英语人>词典>汉英 : 部分结晶的 的英文翻译,例句
部分结晶的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与部分结晶的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Garnet in some of the regions has a core-mantel structure, which is the feature of eclogite -face mylonite.


In contrast, the two rock associations at the south belts were derived from mesomatised lithospheric mantle. However, the ultramfic-alkaline rock association was resulted from immiscibility of parent magma, whereas sodic alkaline rocks were produced by highly differentiation at deep level.


The each crystal region of vascular bundle of bamboo's cross section has formed during it's mature period .


The study of vertical channel with high field effect mobility by Ni induced lateral crystallization, which can form larger grains on channel regions and reduce grain boundary defects. We detect the method of Ni induced lateral crystallization through high field effective mobility, but that accumulates too much Ni on floating N+ region and causes defects and metal contamination. As Ni is used to form silicde and then proceed to low temperature annealing, we can observe the floating region that has no Ni acumination regions or contaminations. This aids us in obtaining good electronic performance of this device, not only the remote field effective mobility but also the vast improvement of sub-threshold swing and on/off currents.


The results of CRYSTAF test showed,along with the increment of the ethylene content,an increase in the tacticity of propylene homopolymers and decreases in the isotacticity、long crystallizable sequence content.


The analysis of X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope energy dispersion spectra show that the primary hydrolysis products of antimony pentachloride and its hydrochloric acid solution are amorphous antimony oxide rather than SbO2Cl.


While in photoreduction of Cr , the titania-modified MCM-41 photocatalysts were more photoactive than the titania-silica composite (25% TiO〓).


The results show that Tait equation can be used to predict the P-V-T properties of blends with partial compatibility and semi-crystallinity.


All the ligands and complexes have been characterized with ~1H-NMR, MS and EA.X-Ray single crystal diffraction reveals that zirconium complex containing the tert-butyl substituted N_2O_2 ligand is an oxo- and hydroxyl-bridged dinuclear structure, which is possibly formed by partial hydrolysis of chlorides at one of the zirconium centers. A tetranuclear zirconium complex has been obtained and chacaterized, which is formed by complete hydrolysis of the chlorides at the zirconium centers.


Using image processing technology, we analyze the size and shape of cell wall crystal region of bamboo's cross section during entire growth from bamboo shoot to the mature bamboo. Using region segmentation, we study the forming and distributing characteristic of crystal regions of the fiber cap、 proto-sieve 、 thin-walled cell of vascular bundle of bamboo's cross section.


更多网络解释与部分结晶的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aleurone layer:糊粉层

如蓖麻;也有的贮藏在子叶部分,如落花生,油菜等.蛋白质也是种子内 贮藏养料的一种,大豆子叶内含蛋白质较多.小麦种子胚乳的最外层组织,称为糊粉层 (aleurone layer),含有较多蛋白质颗粒和结晶.不同植物的种子所含养料的种类不同,


当开始结冰时,形成圆形小斑点,散布在海面,不久即具有结晶状态,但冻结部分仍为淡水,盐从中间分析出来,留存在没冻结的海水中,叫做盐水(brine). 温度继续降低时,盐水再继续结冰,但最后仍有一部分盐的结品或浓度极大的盐水存在,


"柯达"(Kodak)是享誉全世界的知名品牌,创立于1888年,它是柯达创始人乔治.伊斯曼(Eastman)独具匠心创作的结晶. "K"是伊斯曼母亲的名字的第一个字母,把"K"字用在品牌上可以表达他对母新的缅怀;同时,"K"能够表示一种事物的突出部分和尖端,

potassium bromide:溴化钾

苯并三偶氮在市场上叫做"柯达防雾剂1号"D1溴化钾(Potassium Bromide),KBr,分子量119.01为白色结晶,易溶于水,在显影液中主要有抑制显影的能力,特别是对感光不足的部分更为显著.

radiative recombination:辐射复合

高亮度发光的原理是在空穴和电子因结晶缺陷而进行无益于发光的非辐射复合(non-radiative recombination)之前,大量空穴被捕捉到InGaN混晶内部聚集有In和N的"定域态(localized state)"部分,这部分空穴和电子通过辐射复合(radiative recombination)即可发光.

solar energy:太阳能

这些成果近来发布在>(Solar Energy)杂志的在线版. 这是欧洲聚合物太阳能电池项目三年来辛苦工作的部分结晶,共有五个欧洲国家的研究人员参与了此项研究.