英语人>词典>汉英 : 金融事务 的英文翻译,例句
金融事务 的英文翻译、例句


financial affairs
更多网络例句与金融事务相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Article 2 The term "custody of an insurance company's stock assets" means an insurance company's activities of signing a custody agreement with a commercial bank or other specialized financial institution in accordance with relevant provisions of the CIRC and entrust it to keep custody of the stocks and funds for stock investment and to be responsible for clearing, settlement, assets evaluation, investment supervision, etc.

第二条 保险公司股票资产托管是指保险公司根据中国保险监督管理委员会的有关规定,与商业银行或者其他专业金融机构签订托管协议,委托其保管股票资产、负责清算交割、资产估值、投资监督等事务的行为。

BIS has attracted more attention in international financial affairs .


Mr Eldon, now chairman of the Dubai International Financial Centre, still watches the region closely and says:"There is a tussle within China over who will be the leading financial centre – and that could mean they are all kept busy on domestic matters for the foreseeable future."

现任迪拜国际金融中心(Dubai International Financial Centre)主席的埃尔敦仍在密切关注这一地区,他表示:"在谁将成为主要金融中心的问题上,中国存在着内部斗争——这或许意味着,在可预见的未来,他们都将忙于本土事务。"

He was the Head of External Division and was responsible for research on mainland China macro-economic and financial sector issues, as well as cooperation issues with the Mainland authorities.


It is now abundantly clear that China is prepared to take an active and interventionist role in international financial affairs.


Louise:Good. I wonder if you keep up-to-date with financial affairs?


No one doubted his preeminence in financial matters.


She has extensive experience in relation to international regulatory and compliance issues and had been on various secondment programmes with leading financial regulators including China Securities Regulatory Commission, the UK Financial Services Authority and Australian Securities and Investment Commission.


With the tenet of "credit, diligence, considerableness, maximization of clients' lawful rights and interest", Linnan provides both the domestic and foreign clients with all-round professional legal services, including serving as regular legal consultant, taking part in commercial negotiation, acting as agent of real estate, intellectual property rights, finance, securities, insurance, investment, merger and restructuring, bankruptcy and liquidation, marine commercial prosecution and non-litigious prosecution, etc., and acting as agent of various civil, economic, administrative actions and criminal defense, as well as other legal services.


Its main functions are in accordance with the modern financial enterprise management mode, and its members for the Group units for handling deposits and loans, clearing, bill discounting, financial and financing, the buyer credit, consumer credit, to issue or underwrite bonds, financial equity investment, lending, etc. financial services, and on behalf of Group external handle financial matters.


更多网络解释与金融事务相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Salman BASHIR:巴基斯坦驻华使馆 大使

Salmaan TASEER WorldCall Telecom Group 董事长 | Salman BASHIR 巴基斯坦驻华使馆 大使 | Salman SHAH 巴基斯坦政府 总理金融事务顾问


而对于总理的上述言论,自由党外交事务评论家李博(Bob Rae)则回应说,哈珀给美国施加一些压力,让他们早日解决金融市场的问题的做法是正确的. 然而,总理还是过于自满(complacent),加拿大的金融市场本身也有问题需要解决.


所谓金融家(Financier)在理论界是这样界定的:"从事大规模金融事务的人或这方面的专家. "本书所沿用的金融家的涵义与此大致相同,但稍有扩展,在这里,只要从事金融信贷活动的人,我们都可称之为金融家.

International Political Economy:国际政治经济学

贸易政治更多的属于我们现在倡导的"国际政治经济学" (international political economy)的研究范畴,国际政治经济学强调研究国际贸易、国际金融、国际投资与生产等的政治过程,研究不同政治力量如何影响经济事务的运作,以及政经两股势力的互动.

intra-group transactions:金融监管

事务调度:transactions scheduling | 金融监管:intra-group transactions | 公示原则:security of transactions

Underlying Security:认股权证相关的股份

摘要: 兴业投资(英国)有限公司(hyinvestment)乃兴业金融集团旗下公司,总部设在英国伦敦Throgmorton Street28号,且在全球目前有55个办事处,目前分别受到英国金融监管局,香港证券及期货事务监察委员会和迪拜金融服摘要:认股权证相关的股份 (Underlying Security) 期权合约行使时,

Obaid Humaid Al Tayer:阿拉伯联合酋长国金融事务国务部长

Obaid Humaid Al Tayer,阿拉伯联合酋长国金融事务国务部长 | Anders Borg,瑞典财政大臣 | Wouter Bos,荷兰副首相兼财政大臣

Management Occupations:管理类职业

构架装接工Truss layout and assembly workers | 1. 管理类职业Management Occupations | 2. 商业和金融事务类职业Business and Financial Operations Occupations

Beaverbrooks the Jewellers Jewellery retailer:(珠宝零售)

1 Beaverbrooks the Jewellers Jewellery retailer (珠宝零售) | 2 Edward Jones Financial services(财务/金融服务) | 3 Pannone LLP Legal practice(法律事务)