英语人>词典>汉英 : 重新掌权 的英文翻译,例句
重新掌权 的英文翻译、例句


return to power
更多网络例句与重新掌权相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She wanted me to join the board of Democrats for the 80s, a new political action committee she had formed to raise money and promote ideas to help Democrats come back into power.


It is because the Nazi leaders at that time have more important intentions at home and abroad. In interior politics, they aim at eliminating all the other political parties, establishing the Nazi dictatorship and accomplishing the"integration"of all the German people and the country mechanisms. In economy, they try to get rid of the economic crisis, provide enough job opportunities, and develop the armament industry. In diplomacy, they break loose the bondage of"Marseille contract,"rearm their army and reoccupy the lost territories, annex Austria and Sudeten, occupy strong points and prepare all the possible favorable conditions for launching the war for"Lebensraum."


But after a second plot staged a few days later succeeded, Pahlavi was allowed to return to power.


Now Daniel Ortega has been returned to power in Nicaragua having made his peace with capitalism and Catholic Church, and scandalously agreed to abortion being completely illegal.


"Its greatest emperor , Justinian (r. 527-565), reconquered some of western Europe, built the Hagia Sophia, and issued the basic codification of Roman law."


He was fortunate enough to get into the saddle again.


But when Mao Tse-tung's Communists took power in 1949, they regained control of Xinjiang and began resettling large numbers of soldiers there.


Mr. Kim's re-emergence and the related sidelining of military hard-liners helps explain why North Korea is cooling its provocations, these officials say.


Trends in Lebanon suggest a return to power, perhaps following elections scheduled for June, of pro-Syrian factions, which could either soothe Syrian fears or bolster Mr Assad's confidence that he need not change his ways.


Santa Ana said he would agree to the sale, if the United States would help him return to power.
