英语人>词典>汉英 : 重复旋律 的英文翻译,例句
重复旋律 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
counterpoint  ·  counterpointed  ·  counterpointing  ·  counterpoints

更多网络例句与重复旋律相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There is usually a 3rd -key added in the opening of the second theme, and sometimes a new theme is composed. Then, the subordinate key is reached before the end of exposition. 5 Silence of one whole bar is frequently utilized, which not only brings profound expressive significance, but also is important to the architectonics of these sonatas. 6 The harmonization in the variation, which is the method of applying different keys to the same melody, is handled in those Andante movements. By this way, the same melody appears in variable colors of harmony, which can not only avoid dull repetition, but also keep the lyrical nature and the completeness of melody. 7 Chromatic method is applied in the periods of development, and chromatic深层线条becomes the provident feature in some periods of development. 8 Atlas motive is put to use in c minor and A major sonatas, and a lot of "sigh" tones and c sharp minor are both preferred in those three sonatas. 9 The emotional factor of "wanderer" is the roots of thoughts for the intense conflict of music.

他通常在副部的开始加入一个三度的调性,有时再加入一个新主题,最后在呈示部结束之前到达属调; 5、较多地运用整小节的休止,使其不仅具有深刻的表情意义,而且在结构乐曲中起到了不可或缺的作用; 6、舒伯特在慢板乐章中运用同一旋律异调配置的和声变奏方式来构成音乐的段落,使同一个旋律在不同的和声色彩里闪现,既避免了单调的重复,又保持了旋律的抒情性和完整性; 7、展开的段落中习惯运用半音化的发展手法,半音阶式的深层线条成为某些展开段落的显著特点; 8、c小调和A大调奏鸣曲中都运用了"阿特拉斯"动机,三首奏鸣曲中运用了大量叹息的音调,并倾向于~#c小调的运用; 9、"流浪者"的情感因素是音乐强烈冲突的深刻思想根源。

Neither side King repeated the melody Meigong and pale ash, a light gray walls engrave a small hole, a straight temporarily relieve some; And placed on the King of the cobblestone-and long branches, and the full title, a simple matter to extend the realm of a deeper.


In the Latin Mass, the only words in Greek that have been preserved from the ancient liturgy are melodiously repeated: Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison (Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy).


Within popular music,"pop music" is often distinguished from other subgenres by stylistic traits such as a danceable rhythm or beat, simple melodies and a repeating structure.


A series of descending continuous notes implies the speed steeply turning from the initial fierce to gentleness, and the repeated variation form which is remotely melodic like from distant valley is conveying the mood of unrestrained freedom but hardly uncovered blue. Due to the swiftly glissando and left-handed splendid pinches, this kind of blue spreads its beauty surfing over and over.


Its opening notes sound just like an ending, a passage of apparently clinching finality, after which we are introduced to a little snippet of tune that seems stuck in its own narrow groove, unable to get anywhere. All of this is then repeated almost verbatim in another key, and then, within another bar or two, we suddenly realize that somehow, despiteall this nonactivity, we're actually off and running. These are high jinks of the very highest order.

还有这段不太为人所熟知的四重奏末乐章( http://img.slate.com/media/10/6_haydn76_5.asf ),起始的曲调听起来像是典型的结尾,随之展开的旋律片段又仿佛将乐曲带入了山穷水尽疑无路的境地,转调后仍逐字逐句地重复,形式虽显呆板,但是继续听过一个或者两个小节之后,听众会突然意识到他们实际上摆脱了形式上的一切束缚转而在音乐中驰骋,这就是最高水平的恶作剧。

It is built by repeating similar melodic cells and rhythmic patterns in a manner suggestive of many Russian folksongs.


Although now called rondo form, the form started off in the baroque period as the ritornello form, coming from the latin word ritornare meaning "to return", indicating the return to the original theme or motif.


