英语人>词典>汉英 : 鄙人 的英文翻译,例句
鄙人 的英文翻译、例句


yours sincerely · yours truly
更多网络例句与鄙人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Hippocratic Oath I swear by Apollo the physician, by Aesculapius, Hygeia, and Panacea, and I take to witness all the gods, all the goddesses, to keep according to my ability and my judgement the following oath.


I swear by Apollo , Asclepius , Hygieia , and Panacea , and I take to witness all the gods, all the goddesses, to keep according to my ability and my judgment, the following Oath.


Disadvantage:Because Un-proficiency in the arts and make by hand completely, so it will have jerkwater flaw; It might come into being aberration and different veins being that illumination and different incise way and the process of growing.; The tie-in every flooring might have gap within 2mm.

缺 点:鄙人手艺欠佳,又是纯手工制作,会有略微的瑕疵;由于光照、切割方式、生长年限的不同造成了地板会有一定的色差和纹理不同;拼接处会有0.5-2mm的缝隙

Though the works of Homer and Sophocles may commend themselves to us on historical and cultural grounds as well as aesthetic, any Christian reader capable of enjoying The Iliad as a story, the way it was intended to be enjoyed, can in principle understand a critical Christian moviegoer sitting in wonder at the astonishing imaginative force of the pictures Miyazaki puts on the screen.

伊利亚特》叙事方式的成功之处在于,它可以吸引人们前来阅读。因此,也就不难理解,宫崎骏制作的荧幕影片能够以叹为观止的想像力让基督徒影迷沉浸在奇妙的幻想中。(如果常常引用母亲的话"我妈说。。。",这人肯定乳臭未干;但是如果常常旁征博引,这人肯定如辛弃疾,雄深雅健。虽然鄙人英语的修围还区分不出政府公告与娱乐新闻的用语区别,但是这篇影评的确是作者用心之作。把 n 个世纪前的古人都请出来了。

Yes, I wrote with and for a purpose. The purpose is, on top of the prefatory matter in Chinese which Yours humbly wrote too, to remind 21st century young Chinese men and women who love words that once upon a time there existed a kind of English which is very different from that spoken by, say, Desperate Housewives, or learned by anxious TOEFLE testees.

吾携明确目的作此英语序文,亦如鄙人所作之汉语序文,即是提醒生活于21世纪并喜好外国语文之青年男女,若干世纪前有英语,风格迥异于尝所闻于"Desperate Housewives"电视连续剧,或得见于诸孜汲"TOEFLE"英语考试者。

I know of no others;but there may be many that I am culpably ignorant of.


He demands you bring back the slime|who kidnapped his little punky muffin.


India wants to know if you have relatives in Pakistan; America wants to know whether you were ever arrested for anything anywhere, and if so, why (your correspondent, detained several times by communist-era secret police, brazenly fibbed).


India wants to know if you have relatives in Pakistan; America wants to know whether you were ever arrested for anything anywhere, and if so, whyyour correspondent, detained several times by communist-era secret police, brazenly fibbed


Felt like my Saviour, my spirit I gave youHasta Manana, Always be mineViva forvever, I'll be waitingEverlasting, like the sunLive forever, for the momentYes I still remember, every whispered word


更多网络解释与鄙人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]





exponential map:指数映射

这个性质和法坐标(normal coordinate)、指数映射(exponential map)和距离函数(distance function)有关. 今天一位朋友(filestorm)给我分享>的故事,很受教育. 鄙人功力不及二层,心却念是非,口却言利害,实在惭愧.


Gebrauchsmusik 实用音乐 | geck 卑鄙人 | gecko 壁虎

humanly speaking:站在人的角度上说

偏见 human equation | 站在人的角度上说 humanly speaking | 据鄙人的估计 in my own humble estimation

imho:abbr. in my humble opinion; 依鄙人之见〖网语〗


IDK:Idon''tknow我不知道 | IMHO:inmyhumbleopinion依鄙人愚见 | IMO:inmyopinion我的看法是


IMHO:inmyhumbleopinion依鄙人愚见 | IMO:inmyopinion我的看法是 | IOW:inotherwords换种说法

IMO In my opinion:我的看法是

IMHO:in my humble opinion 依鄙人愚见 | IMO:in my opinion 我的看法是 | IOW:in other words 换种说法


hama tanaman , 植物疾病 | hamba , 仆人,奴隶,(谦称)我,鄙人 | hambal , 地毡,地毯