英语人>词典>汉英 : 金石 的英文翻译,例句
更多网络例句与金石相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lapis lazuli consists of Persian, Russian, or Spanish and Chilian papis lazuli.


Being the basic part of Chinese Epigraphy,Bibliography of Epigraphy provides bibliographic control of stone rubbings abundant experience and theories for reference.


This part briefly look back the history of Epigraphy and place emphasis on arranging the development situation of Epigraphy of Qing Dynasty, then on its basis to sum up the academic features of Epigraphy.


In this article, I quoted those epigraphic writings from anthology,to display how he made use of epigraph in the textual research, and some causes about his works of this aspect .


objective to search the factors of liver injury via the anit-induced liver injury in rats.methods male sprague-dawley rats,were divided into 4 groups,data were analyzed using a completely randmized factorial anova and linear correlation.results after anit intoxication,the necrosis of hepatic cell and neutrophil infiltration im periportal region of the liver were observed in liver setions.jinshisan can reduce the alt,the tbil.pla2 correlated positively with alt、akp and tbil.conclusion the severity of anit-induced liver injury correlated positively with the pla2.jinshisan can protect against the rat anit-induced liver injury.

目的 拟通过对α-萘异硫氰酸酯诱导大鼠肝损伤发病机理的探讨,对引起肝损伤的因素进行系统的研究。方法选择s-d大鼠,雄性,随机分4组,检测数据以平均值±标准差表示,采用方差分析,相关分析进行统计学处理。结果s-d大鼠经anit染毒后,病理切片显示肝损伤明显,汇管区有大量中性粒细胞浸润。经金石散及地塞米松治疗后,生化指标均有所下降,中药金石散优于地塞米松,血生化指标与pla2活性相关分析显示,呈正相关。结论 anit诱导的肝毒性损伤程度与肝组织匀浆pla2活力呈正相关,应用抑制剂降低pla2活力,肝损伤程度也减轻,中药金石散具有降低pla2活性,减轻肝毒性损伤。

His book of sphragistics, Words of sphragistic...


As well as a famous scholar in sphragistics, his status in this field no lower than that of seal carving.


His book of sphragistics, Words of sphra...


Dalian the next day after breakfast and went to Golden Pebble Beach Resort area, visit the hunting grounds, Golden Bay Golf Course, stone anchorage landscape, the Chinese martial arts location, film and television center location, stone edge, Gold Coast, explore the dinosaur Sea Beethoven's head, visit Institute of Oceanography, Valentine's Bay, by speedboat sightseeing cracking stone.


His materials about seal and engravers shows a field in history study and enlarge the resource of history, it makes the researchers pay more attention to not only documents but also inscription in studying history.


更多网络解释与金石相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


I just searched 砂金石 on google , and show that 东陵玉又称:砂金石(Aventurine) 这里所指的是绿色之东陵玉 ,它能洁净及增强身体、思想及精神的力量.

water colorist:水彩畫家文化書畫雕刻金石

11840水彩畫文化書畫雕刻金石water color | 11841水彩畫家文化書畫雕刻金石water colorist | 11842水族箱;水族館動物水產,熱帶魚aquarium

Lapis Lazuli:青金石

在公元前数千年的古埃及,青金石(Lapis Lazuli)与黄金价值相当. 在古印度、伊朗等国,青金石(Lapis Lazuli)与绿松石、珊瑚均属名贵宝石品种. 在西方,佩戴青金石被认为是富有的标志. 青金石颜色端庄,易于雕刻,至今保持着较高的声望.

Lapis Lazuli:青金石 青金石

[青金石] 青金石(Lapis lazuli)是一种较为罕有的宝石,呈蓝色的青金石古器往往甚为珍贵. 青金石[1]又称天青石,青金石是方钠石的蓝色变种. 是一种不透明或半透明的蓝色、蓝紫色或蓝绿色的准宝石,主要由天蓝石和方解石组成.

false lapis lazuli:假青金石

false lapis 假青金石,假天蓝石 | false lapis lazuli 假青金石 | false nephire 假软玉

lapis lazuli carving:青金石雕刻品

lapirium chloride 拉匹氯铵 | lapis lazuli carving 青金石雕刻品 | lapis lazuli 琉青金石

false lapis:假青金石,假天蓝石

false hyacinth 假红锆石 | false lapis 假青金石,假天蓝石 | false lapis lazuli 假青金石


金石(Lazurite)一向被视为名贵宝石,它具有诱人的靛蓝色调,并有闪金光的星点,色彩和谐美观,深得古代帝王贵族喜爱,因此古代有许多饰品用青金石制成. 我国清代"皇帝朝珠冠饰,唯天坛用青金石",可见青金石之受重视.

edging of sarcenet:綾邊文化書畫雕刻金石

55270綾裱文化書畫雕刻金石warp satin mounting | 55271綾邊文化書畫雕刻金石edging of sarcenet | 55272綾邊服飾縫紉edging of sarcenet


砂结晶;含沙晶体 sand crystal | 砂金石 avanturine | 砂金石;耀石英 aventurine