英语人>词典>汉英 : 里霍博斯 的英文翻译,例句
里霍博斯 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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American Pop was born in the 1960s, with the emergence of international masters like Andy Warhol, James Rosenquist and Roy Lichtenstein. Andy Warhol has had a tremendous influence on the development of Chinese art. Performance art emerged in the 1970s as well as Nam June Paik's video art and Christo and Jeanne-Claude's installation art. Sigmar Polke and Gerhard Richter were among the leaders of the Post Modern movement, which also flourished in the 1970s. Among them, Richter has had the most significant impact on Chinese art. New Expressionism emerged in the United States during the 1980s with artists such as Keith Haring, installation artist Ann Hamilton, and Cindy Sherman whose work is somewhat derived from New Expressionism.


Midfielders: Osvaldo Ardiles Ademir Didi Roberto Rivelino Gerson Falcao Clodoaldo Zico Enzo Francescoli Paul Gascoigne Michel Platini Lothar Matthaus (W Germany/Germany) Wolfgang Overath Bobby Charlton Johan Neeskens Frank Rijkaard Ruud Gullit Johnny Rep Rene van der Kerkhof Wim Van Hanegem Grzegorz Lato Gheorghe Hagi Enzo Scifo Dragan Dzajic Nils Liedholm Teofilo Cubillas Michael Laudrup Josef Masopust Carlos Valderrama Junich Inamoto.


Midfielders: Osvaldo Ardiles, Ademir, Didi, Roberto Rivelino, Gerson, Falcao, Clodoaldo, Zico, Enzo Francescoli, Paul Gascoigne, Michel Platini, Lothar Matthaus (W Germany/Germany), Wolfgang Overath, Bobby Charlton, Johan Neeskens, Frank Rijkaard, Ruud Gullit, Johnny Rep, Rene van der Kerkhof, Wim Van Hanegem, Grzegorz Lato, Gheorghe Hagi, Enzo Scifo, Dragan Dzajic, Nils Liedholm, Teofilo Cubillas, Michael Laudrup, Josef Masopust, Carlos Valderrama, Junich Inamoto.


Customs officials kept the birds."Perhaps it's for the best," was Maeterlinck's wonderful reply.


Customs officials kept the birds."Perhaps i t's for the best," was Maeterlinck's wonderful reply.


Maurice Maeterlinck, a Belgian poet and playwright, alighted at Hoboken, New Jersey, with his wife, her parents, 32 pieces of luggage, two Pekinese dogs and two parakeets. Customs officials kept the birds.


We visited the following towns: Ocean City, Wildwood, Rehoboth Beach, Ocean City, Myrtle Beach.


He performed with many distinguished musicians, such as Sir Yehudi Menuhin, Maurice Andre, Michala Petri, Wanda Wilkomirska, Krzysztof Jakowicz, Janos Starker, Barbara Hendricks, Moris Bourge, Lidia Grzanka-Urbaniak, Guy Touvrone, Andrey Gridchuk, Grzegorz Nowak, Tadeusz Wojciechowski and Krzysztof Jablonski.


I understand Roger Borys is still building and repairing guitars but has moved from his operation from northern Vermont to Hoboken, New Jersey.


He received his undergraduate education at Stanford University and Oxford University , before winning a Fulbright Scholarship to study at the elite Royal College of Music in London--the alma mater of many of the giants of British composition: Benjamin Britten, Ralph Vaughan-Williams, Gustav Holst and others.


更多网络解释与里霍博斯相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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