英语人>词典>汉英 : 邪恶势力 的英文翻译,例句
邪恶势力 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hell  ·  helled  ·  helling  ·  hells

更多网络例句与邪恶势力相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Her archenemy and final target is Onigen, the leader of the demons.


For those who are not into this type of awareness, it can and will be very traumatic, because when systems break down, well, Ariana doesn't really want to say these words but all hell will break loose.

对于不是进入这意识那些人,它能够而且将是非常受伤,因为当系统发生崩溃的时候,好, Ariana不是真想说这些话,但是全部的邪恶势力将挣脱出来。

Time and again you, the people of our realm, turned back Blackthorn's forces and gave your strength and your lives to send the Juka running back to their shadowy master, Exodus.


Clients diminish, however, due to the malevolent influence of the NESTS cartel towards her business.


At the same time, evil forces raised their heads. Black Plague enveloped human villages, killing everyone. The dark elves took advantage of this disorder to start a war against the humans. The Dukedom of Belmaia lost its land to the neighborly empire.


Only the fifth element can stop the Evil from extinguishing life, as it tries to do every five thousand years. She is helped by ex-soldier, current-cab-driver, Korben Dallas, who is, in turn, helped by Prince/Arsenio clone, Ruby Rhod.


Arthur ,with his famous magical sword Excalibur,and his closest knights Sir Lancelot and Sir Galahad,fought against the forces of evil in England.


The strength wreaks havoc the society plays the attack, to stop the role which the evil influence wreaks havoc and to have the purification social convention the function; The article also mentions me seeks help after the God to persecute me few human and the place related congeals is forms persecutes me the human to have the death and the disaster, this is with the fact explained that sought help to the God has received the unprincipled person worked as disaster's consequence, was also the significant use way feasible fact which went to straighten up evilly proved; Simultaneously in I seek help for nearly ten years after the government not to be able to obtain the help instead encounters the greatly flagrant persecution me seeks help after the God to have the big earthquake and so on significant disaster, I thought that this is the God to the human Related organization's penalty and the warning, is to has difficultly to seek help does not help instead to help the evil influence to persecute the present government which the human some governments or the organization note here said is some evil


An evil force terrorizes a small community, and he says the force is often unleashed by a human sin or failing .


An evil force terrorizes a small community, and he says the force is often unleashed by a human sin or failing.


更多网络解释与邪恶势力相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


中国古代有孟母三迁,西方人也有不少关于这类型的至理真言,多半用以诲诫人们远离邪恶势力的影响范围,以免沾染恶习.圣经经外书(Apocrypha)上写到:"As the wild ass is the lion's prey in the wilderness,


JOV:超能战士培训基地的管理员,依靠超能力才能看东西 | BARRET:NICK的导师,邪恶轴心势力的第二人物 | GENERAL:邪恶轴心势力的首领,妄想成为世界的主宰


人类,准确的说是萨卡人,那个在奥龙寇中被称作两足动物(biped)的生物与其它三个世界当中的生物:战士(worriors)产生沟通. "上面的"战士最终将萨卡人从来"地下的"邪恶势力手中解救出来. 在奥龙寇里还有另外一些与此平行的空间:有的垂直、有的水平、有的歪曲.

Dark Elf:暗夜精灵

游戏中玩家不仅可以扮演精灵英雄,还将参与精灵族的纷争,与代表邪恶势力的暗夜精灵(Dark Elf)一决高下. 精灵族的非凡物品,如魔法弓、十字弩、弓箭、辅助药剂和魔法卷轴,也将令玩家对其情有独钟.

the force of gravity:地心引力

New emerging forces are invincible.新生力量是不可战胜的. | the force of gravity地心引力 | the forces of evil邪恶势力


"霍克将军"(Hawk)[丹尼斯.奎德(Dennis Quaid)饰]-司令官,是一位英勇、高智商的领导者,他在全世界身经数战,将他的队伍训练成义勇卫士,已经作好了抵抗邪恶势力拯救世界的准备.

making these boys out to be|superheroes triumphing over evil:把两个年轻人塑造成|战胜邪恶势力的超级英雄

some sensational story|in the papers...|耸人听闻... | making these boys out to be|superheroes triumphing over evil.|把两个年轻人塑造成|战胜邪恶势力的超级英雄 | Let me squash|the rumors now.|现在让我来粉...

evil lurks in the society:社会中的邪恶势力

interesting weapons 有趣的武器 | evil lurks in the society 社会中的邪恶势力 | evil-busters 破坏者

the cloven hoof:偶蹄, 分趾蹄; 邪恶的天性; 罪恶 的意图

see sb.'s hoof in sth. 在...中看出某人势力[影响] | the cloven hoof 偶蹄, 分趾蹄; 邪恶的天性; 罪恶 的意图 | under sb.'s hoof 被践踏, 被蹂躏

Michelle Monaghan:米歇尔.摩纳汉

因此拥有宝杖就将有足够的力量成功颠覆巫师的阴谋. 这时,邪恶巫师也派出了自己的党羽去争夺降龙宝杖. 为了使整个国度不被邪恶势力恣意践踏,以女皇...汤姆-克鲁斯(Tom Cruise) 米歇尔-摩纳汉(Michelle Monaghan) 华裔女明星Maggie Q