英语人>词典>汉英 : 邸 的英文翻译,例句
邸 的英文翻译、例句

the residence of a high official
更多网络例句与邸相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The companions of Ruggieri sat in the banqueting hall of his palace, debating their future conduct: they spoke in whispers, for they feared that a louder tone might overpower any sound in the streets; and they listened to every footfall, as if it were the tread of their coming destiny.


We are glad to have you as a member of the first PUDI BOUTIQUE HOTEL.


Di Fang - made from catalpa wood.


This regression problem is dicult for several reasons: large number of examples, large number variables (most of which are discrete and multi-valued), non-stationarity of the distribution, and a conditional distribution of the dependent variable which is very dierent from those usually encountered in typical applications of machine learning and function approximation.


Cosmopolite contemporary Chinese yard villas, 208 international distinguished personages' honorable mansions, contemporary Chinese knowledge wealth class's life circle.


I actually had Princess Di paper dolls, if you can believe it.


Meanwhile Sallust and Glaucus were slowly strolling towards the house of Diomed.


Manorial land retained for the private use of a feudal lord.


So the mansions of the princes, the vassals and the counties were put up in the capital,Changan. For a long time the Han Dynasty used to bridling the minorities. With the rise and fall of the both sides strength, sometimes the Han Dynasty would oppose the minorities, but sometimes they associated friendly. As a result, the mansion of the barbarians appeared in Changan and Loyang to receive the envoys of the minorities.


The equinox comes tomorrow, and on this eve of the equinox the waxing crescent moon appears low in the southwestern sky after sunset. You'll find it below the constellation Libra's brightest stars: Zubenelgenubi and Zubeneschamali.


更多网络解释与邸相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


最后,他终於找到三间可以改造成巴尔莫勒尔城堡内部和外部景观的宅,分别是亚伯丁郡(Aberdeenshire)的克吕尼城堡(Cluny Castle)、因弗内斯郡(Invernessshire)的葛伦菲斯庄园(Glenfeshie Estate)及亚尔夏(Ayrshire)的布莱尔坎恩城堡(

Fortezzadi Belvedere:望景楼要塞

斯特洛奇宫 Palazzo Strozzi/229 | 望景楼要塞 Fortezzadi Belvedere/230 | 肯亚的塞利米耶清真寺 Selimiye at Konya/231


datasheet 数据表 | datcha 乡间宅 | date back 回溯至

frame house:木造房屋

32. towhnouse (在乡间有本宅者的)市镇别 | 33. frame house木造房屋 | 34. remote a.遥远的;偏僻的


10.八达岭长城:the Great Wall at Badaling | 喇嘛寺庙: lamasery | 潜龙: the Residence of Hidden Dragon


开始是人生地不熟,只能从运货开始,在温和的阳光下亲自(oneself)跑,世界(w偏远地段--远离闹市喧嚣(uproar),尽享静谧人生 郊区乡镇--回归自然,享受田园风光 紧邻闹市--坐拥城市繁华 挨着臭水沟--水岸名,上风上水 挖个水池子--东方威尼斯,

Versailles Palace:路易尊邸

现代爵士 new jazz | 路易尊 Versailles Palace | 塞那河畔 Seine River

Lindernd deinen Blick:照我的园邸

Breitest ueber mein Gefild 你用慰籍的目光 | Lindernd deinen Blick, 照我的园, | Wie die Freundes Auge mild 就象知友的眼光

of the sugar darns and cotton candy:到处充满甜蜜

# Stalee homes and mansions #|# 温馨豪华的房子和宅 # | # of the sugar darns and cotton candy #|# 到处充满甜蜜 # | # Rich people, old people, all got dreams... #|# 无论贫富 人们都怀揣梦想... #

Includes padded protection case, lens covers and neck strap:包括软垫保护情况下,镜头盖和颈带

Fully-coated optics, di-optic adjustment for fine-focusing充分涂层光学,光调整... | Includes padded protection case, lens covers and neck strap包括软垫保护情况下,镜头盖和颈带 | Editorial Review: 编辑审...