英语人>词典>汉英 : 道家的 的英文翻译,例句
道家的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Taoist  ·  Taoistic

更多网络例句与道家的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Jiang\'s theories to seek no fame and wealth, and to get along with others equally, shows the detachedness in taoism, which embodies in his prospect and description about the spirits of traditional arts.


Jiangs theories to seek no fame and wealth, and to get along with others equally, shows the detachedness in taoism, which embodies in his prospect and description about the spirits of traditional arts.


The fundamental of Daoism is nonentity .


Rational design thoughts were discussed by contrasting form and function, technique and art, pithiness and complexity.


Taoism provides ontological foundation for Chinese ethics and therefore, makes up for the lack of noumenon in Confucian moral philosophy; Taoist seclusiveness provides a withdrawal mechanism for the ethics of entering the world so that it is possible to build a flexible base for living; Taoism provides a series of life wisdom to sublimate life and ethical conflicts besides Confucian ethics.


If in accordance with the views of Taoism, it is almost impossible.


It is also believed that the festival has Taoist origins.


Taoism school was the main origin of his aesthetic ideas. Lao Zhuang' s natural concepts, his cherishment of the truth and his broad mind endowed by nature had direct effects on Tao Yuanming and his literary creations perfectly practiced Taoist aesthetic ideas and had them car...


Then, the main concern in Taoistic ethics is going forth to explore the relations between humankind and surroundings, and moreover the Taoists affirm that all things in universe come from Tao and eventually return to Tao, however our mode of cultivation and thinking, which belongs to the discourse of environmental ethics, might transform into the very subjects which play a part in the process of attaining pleasure in life and the happiness in mind.


Tam Szeto is an interesting 56-year old Cantonese Taoist master of youthful features and an ever-smiling countenance.


更多网络解释与道家的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

apologized profusely:表示道歉道的很道家,profusely是说丰富当然也是冗长的意思

7.dominated headlines:占据头版. 此新闻连续数周占据港报头版. | 8.apologized profusely:表示道歉道的很道家,profusely是说丰富当然也是冗长的意思. | 9.in a brief statement:用简短的声明

Taoistic Confucianism:道家的儒道思想

道德自律论 auteronomous theory of morality | 道家的儒道思想 Taoistic Confucianism | 德国唯心论 German idealism


他起初用"奋兴布道家"(Evangelist) 这个字来指明一位专门引领未悔改的人来信主,而不负牧者教养之责(不拘悔改前后)的传道者. 他主张延长聚会,激烈的传道运动以及慕道者座位,即在讲台前设几排空位,让备受感者前来领受特殊教诲,


这样,中国的"是"的意义便与"有"(having)的意义重合了. 道家经典著作>的著名句子通常翻译成"非是先于是",也易翻成"非有先于有"(译者按:这两个句子是作者对>中"有生于无"的英文表述的汉译),或者,


道家强调必须根据自然本性来生活,在这方面,他们的教条可比西方的司脱葛主义(Stoicism). 道家强调不起情绪和纷争-内在平静,又可以和伊比鸠主义(Epicureanism)相比. 道家--最重要的是老子、庄子--强调外貌本身的不可信,外观背后的实存世界,


(26)道家学说(TAOISM):道家理论直接影响与促进了振藩截拳道的发展,在李小龙的整个武学系统中,道家学说的影子可以说是随处可见. 例如:"太极"、"阴阳"与"五行"等便是道家学说的核心理论,而这同样亦是振藩截拳道中的哲学底蕴与理论基础.



philosophical Taoism:道家

我:中国有个孔子是儒家(Confucianism) 的代表,有个老子是道家(Philosophical Taoism)的代表. . . 我:儒家提倡忠,孝,仁,义和格物致知,其中孝(Filial Piety)为先. . . 故事说的是一个中国的和尚(a bonze)去西方旅游的经历(注:>英译为Record of a journey to the west),


就字面的意义而言,道家一词指称一个学派,这个学派以"道"(Tao)或"道路"(Way)为其核心概念. 但是,谈论"道"的不仅有道家,还有古代中国的其他学派,诸如儒家和法家,他们以不同的方式使用着"道"的概念. 即便是道家本身,

Wan Nan Huang broilers:的例句

黄老道家:Huang-Lao Daoism | Wan Nan Huang broilers的例句: | Wan Nan Huang broilers的全文例句: