xiaofeng, Wang Xin, Wu Juehui, Xu Zhen, Yang Lu, Yang Qingqing, Yang Zhenzhong, Zhang Ding, Zhang Ruyu, Zhang Lehua, Zhang Liaoyuan, Zhang Moyi, Zhang Peili, Zhang Xutao, Zhang Qing, Zheng Guogu, Zhong Su, Zhu Yu, Zhu Yun Acknowledgements: ShanghArt Gallery JNBYFINERY CO.,LTD GREAT ENTERPRISE FINERY CO.,LTD Hu Qing Yu Tang Museum of Traditional Chinese Medicine [size=5]It's all right, Contemporary Art Exhibition 2006, Hangzhou "It's all right", contemporary art exhibition, attempts to focus on dilemmas and the tactical questions they generate.

b策划人:耿建翌,范厉,沈立功,杨振忠,徐震参加艺术家:陈晓云,储云,崔绍翰,冯晨,飞苹果,耿建翌,何岸,黄奎,蒋竹韵,金锋,老金锋,阚宣,李文,刘韡,彭韫,邵一,沈立功,石青,施勇,孙慧源,孙逊,王小峰,王欣,吴珏辉,徐震,杨露,杨青青,杨振忠,张鼎,张如愚,张乐华,张辽源,张默一,张培力,张旭涛,章清,郑国谷,钟苏,朱昱鸣谢:上海香格纳画廊,杭州江南布衣服饰有限公司洪业服饰有限公司杭州胡庆余堂中药博物馆 [size=6]没事当代艺术展 2006 杭州"没事"当代艺术展试图关心一些处境,以及在处境中提问的方式。

Current, of 27 community that they already opened to be aimed at a Yu area deserve to send a service, enclothed range included Luo Xi board piece garden of laurel of green jade of Li Jianghua garden, Guangzhou abstruse garden, Guangzhou, medium the building such as Hai La bay dish, still have Zhong Cun and south village board piece garden of zoology of pray blessing new 邨, samite, austral Olympic, samite is sweet river, elegant room the building such as mountain villa of Le Jifu a person of extraordinary powers dish.


The experiment selected 20 heads of uncastrated cattle that from hybrid F.between limousin and Yanbai ox,which average weight is 203.05kg, 14-18 months old.


I am a social low-level people who are disabled, God Chuiai a wife, did ten small businesses, family harmony happy, life not always pan out, not much money, just enough life, my culture and of thought, education, music in which the children , netrose have my place, I am interested in literature, not put it down unable to extricate themselves do not read do not write unpleasant unpleasant, like in opium poisoning, this is my soul Harbor, spiritual sustenance; do not need people around them know that they do not love, In rural areas, there is no like-minded, the only clock I alone can say that I live unaffected, nothing I can not get upset, I could thoroughly understand.


A gust of wind blew, which caused my wind chimes to dance.


The wind died down. My wind chimes finally became quiet.


First of all I would like to greet affectionately the authorities and entire civil and ecclesial community of Castel Gandolfo, who, during my stay, always give me a cordial and caring reception.


更多网络解释与钟乐相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Coffee Beanery:滨乐咖啡

日前,记者在上海一家全球着名咖啡连锁店滨乐咖啡(The coffee beanery)见到九阡酒董事长钟吉刚,他表示已与滨乐结成战略联盟. "世博会为九阡酒引来了更多的全球目光,根据目前的订单情况,我们预计在世博会展出期间,该酒的销售额将达到2000万.


cardioid diagram 心形曲线图 | carillon 钟琴、钟乐 | cardioid microphone 心形传声器


7. 明亮的烛火 Lighting Candles | 8. 钟乐 Carillon | 9. 睡之歌 Slumber Song

Cornet Carillon:短号钟乐

22 Reveille 起床号 | 23 Cornet Carillon 短号钟乐 | 24 The Road To the Isles 通往小岛之路

carillon m:排钟,音韵钟,钟乐,悦耳钟声,报时钟

1219 carie f. 骨伤,龋 NULL NULL | 1220 carillon m. 排钟,音韵钟,钟乐,悦耳钟声,报时钟 NULL NULL | 1221 carlingue f. [空]座舱,短舱,壳体,[船]纵梁,内龙骨 carlingue NULL

IX. Carillon:钟乐

17: --小步舞曲VIII. Minuetto 03:31 | 18: --钟乐IX. Carillon 00:54 | 19: --摇篮曲X. Berceuse 02:16

Waking Ned:乐翻天

当他看过获得了极大赞誉的票房黑马喜剧>(Waking Ned)之后,他感觉编剧兼导演柯克钟斯(Kirk Jones)就是他要找的那个人--钟斯在影片中注入的是一种非常明显的英国风格,肯定能够完美地展现出原著那明亮、欢快的触动和深刻的情感......於是,

pentstemon:[植]钓钟柳, 元参属植物

diploid merogony 双元卵块发育 | pentstemon [植]钓钟柳, 元参属植物 | discordant 不调和的, 不和的, [乐]不悦耳的, 不和谐的

Bells, chimes and buzzers:钟、乐钟及门铃

Bedsteads, headboards and surrounds 床架、床头板及围绕物 | Bells, chimes and buzzers 钟、乐钟及门铃 | Bespoke furniture 定制家俱

Waking Ned:乐翻天

当他看过获得了极大赞誉的票房黑马喜剧<<乐翻天>>(Waking Ned)之后,他感觉编剧兼导演柯克钟斯(Kirk Jones)就是他要找的那个人--钟斯在影片中注入的是一种非常明显的英国风格,肯定能够完美地展现出原著那明亮、欢快的触动和深刻的情感......於是,