英语人>词典>汉英 : 逝世的 的英文翻译,例句
逝世的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
depart  ·  departing  ·  departs

更多网络例句与逝世的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I would never bare a bayonet on the anniversary of his death.


The news of his death was a bombshell.


A: We have got the sad news that the Gabonese President Bongo passed away.


Flags flew at half-mast upon the death of premier.


The Company paid the claim on the life of suffragette Susan B.


And if it's not the gooks, it's these old fucking Jews who've owned the store for fifteen fucking generations, you've got Grampa Irving sitting behind the counter with a fucking Magnum in his hand.


And there was news of the death in Isfahan of the president of the Internation Physics Olympiad. was 67 years old.

在此期间传来了国际物理奥林匹克竞赛主席Waldemar Gorzkowski在伊斯法罕逝世的消息,他现年67岁。

Do you know, last month I asked him when Napoleon had died, he didn't know!


A few years after Mao's death in 1976, the People's Communes were dismantled.


He soon rallied from the shock of his father's death.


更多网络解释与逝世的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I am bored to death:我无聊逝世了

614. We enjoyed ourselves very much. 我们玩的很开心. | 615. I am bored to death. 我无聊逝世了. | 631. What will you wear for the party? 晚会上你穿什么?

Truman Capote:卡波地

特鲁曼.卡波地(Truman Capote)逝世的消息传来,很突然. 我的第一个反应是:我那几本珍本书的价值看涨. 这几本书是一位出版界朋友逝世后遗赠给我的:初版的罕有精装珍本,书扉有卡波地亲笔所填的号码与签名. 老了,他成了一个肥胖矮小的老头,

dead president:美钞(上印有总统头像)(并非"逝世了的总统

blind date (由第三者部署的)男女初次会见(并非"盲目约会"或"瞎约会") | dead president 美钞(上印有总统头像)(并非"逝世了的总统") | personal remark 人身攻击(不是"个人评论")

Whose death leaves living drear:他的逝世叶片生活

When those confront us angrily当那些对抗,我们愤怒 | Whose death leaves living drear?他的逝世叶片生活drear ? | In pity lost, by doubtings tossed,在可惜遗失,由doubtings抛出,

Rang mournfully and clear:悲哀而清晰的响起

Their bravest fell and requiem bell 烈士勇敢地倒下而弥撒的钟声 | Rang mournfully and clear 悲哀而清晰的响起 | For those who died that Eastertied in the 为那些在复活节周逝世的

His death on the cross:他的逝世对两岸关系

His crucifixion;他在十字架上; | His death on the cross;他的逝世对两岸关系; | His body is taken down from the cross; and他的身体是采取从两岸;

His death on the cross; and:他的逝世对两岸关系

He is nailed to the cross;他是钉十字架; | His death on the cross; and他的逝世对两岸关系; | His body is taken down from the cross.他的身体是采取从十字架上.


The Smoking Peanut惹祸的花生/大牡蛎赌气了 | 2.13.Shanghaied我的愿望/吓逝世你 | Gary Takes aBath给小蜗洗澡/洗澡罗

It seems that the death of his wife has totally destructed him:他妻子的逝世似乎彻底击跨了他

180 It seems that on one knew what had happene... | 181 It seems that the death of his wife has totally destructed him. 他妻子的逝世似乎彻底击跨了他. | 182 It seems that I could not get rid of the hab...

Born Again Krabs:重生的蟹老板/我不要逝世

Mid-Life Crustacean蟹老板年轻的心/老顽童 | 3.16.Born Again Krabs重生的蟹老板/我不要逝世 | I Had an Accident我出了事故/我不想逝世