英语人>词典>汉英 : 酒吧的酒保 的英文翻译,例句
酒吧的酒保 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与酒吧的酒保相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I earned my keep by playing harmonica in the town bar. The one thing I was good at. I'd play for sullen occupation soldiers in exchange for their charity in loose change, and used the money to support my uncle and myself. My uncle trash talked the barkeep who catered to the enemy soldiers, but he never refused the money I brought home.


Chinoiserie cocktail cabinet with full bar accessories and the services of a personal bartender to mix your tipple.


Oversize Chinoiserie cocktail cabinet with full bar accessories and the services of a personal bartender to mix your tipple.


The two attic guesthouses are situated on the top floor and the decoration is very luxurious. At Penthouse Plus, a large-scale bath, laconicum, record platform and private cocktail pubs are all available.

酒店两间阁楼套房位于顶层,装潢皆极尽豪华,其中Penthouse Plus更特别设有一座超大型浴池、蒸汽浴室、唱片骑师台,以及设有私人酒保的鸡尾酒酒吧。

A bar business that is located in skyscraper is thriving, one day some armour seedily, here drink down drinks frowsty wine, suddenly, walk along a drunkard from outside, the wine stink of all over the body, he goes over there the stage, wanted a cup of maguey to barkeeper, the 22 words after be being drunk do not say, the window that did not close to goes, jumped next.


A bar business that is located in skyscraper is thriving, one day some armour seedily, here drink down drinks frowsty wine, suddenly, walk along a drunkard from outside, the wine stink of all over the body, he goes over there the stage, wanted a cup of maguey to barkeeper, the demur after be being drunk does not say, the window that did not close to goes, jumped next.


The sour Wuher has the most shifts, but the favorite of the regulars is the matronly Ackmena.


One Dutch tourist who spent six months visiting 800 of Britain's 61,000 pubs and interv ie wing 50 publicans and bar workers and more than 1,000 customers said :" I cannot understand how the British ever manage to buy themselves a drink."


But these friendly hostelries can be minefields of potential gaffes for the uninitiated.


"They told us it would be OK to come back here," recalls Nicholas Rowe, a silver-haired bartender at a nearby Blarney Stone restaurant and bar.


更多网络解释与酒吧的酒保相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The barkeeper's wig's crooked:酒保的假髮是捲的

The hotel bar hangover whiskey's gone dry 旅館酒吧送來的威士忌已盡 | The barkeeper's wig's crooked 酒保的假髮是捲的 | And she's giving me the eye 她跟我使了個眼色


barman /酒保/ | barmecide /假殷勤的人/虚假的/ | barmen /酒吧店主/酒保(复数)/


走入女子酒吧(Ladies Club),坐下后和一名女修理工海尔佳(Helga)交谈后,偷了她的修理清单(Repair List),然后向酒保(Bartender)要瓶伏特加(Vodka)后离开(答:2、3、2).

lily of the valley:铃兰

我在那家叫做"铃兰"(Lily of the Valley)的酒吧里见到的建志也常常是疲惫不堪的. 他每每在十点、十一点之间来,喝上两杯生啤,偶尔要个三明治吃. 有时候酒保替他拿酒的当儿,他就趴在吧台上睡了,那时酒保就把唱机或是电视机的音量调低,


一个动物园的管理员突然发现园里的袋鼠(kangaroo)跑出来了,於是开会讨论,一致认一天,长颈鹿(giraffe)和几只袋鼠们在闲聊:「你们想,这些人会不会再继续加高你们布希(G. Bush)和鲍尔(Powell)坐在酒吧里,有一个人进来问酒保:「那不是布希和鲍尔


taproot /主根/ | tapster /酒吧的酒保/ | tar /焦油/水手/涂以焦油/


barmen /酒吧店主/酒保(复数)/ | barmier /精神不正常的/愚痴的(比较级)/ | barmiest /精神不正常的/愚痴的(最高级)/

Red Square:(红场)

但如果想放纵一把,也许在桌上跳舞和看自信满满的酒保耍弄点燃的伏特加酒瓶正合你的胃口,那就去伏特加酒吧"红场"(Red Square)探险一番. 这里周末总是人满为患,别指望人和人之间能有一点儿空隙,即使在桌上跳舞时也不例外. 此外,