Sousa and his wife were enjoying a European vacation in 1896, when they saw a startling newspaper article. Sousa's band manager, David Blakely, had died a few days earlier. Soon Sousa and his wife were on a ship heading home to New York. On the journey home, Sousa started hearing "the rhythmic beat of a band playing within my brain. It kept on ceaselessly, playing, playing, playing. Throughout the whole tense voyage, that imaginary band continued to unfold the same themes, echoing and re-echoing the most distinct melody." When he got home he wrote down the music for what would become "The Stars and Stripes Forever."


Sousa and his wife were enjoying a European vacation in 1896, when they saw a startling newspaper article. Sousa's band manager, David Blakely, had died a few days earlier. Soon Sousa and his wife were on a ship heading home to New York. On the journey home, Sousa started hearing "the rhythmic beat of a band playing within my brain. It kept on ceaselessly, playing, playing, playing. Throughout the whole tense voyage, that imaginary band continued to unfold the same themes, echoing and re-echoing the most distinct melody." When he got home he wrote down the music for what would become "The Stars and Stripes Forever."


更多网络解释与重复旋律相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Allegro vivace:活泼的快板

乐曲一共有4个乐章,音乐选自第4乐章:活泼的快板(Allegro vivace),开始是一段急促但十分轻弱的弦乐,稍后突然加强以主旋律的方式表现出来,然后旋律被不断的加强和重复,这一乐章似乎是前几乐章的综合,各种旋律节奏被逐一重现,

Autumn Leaves:秋叶

唱片起始的一曲>(Autumn Leaves),由钢琴手汉克带领乐队很巧妙地以重复节奏烘托迈尔斯.戴维斯以渐行渐远的小号,构筑了一段优美的旋律,加弱音器的小喇叭听起来格外凄凉,正如秋天落叶般的景象,随后"加农炮"以温润的音调切入,


开头钢琴、套鼓、贝斯以类似持续低音(basso continuo)的手法,顽固地重复演奏一个伴奏的乐句. 德斯蒙稍后加入,以中音萨克斯风富磁性的低音域演奏这个爵士乐极知名的迷人旋律(我在美国至少听过两个爵士乐的广播节目以此曲作为开播主题),

counterplea:反驳; 抗辩 (名)

counterpart 副本, 配对物, 复本 (名) | counterplea 反驳; 抗辩 (名) | counterpoint 对位法, 重复旋律, 旋律配合 (名)


>(December)是乔治.温斯顿的四季专辑里的最后一张,也是最受青睐的一辑钢琴诗集. 最经典的>便出自其中. 此外,另一曲>(Night, Pt. 3 Minstrels),安静清扬,简单悦耳,只一段精短的旋律在不断重复的回响,

lead singer:主唱者

到了50年代,出现了所谓doo-wop演唱方式,以主唱者(lead singer)为聚焦,其它和声部分则以简单的三和弦及重复合声旋律或以单音节声音或器乐摹拟来配合主唱者.

major key:大调

全曲由两个不同的音符重复回旋(repetition),以大调(major key)作开展带动,延伸发展其和谐旋律,之后两个重复音符,又不时夹杂出现,乐音简洁,轻松畅快,通过不同配器轮流演奏,层层推进,中段加入提琴合奏,恍如清风吹送,自由随性.


重复旋律counterpoint | 重复学话parrotry | 重复音略读haplology

Trois fois rien de nos vies:重复三遍无关我们的生活

Comme celle que tu fredonnais 就像你哼唱的 | Trois fois rien de nos vies 重复三遍无关我们的生活 | Trois fois rien comme cette 重复三遍如同这旋律

Talas:塔 拉

同样地,在印尼的甘美朗乐队的金属排琴(saron)键盘家族乐器(类似钟琴乐器或金属键琴)围绕在一个主构架的旋律上,用重复的音符或两组和四组的装饰音演奏:最近像拉维香卡(Ravi Shankar)的一些音乐家已经利用相当於十一个塔拉(talas)和一半,十三个,或