英语人>词典>汉英 : 造成严重后果的 的英文翻译,例句
造成严重后果的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与造成严重后果的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The audit team leader shall bear liabilities for the failure to collect audit evidences for important matters to be audited or the insufficiency of the audit evidences to support the audit conclusion, which have caused serious consequences.


After, street roams about cadge minor amount giant, minor goes out roam about cadge the area with serious phenomenon investigates superintend and director of make known to lower levels of the branch that be treated by put together advice note, carry out sequentially badly to causing " one ticket is overruled " the duty that investigates concerned leader.


Strictly prohibit to drive , the disobeyer will be quit , the serious will be fired out .


Strictly prohibit to drink during working hours ,the disobeyer will be quit ,the serious will be fired out.


Strictly prohibit to drink with gun, the disobeyer will be quit, the serious will be fired out.


Strictly prohibit to drive the disobeyer will be quit the serious will be fired out .


Strictly prohibit the action of disobeyer the regulation about using and managing guns, The disobeyer will be published according to the discipline,The serious will be fired out.


This article stipulated that any news media will be imposed a fine between fifty thousand Yuan and a hundred thousand Yuan by the local government, in case they run counter to regulations, without authorization, to release the news on emergency-handling situation or to report fictitiously the situation.


Article 116 Whoever sabotages a train, motor vehicle, tram, ship or aircraft to such a dangerous extent as to overturn or destroy it, but with no serious consequences, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than 10 years.


Article 428 Any commander who disobeys an order, or flinches before a battle or is inactive in a military operation, thereby causing serious consequences, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years; if heavy losses are caused to a battle or campaign or if there are other especially serious circumstances involved, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years.


更多网络解释与造成严重后果的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

file type:文件类型

千万不能插、拔存储卡,否则可能会造成"机毁卡亡"的严重后果4.启动"快速查看"(Quickview)模式:将模式转盘转到"自选档",按"上/下"按钮直到"文件类型"(File Type)高亮显示,按"进行"(DO-IT)按钮,

gas gangrene:气坏疽

当我们在8000英呎高度时,在海平面相同体积的空气已经会膨胀达30%,这种气体体积的变化会对一些人造成严重的后果,例如在临上飞机前才刚潜完水的人、气胸的病人、肠胃胀气的病人、颅部手术完头颅内空气尚未吸收完全时,或是身上有空气坏疽(gas gangrene)时都有可能因为气压


枯坐,就是piles(痔疮)之父,也是精神狂躁之母,更是血色素沉着症(hemochromatosis)的前兆. 沪洛滨多次在吃饭时抓住机遇继续教育沪杭说,痔疮看似是个小疾患,但如果不加以重视,想办法尽早治愈它,就有可能造成严重的后果,

hydatid disease:包虫病

包虫病(hydatid disease)是我国西北边疆地区的非常广泛的寄生虫病之一,尤其多见于广大的畜牧地区,但大城市有时也可见到,容易与肝囊肿或肝脓肿混淆,如果被误诊将会造成严重后果,因此非牧区的医生加强对此病的认识也日显重要.

Variable Levy:差额税

最低限价很容易实现:美国联邦政府必须对石油征收差额税(variable levy)以保证最低限价. 这项赋税的收入可以为替代能源研究提供资金,并弥补对低收入人群造成的不良后果,因为他们是受油价持续走高影响最严重的人.

opportunistic protozoan:机会致病原虫

该虫呈世界性分布,人和许多动物都能感染,引起人畜共患的弓形虫病,尤其在宿主免疫功能低下时,可造成严重后果,属机会致病原虫(opportunistic protozoan).


第一百一十三条 违反环球银行财务电信协会(SWIFT)系统及有关业务系统管理规定,违反规定掌管口令、混设操作岗位、泄露操作口令的,给予主管人员和其他责任人员经济处罚或者警告至记过处分;造成严重后果的,给予记大过至开除处分.