英语人>词典>汉英 : 遗漏的 的英文翻译,例句
遗漏的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与遗漏的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was this Law of Avogadro'which supplied the missing link in Dalton's Atomic Theory.


Some teenagers are saving money by missing out the dinner and eating at a burger bar first while others are making bigging savings in the wardrobe .

一些青少年节省金钱所遗漏的晚宴和吃一个汉堡酒吧第一,而其他正在 bigging 储蓄在衣柜。

There are incorrectness or pretermission fuction?


Since I took quite sometime to write this, despite my best efforts, in case of any errors or omissions, kindly drop me a mail.


Why weren't we able to see the signs that we missed and try to turn the tables?


In renal cell cancer, the incidence of unsuspected LN positivity is 3.3%.


They must use research to inform themselves of rhe missing parts of the story.


The WHO neurosis screening schedule is the best in both sensitivity and specificity of validity, but its practice is time-consuming and laborious, which limits its application. SCL-90 and CMI are imperfect in sensitivity of validity, and they cannot screen out the mental disorder in more than a half of the subjects. In a group test, they can hardly serve as a screening tool. UPI can screen out most of the mental disorder, and its sensitivity of validity reaches 83.1%. Additionally, the UPI questionnaire contains fake-test items, which could retest those who were missed due to untruly or not conscientiously answer the questionnaires. An acceptable way to obtain a true screening test is to give the individuals a propaganda of mental health and explain the questionnaires for 30 minutes before the test, which helps the examinee to understand the procedure and accept the questionnaires, so that the results of the test could be more reliable. In conclusion, UPI is a valuable screening tool to be recommended.


I asked, peppering my voice with truculence,"is that missing ingredient?"


If so, I intend to retrieve any healings missed.


更多网络解释与遗漏的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

exhaustless:无穷尽的; 用不完的 (形)

exhaustive 无遗漏的; 详尽的; 彻底的 (形) | exhaustless 无穷尽的; 用不完的 (形) | exhibiter 展出者; 提供者; 显示者; 提出者 (名)

leave out:遗漏

这就解释了为什么当我们试图用关于大脑的物理理论/概念来解释意识感受特性时,我们总感觉遗漏(leave out)了什么,因此总在认知上留下了一个解释的空缺.


ominously /不吉利地/不祥地/ | omissible /可省略的/可删节的/ | omission /省略/遗漏/脱落/疏忽/怠慢/不作为/遗漏省略/


其中的「医师业务责任保险」就是指被保险人於执行医师业务时,因疏忽行为(Negligent act)、遗漏(Omission)或错误(Errors)判断,违反其业务上应尽的责任,直接引致病人体伤(包括死亡)或财损时,依法应由被保险人负赔偿责任,

omission n.1:省略,删除,免除2.遗漏,疏忽

omit vt.1.省略,删节2.遗漏,疏忽 | omission n.1,省略,删除,免除2.遗漏,疏忽 | remissa.疏忽的,不留心的,玩忽职守的


omissions excepted 遗漏不在此限 | omissive 遗漏的;删节的;失职的 | omissive 遗漏的删节的失职的

omit fail:疏忽,遗漏;失败,没有能够

11 notably particularly 值得注意地;特别 | 12 omit fail 疏忽,遗漏;失败,没有能够 | 13 Orthodox conventional 正统的;传统的

omissions excepted:遗漏不在此限

omission 省略遗漏 | omissions excepted 遗漏不在此限 | omissive 遗漏的;删节的;失职的


疏忽与遗漏(omissions) 即课程材料中见不到少数民族族群的有关内容. 表面的和无意义的改变(superficial and insignificant changes) 即课程材料中的一些插图仅仅被修饰成多族群、多文化的,但内容却一成不变. 其实质是虚假的多元文化教育.

errors and omissions:误差与遗漏

资本外逃规模可以简单地反映为国际收支平衡表中的"误差与遗漏"(Errors and Omissions)项目,根据国际货币基金组织1998年9月<<国际资本市场>>中的统计数据,1990-1995年间不包括中国的亚洲新兴市场"误差与遗漏"项目持续为正数,