英语人>词典>汉英 : 郑重其事 的英文翻译,例句
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About a week and a half after we moved into an apartment in Atwater, a block from the Los Angeles River, the rains started in earnest.


As to the great service,' said Carton,'I am bound to avow to you, when you speak of it in that way, that it was mere professional claptrap .


" Biddy ," said I, with some severity,"I have particular reasons for wanting to be a gentleman."


The first man was no cave dweller — no gibbering, grunting, growling creature of the forest trying to subdue the perils of the jungle and the beasts of the field.


All these twopenny documents arranged on a side table, old Sedley covered them carefully over with a clean bandanna handkerchief (one out of Major Dobbin's lot) and enjoined the maid and landlady of the house, in the most solemn way, not to disturb those papers, which were arranged for the arrival of Mr.


He looks for a fox to discuss seriously, should pare the flix that takes it; Discuss to want to cut the flesh that takes them with the sheep.


And when he had a while laid unto her for the manner' sake ( Accused her, to justify arrest ), that she went about to bewitch him, and that she was of counsel with the Lord Chamberlain ( Lord Hastings , beheaded by Richard ) to destroy him; in conclusion when that no color could fasten upon these matters, then he laid heinously to her charge that thing that herself could not deny, that all the world wist was true, and that natheles every man laughed at to hear it then so suddenly so highly taken, that she was naught of her body.


At Haddington road corner two sanded women halted themselves, an umbrella and a bag in which eleven cockles rolled to view with wonder the lord mayor and lady mayoress without his golden chain.

在诺森伯兰和兰斯多恩两条路上,总督大人郑重其事地对那些向他致敬的人们一一回礼;其中包括稀稀拉拉的男性行人,站在一栋房子的花园门前的两个小学童——据说一八四九年已故女工[225] 偕丈夫前来访问爱尔兰首府时,这座房子承蒙她深表赞赏。

Toward a lee shore in a gale, is steered for a particular spot by her skipper because he knows of an undertow there which will hold her back against the gale and save her. For just pure woodcraft, or sailorcraft, or whatever it is, isn't that neat For several years, Cooper was daily in the society of


"Yes, and I hope to engage you to be serious likewise."


更多网络解释与郑重其事相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

British Consulate:英国领事馆

当年入主这些建筑的银行并非今天的这些银行,上海总会(Shanghai Club)的长廊酒吧(Long Bar)已经被人忘却,英国领事馆(British Consulate)也已迁到不太重要的地方,但在具有爱德华时代风格的建筑中,到处都郑重其事地穿插着令人羡慕的服装店、时尚设计公司和高雅的珠宝店.


286. ball park: 棒球场 | 287. gravely郑重其事地 | 289. be overwhelmed by 惊喜万分

The harangue is very serious:那篇长篇演说很郑重其事

7010. That was not a very happy remark. 那不是很恰当的话... | 7011. The harangue is very serious. 那篇长篇演说很郑重其事. | 7012. He harangued the troops before a battle. 他在战前向士兵作了慷慨激昂的讲...

He harangued the troops before a battle:他在战前向士兵作了慷慨激昂的讲话

7011. The harangue is very serious. 那篇长篇演说很郑重其事. | 7012. He harangued the troops before a battle. 他在战前向士兵作了慷慨激昂的讲话. | 7013. He always looks harassed. 他老是愁眉苦脸.