英语人>词典>汉英 : 道德规范 的英文翻译,例句
道德规范 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ethic  ·  ethics

code of ethics · moral norm · norm of morality
更多网络例句与道德规范相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First,the aim of education as"human ideal"contains a strong sense of ethic;secondly,the moral of the educational subjects mainly refers to the morality of the teachers who gain their subjectivity in practice;thirdly,ethic functions in the process of education as adjuster,encourager and promoter;fourthly,morality is a key point in school work a...


In the whole system of ethnics, moral responsibility is at the highest level.


After morals norm becomes independent social consciousness appearance, on the other hand together political norm, law norm, religious norm keep both and on the other hand again permeate politics, law, religion of composition, with this correspond, west of morals education, on the other hand independently come out from the social consciousness education, educate with political, legal system education, religion education mutually proceed together, permeate on the other hand and inevitably politics, law, religious educational composition.


Failure to conduct oneself in compliance with the Code of Ethics shall be considered prejudicial to the best interests of the Samoyed breed.


Of value judgment and in the aspect of concrete ethical norms, thoughts of modern nationality transformation embodied the modern transformation from the three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues as specified in the feudal ethical code to the bourgoise morality of independence, freedomand equality,and finally to the socialist code of unity, mutual aid and coorperation, and furnished the concrete standards of conduct.On one hand, on the basis of modern transformation of social tendency of value judgement and moral norm, China modern bourgeois thinkers broke the feudal shackles in people's mind by attacking fierely such backward psychology as back to ancient , conservatism, passivity, nonaction, closing the country


And sometimes even purposedly repressed. Therefore, in this period Xinmin was more expressed in the nature of nationalism than the modern nature of individulism of nationality transformation.From Xinhe Revolution (1911) to the eve of MayFourth Movement, with the mitigation of national crisis, rapid development of the country's capital economy and intelligentsia's deeper understanding of western culture, thought about nationality transformation developed into a brandnew stage -that of Liren.


Therefore, this article main research mentality is, divides into the Shakespeare tragedy in multitudinous feminine image Mary with the Eve two kinds, demonstrated these two kind of females in male power society behavior and the unfortunate bitter experience, thoroughly analyzes them the reason which persecutes, thus discusses obtains, formulates in the male power society under feudal morals and standard, female no matter is wants to the male power society to meet as an equal, or obeys the morals under the shackles actually unfortunate to consider has violated this moral standard, similarly is all difficult to run away the destiny which is punished by the male power society, Thus manifests the male power consciousness to the feminine deterrent strength and the lethality.


Therefore, this article main research mentality is, divides into the Shakespeare tragedy in multitudinous feminine image Mary with the Eve two kinds, demonstrated these two kind of females in male power society behavior and the unfortunate bitter experience, thoroughly analyzes them the reason which persecutes, thus discusses obtains, formulates in the male power society under feudal morals and standard, female no matter is wants to the male power society to meet as an equal, or obeys the morals under the shackles actually unfortunate to consider has violated this moral standard, similarly is all difficult to run away the destiny which is punished by the male power society, Thus manifests the male power consciousness to the feminine deterrent strength and the lethality.


In addition to strengthening the socialism honor versus dishonor view education, the family must value the family moral education, change the family idea, paying attention to with the child"s communication, respecting the minor"s corpus position, attaining speech to spread and the body teach of unify; The school wants to strengthen the virtuous construction of teacher, set up the minor"s moral education mode to make people the center, improve the teaching method and means, change the form of the moral education, strengthen the development to the student studies the ability and creative ability, strengthen the mental health education, slice to strengthen the school actually to the farmer work son and daughter of moral educate the work, extend the national school does to learn the scale, strengthening to take charge of the work to the private school, build up a series contact system and improve the peripheral environment of campus etc; The all pay attention to the minor"s moral education together, carry on the right value leading, strengthen the market management that sells the book, guide the campus folk song toward healthy direction development, strengthen the management to the bad advertisement and the low level cultural amusement amenity, meanwhile , enlarge the strength to cure the net cafe, open the public cultural facilities, carry out 2004" central No.1 documents" hard, the department concerned can unite the community to open the exhibition cultural activity to accept the farmer work son and daughter, make widely available the moral knowledge and moral norm etc.


But in the traditional society which looks criterion as the most important thing, moral criterion gets the authority absolutely, and moral education is full of suppresses which are made by spirit life to nature life; it is also full of dominations which are made by colony life to individual life.


更多网络解释与道德规范相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


坏人是一个非道德的(amoral)人,不是一个不道德的(immoral)人. 74两者的不同在于,非道德的人眼里不存在道德,不道德的人只是不符合某一种道德,自己不见得不认同另一种道德. 坏人超然于一切体制,因为什么体制都对他不具规范意义,



moral cognition:道德认识

道德认识(Moral Cognition)对客观存在着的道德关系及如何处理这种关系的规范,准则的认识,道德认识是个体道德品质形成的重要基础,离开或缺乏认识基础的情感或行为是没有多大道德价值和意义的,正确的道德认识有助于指导道德行为,

moral dilemma:道德两难

这是现代传媒在市场化过程中职业道德与利益冲突造成的困境,然而解决问题的途径仍然在于传媒遵循职业道德和职业规范,因为记者永远无法照顾到与其报道内容利益相关的所有方,这是记者产生"道德两难"(moral dilemma)问题的根本原因.


正直、道德规范(ethics)指个人或个人所在机构的正确与错误行为的相关标准. 个人道德规范和行为准则为决定特定情况下的是非判断提供了基础. 职业道德标准是建立在社会标准之上的,而且大多数行业形成了与社会标准一致的行为准则.


答:这五戒是佛教道德规范(morality)的基础,而非全部. 我们先从识别恶、止恶学起,这就是五戒的用意所在,先停止作恶,然后开始行善. 拿讲话来说,佛教导我们应当先从不妄语做起,然后才是如实语、柔软语、适时语.

social norm:社会规范

这种经由社群或社会成员一致同意的或认定的某一价值判断(这当然要通过语言表达出来,并必定采取"ought"的形式),在社会活动及其历史过程中就外显为了一种所谓的"社会规范"(social norm),而这种社会规范,又被称作为"道德原则"或"伦理".

moral reasoning:道德推

道德思维 moral reasoning | 道德推 moral reasoning | 道德规范 moral discipline


那是因为有的道德的标准是非常模糊的(vague),并不能很好地使其变成规范. 而那些非常明确的道德规范(比如...),很多就已经被法律化了. 第二段:诚然,不同的性格,或者说每个人不同的阅历(experience)会导致不同的人在做学术工作时,

Valeur de la science,La:<科学的价值>

Vajrabodhi 金刚智 436 | Valeur de la science,La <<科学的价值>>199 | validity and the actual effect of moral norms 道德规范效力与道德规范实效262