英语人>词典>汉英 : 重要时刻 的英文翻译,例句
重要时刻 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与重要时刻相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Reporter CUI Xia China and Vietnam in accordance with the consensus reached by leaders in our city and the city of Hai Phong, Vietnam, after friendly consultations, last night formally signed in Shenzhen China Vietnam (Shenzhen - Haiphong) economic and trade cooperation zone Memorandum of Understanding Shenzhen Mayor Xu Zongheng, Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Hu Qianwen and ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of Hai Phong, Vietnam Zheng, mayor of common witness to the history of the Sino-Vietnamese friendship and cooperation and exchange of another important moment.


This is a very important time for our company, don't blew it .


I don't want to miss important moments because of my busyness.


Honesty only broke down at times of stress , such as Christmas - so guard the box in exam season .


Christophe Lajus, the general manager of the hotel, poses with hotel staff to celebrate the important moment.

克里斯多夫lajus ,总经理酒店,对酒店的工作人员,以庆祝的重要时刻

With the main body of the Chinese students studying in Japan, the youth clerisy played a vital role at the crucial moment o f history.


The orchestra, under the direction of Corelli, consisted of more than one hundred stringed instruments, plus trumpets and others, and the four best voices of the city sang the oratorio … for this important occasion a stage was erected on one side of the courtyard and was elaborately designed with balustrades, staircases, large twisted columns, and painted scenes representing the virtues; in the centre, at an opening in the front balustrade, was a platform for the singers.

" 10 "根据科雷利方向的乐团,超过100弦乐器组成,加上喇叭和其他人,最好的四个城市的声音唱起了这一重要时刻的舞台是在其中一个天井两侧竖立清唱剧。。。并精心设计的栏杆,楼梯,大的扭曲列和场景描绘代表的美德,在该中心,在一个开放的前栏杆,是一个歌手的平台。

America is the place in which the road culture originated. It also symbolizes the modernistic implications of Road Movies. The novel On the Road brought about fashion of being against the mainstream norms and the film Easy Rider in the sixties resulted in the spirits of Hippie. All the classic texts of Road Movies seem to be at the important points of the American history. Furthermore, sub-types of Road Movies are developed owing to different economic factors, ideologies and values. With the advancement of Hollywood film industry, Road Movies exist with various topics as well as appearances.


I believe that at these times it is important to take time for reflection. For today's graduands I think it is important to reflect on what has been gained in the achievement of your qualifications.


Are these so-called important moments or important personages then really as important as we imagine?


更多网络解释与重要时刻相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


era 历史上的重要时刻 | akin 相似的 | pound on tables 拍桌子

all things considered, it is high time that:通过以上这些陈述,现在是...的重要时刻

from my point of view, is would be better if ... 在我看来,如... | all things considered, it is high time that ... 通过以上这些陈述,现在是...的重要时刻 | we should develop our consciousness to do 我们应...

The all-important minutes in time:及时的出现在重要的时刻

And who are the Minutemen? We. Us.|谁是一分钟人? 我们 我们就是 | The all-important minutes in time.|及时的出现在重要的时刻 | Clever, right? Sort of.|很聪明 对吧? 确实


而庭院(Courtyard)里有售卖各种餐饮的小店. 这同时还有一个正式的展示画廊"窗户"(Jendela),可陈列大量视觉艺术的作品. 矗立在最高法院旁的正是建于1929年的政府大厦. 这座饱经沧桑的建筑,见证了新加坡众多历史性的重要时刻,

how crucially important this moment is:这一时刻是多么的重要

I just want to impress upon you...|我只是想提醒... | ...how crucially important this moment is...|这一时刻是多么的重要 | ...and how many potentially devastating consequences...|还有 计划之外的过激披露会...


此外对四个重要时刻:第一次见面(First meeting),订婚(Engagement),结婚(Wedding),喜筵(Reception)各精选了两张照片,贴在A4纸上,配上简短解释,附在申请表后面.

Get Over It:克服它

在里奇的帮助下,"大先生"的专辑>(Get over it)顺利的发行了,这张专辑在日本仅用了两个星期就卖了十五万张!2002年里奇.克特兹迎来了他音乐生涯中的又一个重要时刻,因为他的新专辑>(Slow)在今年年初顺利的发行了.



marriage ceremony:结婚典礼

结婚典礼(marriage ceremony)是人生的一大重要时刻,相信少男少女们都或多或少地想象过这个时刻. 不管wedding的庆典形式是世俗的,还是宗教性质的,人们通常会在结婚的时刻举行仪式,庆祝一番. 按照西方的传统,新娘在结婚的时候会身着白色的婚纱(white wedding dress),


在距开幕1000天的重要时刻(2005年11月11日晚8点),北京奥运会吉祥物"福娃"(Friendlies)诞生了. 详细请进--http://www.beijing2008.com万众瞩目的第29届奥运会将于公元2008年8月8日晚8点在中国北京开幕. 在距开幕1000天的重要时刻(2005年11月11日晚8点),