英语人>词典>汉英 : 遗弃物 的英文翻译,例句
遗弃物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与遗弃物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Courtyard of Shenzhen university law teachs Wu Xuebin to think, according to case hair process, liang Li is regard that paper box as derelict takes away, did not realize to the property with larger specified number of know exactly about sth is held in paper box, what do not have theft is intended; Liang Li contains in knowing paper case after gold jewelry, did not take article hand over to the collective or the state however in coming home, its are subjective go up the intent that exists to be a purpose with detinue.


Without a good leader an organization will go where the tide takes it, and as is so predictable with tides, they will be cast on the shoreline like the flotsam and jetsam of our society.


The bulk of the ruby rubbish on the pebble bubbles when stirred by bulbed rubber club.


This also eliminates the traditional degreasing stage, which is hazardous to the environment, and as no rinsing is needed, no hazardous wastes are produced.


If we lose this anchor that keeps us moored to the shores of reality, we become derelicts on a sea of loneliness, carried slowly away by the drifts of time towards death.


更多网络解释与遗弃物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Femme abandonee:被抛弃的妻子

Enfant abandonne弃儿 | Femme abandonee被抛弃的妻子 | Objet abandonne遗弃物

floating crane:起重船

15.起重船(floating crane)是专用于起重的工程船,又叫浮吊. 它大多为非自航式,由拖船拖带移动. 浮吊的起重量从几十吨到几百吨不等. 大型浮吊的起重量可达数千吨. 16.打捞船(salvage ship)是用于打捞沉船或水底遗弃物的工程专用船舶.


细胞质染色较淡,除含一般细胞器外,还有脂滴、糖原和一些类晶体(crystalloid). 支持细胞也含有微丝和微管,可能与精子的释放有关. 支持细胞能吞噬精子形成过程中的遗弃物,也能分泌一种与雄激素结合的蛋白质和少量雌激素.


细胞质染色较淡,除含一般细胞器外,还有脂滴、糖原和一些类晶体(crystalloid). 支持细胞也含有微丝和微管,可能与精子的释放有关. 支持细胞能吞噬精子形成过程中的遗弃物,也能分泌一种与雄激素结合的蛋白质和少量雌激素.

derelict in:疏忽了...的

derelict n.(尤指海上的)遗弃物 | derelict in 疏忽了...的 | dereliction of duty 失职,玩忽职守


assiduous 勤奋的 | insidious 阴险的,狡诈的 | derelict 遗弃物

lost property:遗失物

讲到个人财产,遗弃物(abandoned property)和遗失物(lost property)的规则让我笑出声来. 遗弃物是物品所有者故意放弃所有权,那么拾到物品占有的同时就拥有了所有权. 与之相对,遗失物是所有者偶然丧失了对物品的占有,并没有意图放弃所有权,


derelict 遗弃物 | relics 遗骨 | relict 残余物

salvage ship:打捞船

16.打捞船(salvage ship)是用于打捞沉船或水底遗弃物的工程专用船舶. 打捞船上装有起重机、绞车装置和空气压缩机,还有潜水、电焊、切割、修补和水下定位系统等设备. 17.破冰船(ice breaker)是专门用于破开航道上冰层和救助困船舶的工作船.

Objet abandonne:遗弃物

Femme abandonee被抛弃的妻子 | Objet abandonne遗弃物 | Abandonnataire舍弃财产的承受人