英语人>词典>汉英 : 酋 的英文翻译,例句
酋 的英文翻译、例句

chief of a tribe
更多网络例句与酋相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With this he left them and went onward to Nestor, the facile speaker of the Pylians, who was marshalling his men and urging them on, in company with Pelagon, Alastor, Chromius, Haemon, and Bias shepherd of his people.


Chiefdom is an extremely important concept in the study of the origin of civilization and early state. It refers to transitional period or social type between segmental tribes and centralized states.


This article is trying to use the theory and practical achievement of chiefdom in the West to explore social complexity during the middle and late Neolithic period.


The prehistoric society in China entered the chiefdom stage during the Huangdi period and became to form a chiefdom alliance.


Prehistoric society ; origin of the state ; primitive politics ; chiefdom alliance ; chanrang system ; hereditary system


Tusi the creation of special studies on China's tusi, tusi culture, tusi political culture and micro-communities, the phenomenon of the modern Tusi crossover study of multi disciplinary theory of great significance, while foreign tusi phenomena and Chiefdom study serve as a reference.


Key Words: pre-Qin docurments; chiefdom;social strata;gathering morphology;state;kingdom


Edy told him no, no and to be off now with him and she told Cissy Caffrey not to give in to him.


The council of the tribe also had the power to depose both sachems and chiefs.


Some nationalities in the north experienced,at different historicaltimes,the transition from matriarchal to patriarchal society or family commune,tribalassociation,and ethnic sheikhdom.And accordingly,shamanism also experienced aseries of change of its religious forms that corresponded to such matriarchal society,patriarchal society-family commune,and sheikhdom.


更多网络解释与酋相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chieftain Ikritch:艾克瑞奇酋長

Chief Engineer Coalsteam 大工程師煤汽 | Chieftain Ikritch 艾克瑞奇長 | Chieftain Vanik 芬尼克

Chieftain Vanik:芬尼克酋長

Chieftain Ikritch 艾克瑞奇長 | Chieftain Vanik 芬尼克長 | Chillwind Manor 冷風莊園

Undead Warchief:不死戰酋長

10.Icatian Javelineers 艾凱遜擲槍手........60$ | 52.Undead Warchief 不死戰長 ...........50$ | 18.Zhalfirin Commander 賽費爾指揮官.......30$

ae : United Arab Emirates:阿拉伯?合酋樘

AD Andorra 安道?共和? | AE United Arab Emirates 阿拉伯?合樘? | AF Afghanistan 阿富汗

Chiefs like Arjuna, like to Bhima chiefs:酋長像阿朱那,要皮馬酋長

Thy scholar in the war!你學者的戰爭! Therein stand ranked站在那裡... | Chiefs like Arjuna, like to Bhima chiefs,長像阿朱那,要皮馬長, | Benders of bows; Virata, Yuyudhan, Benders的弓箭; Virata , Yuyu...

Macaca thibetana:藏酋猴

结果表明,BZ01号样品为藏猴(Macaca thibetana),BZ02和BZ03号样品为猕猴(Macaca mulatta). 另外,我们还发现,在利用DNA序列比对法进行近缘物种的鉴定时,不同种群间的DNA序列变异,可能对结果造成一定的影响.

Macaca thibetana:藏酋猴 别名四川短尾猴,大青猴,属于猴科,学名为

豚尾猴 别名平顶猴,属于猴科,学名为 Macaca nemestrina. | 藏猴 别名四川短尾猴,大青猴,属于猴科,学名为 Macaca thibetana | 长尾叶猴 别名长尾猴,属于猴科,学名为 Presbytis entellus

Macaca thibetana:藏酋猴 四川 湖北 云南 广西

Macaca cyclops 台湾猴 台湾 | Macaca thibetana藏猴 四川 湖北 云南 广西 | Rhinopithecus roxellanae 金丝猴 横断山 神农架 梵净山

Macaca thibetana:藏酋猴别号四川短尾猴,大青猴,属于猴科,学名为

豚尾猴别号平顶猴,属于猴科,学名为Macaca nemestrina | 藏猴别号四川短尾猴,大青猴,属于猴科,学名为Macaca thibetana | 长尾叶猴别号长尾猴,属于猴科,学名为Presbytis entellus


法国航空(Air France)全新的空中巴士A380型客机昨(20日)中午从巴黎戴高乐国际机场执行首航飞往纽约甘乃迪国际机场的任务,这也是法航引进A380客机后首次正式商业首航,而这架全新的A380客机是上月底甫交付的. 据了解,法航是继新加坡航空(Singapore Airlines)、阿航空(Emirates)以及澳洲航空(Qantas)之后的全球第4家使用A380