英语人>词典>汉英 : 针尖状的 的英文翻译,例句
针尖状的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与针尖状的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The condition or state of being crenate.


A small, dark, needle-shaped crystal.


Plaques of these virus strains were obviously different in size and shape. The plaques of A/Vietnam/1194/2004 (H5N1) were mainly large in size and round in shape, except for a few smaller plaques appearing punctiform in shape. While A/Beijing/01/03(H5N1) were dominated by plaques of moderate size, also mixed with a few punctiform plaques.

结果 野生的人源H5N1禽流感病毒株在空斑形成上都存在不同程度的不均一性,空斑大小、形状差异明显:A/Vietnam/1194/2004(H5N1)以大圆形斑为主,夹杂少量小点状斑。A/Beijing/01/03(H5N1)大多数为中等大小空斑,并有少数针尖状斑。

This magnification of the preceding photograph shows the small yellowish pinpoint microabscesses on the epicardia l surface.


This magnification of the preceding photograph shows the small yellowish pinpoint microabscesses on the epicardial surface.


Moreover, the damage of ionic etching and phenomenonof dilapidating cell wall could be seen. When implanted dose increased continually, thedamage to cells became more and more serious. Biological characteristics of the original strain ANO_1 and the mutant strain ANO_2were researched. Colonies appeared after ANO_2 had been cultured on standard medium for35h and ANO_1 for 25h.

通过比较原菌株 ANO_1和变异菌株 ANO_2生长特性的研究发现:原始菌株 ANO_1和变异菌株 ANO_2同时接种单菌落于含有麸皮汁的平板培养基中,变异菌株 ANO_2在平板培养基上生长缓慢,35 h 才出现针尖状菌落,而原菌株 25 h 就出现了针尖状的菌落。

The morphology of T-ZnO has a very small change at a low sintered temperature. The needle of T-ZnO sublimated vanished with the increase of sintering temperature because of Joule-Thomson effect, and ZnO particles and massive ZnO appeared.


更多网络解释与针尖状的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


点滴(guttate)这个词来源于希腊文的滴(drop). 这一类型银屑病的皮疹在全身皮肤呈针尖样的,独立的点滴状分布. 较多见于躯干和四肢,有时候也可见于头皮. 这种皮疹通常为小红点,而不象斑块型银屑病的斑疹. 这一类型的银屑病可以自发缓解,


于是将针尖状的发射体(emitter)置于玻璃制球形真空腔中心作为阴极,发射体对面玻后来才了解这是由于发生场游离(field ionization)所形成的现象. FIM 即是利用将高正


①单管吸引头图 1-26 ②套管吸引头 吸引管九,缝针(Needle) 缝针是用于各种组织缝合的器械,它由三个基本部分组成,即针尖,针体和针眼.针尖按形 状分为园头,三角头及铲头三种:针体有近园形,三角形及铲形三种.针眼是可供引线的孔,


needlelike /针状的/ | needlepoint /针尖/针绣花边/ | needlepricker /炮眼针/

aciculate:有刺的, 针状的, 粗面的

acicular | 针状的, 针尖状的 | aciculate | 有刺的, 针状的, 粗面的 | aciculiform | 针形