英语人>词典>汉英 : 金橘 的英文翻译,例句
金橘 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
kumquat  ·  cumquat

calamondin orange
更多网络例句与金橘相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Kumquat I very much love a child, but do not know how it is growth.


Put 3 pineapple leaves straight up the glass, with the kumquat in front of it.


Reporters Further investigations also revealed that the stalls of the kumquat is not found in other types of maggots.


ObjectiveTo study the antioxidant effect of kumquat flavonoids.


Stony Brook Village and there are nearly 20 stalls of fruit, 3 to sell a maggot in a small kumquat.


We can see there are a small kumquat, round kumquat this small like a ping-pong, its skin is yellow, very smooth, there is a faint smell of incense, sweet acid bite of it.


Reporters bought the 25 kumquat, the majority have maggots.


Owing to this, when night fell, Bai Sui's small kumquat tree became the object visited by people in admiration.


In the end of March 2005, Bai Sui of Alashan League of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China bought a pot of small kumquat tree for RMB 50 in Azuo Banner Street.


ResultsCompared with model group, the clearance rate K of charcoal particles, phagocytic index a, thymus and spleen index and ear swelling degree of 80 mg/kg.bw Fortunella crassifolia flavonoid dose group were significantly improved(P.05), and a very significant effect (P.01) was made to the HC50 value at this dose.

结果与模型对照组相比,金橘黄酮80 mg/kg·bw 剂量时,小鼠碳粒廓清指数K、吞噬指数a、胸腺和脾脏指数、耳肿胀度有显著提高(P0.05),血清溶血值(HC50)有极显著提高(P.01);金橘黄酮160 mg/kg·bw 剂量对全部试验参数的影响具有极显著性(P.01)。

更多网络解释与金橘相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


金橘--------------kumquat | 米仔兰(米兰)----------milan tree | 变叶木-------------croton

kumquat:矮牵牛:安全感、与你同心 金橘

Cordyline terminalis 红叶铁树 | 矮牵牛:安全感、与你同心 金橘--------------kumquat | 米仔兰(米兰)----------milan tree

liquorice kumquat:甘草金橘

liquorice ginger 甘草姜 | liquorice kumquat 甘草金橘 | liquorice lemon 甘草柠檬

die Kumquat:金橘

die Zitrone 柠檬 | die Kumquat 金橘 | der Pfirsich 桃子

Fortunella Swingle:金橘属(金桔属)

24. 枳属 Poncirus Raf. | 25. 金橘属(金桔属) Fortunella Swingle | 26. 柑橘属(柑桔属) Citrus Linn.


繁星花 Star cluster | 金橘 Calamondin | 柠檬 Lemon

Rutaceae Calamondin:金橘 Citrus microcarpa 芸香科

繁星花 Pentas lanceolata 茜草科 Rubiaceae Star cluster | 金橘 Citrus microcarpa 芸香科 Rutaceae Calamondin | 柠檬 Citrus 芸香科 Rutaceae Lemon

Calamondin Orange:四季橘,金橘 猫狗马

62.Caladium 贝母,彩色芋,五彩芋,彩叶芋 猫狗 | 63.Calamondin Orange 四季橘,金橘 猫狗马 | 64.California Ivy 加州艾维,加州常青藤 猫狗

Calamondin,Panama orange:四季桔,金橘

芦木 calamite | 四季桔,金橘 Calamondin,Panama orange | 白菖油 calamus oil

Fortunella margarita:金橘

(紫藤花卉苗木网) 产品名称: 金橘 (Fortunella margarita) 产品介绍: 别名: 罗浮,牛奶金柑 形态特征: 常绿灌木,多分枝,通常无刺. 叶互生,革质,椭圆状披针形,表面深绿光亮,背面散生油腺点,叶柄具狭翅. 花小,白色,单生或2-3朵簇生于叶腋,具芳香产品名称:金橘 (Fortunella margarita) 产品介绍: