英语人>词典>汉英 : 通过民众 的英文翻译,例句
通过民众 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与通过民众相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This second exhibition by a definite date a year, install bus of kitchen division, study area, bathroom area, sitting room area, number in all area of station, future 6 exhibit an area, content is covered feed, cure, live, travel, happy wait for many respects, reveal in grass-roots life, pass the automation environment of IPv6 application, let establishment of electric lamp, cinematograph, freezer, acoustics, microwave oven, medical treatment wait, can pass long-range computer to control, implementation future wisdom the network lives.


Old One Hundred Names was unaware of, and indifferent to, the fate of intellectuals during the Great Leap Forward and the Hundred Flowers epochs of the late 1950s, but seems on balance that for the first time in Chinese history , something was being done for his children's education and welfare, as it was being done contemporaneously in Russia , in the 1960s in Cuba , and continues to be done today in Venezuela .


Modern rationalism, by contrast, sees this event as the outcome of a mistaken but corrigible understanding of the relation between philosophy and politics, and it argues that civil society can be improved by, and rendered hospitable to, the public exercise of philosophic reason.


That is to say, the ritual of political legitimacy must be changed from traditional type of consanguinity, hereditariness and god-given regality into legal principle type in which the authority comes from and is approbated by people\'s vote; from subject type of passive moralized inculcation into citizen type of initiative study and free selection; from closed exclusive type into openparticipation type——the ritual of people participating in politicalactions is no longer controlled or confined in an extremely incapacious and closed spectrum.


He did not merely fancy—as every governing official always does fancy—that he was controlling the external acts of the inhabitants of Moscow, but fancied that he was shaping their mental attitude by means of his appeals and placards, written in that vulgar, slangy jargon which the people despise in their own class, and simply fail to understand when they hear it from persons of higher station. The picturesque figure of leader of the popular feeling was so much to Rastoptchin's taste, and he so lived in it, that the necessity of abandoning it, the necessity of surrendering Moscow with no heroic effect of any kind, took him quite unawares; the very ground he was standing on seemed slipping from under his feet, and he was utterly at a loss what to do.


In economy, it is a product of the grand canal economy of China in the 16th century, and embodies the rich connotation of civilian survivance and development in East China. In religion, it shows the activities and belief's status of civilian religion. In philosophy, it sets forth the life attitude of civilians, and it especially shows how should a person correctly treat with the relation as a social person and a natural person. In politics, it tells satirical stories about officials by the civilian angle of view, and shows the political attitude of civilians.


The BIE Conention regulates that the world eposition is an ehibition sering as a tool to educate the public The world needs the world eposition because it is designed to educate the public and it has played a significance role in the history Participated in by countries, international organizations, enterprises, media organizations and people from across the globe, the world eposition ehibit in a joyous and innoatie way the latest technologies and progresses and guide the public to imagine a better future, thus effectiely disseminate its concepts and educate the public


The third part"Treatment acts rely on Medical skills and drugs", through the research on the status of the professional doctors comes to the conclusion that those who see professional doctors mainly confined to the upper society in the Tang Dynasty, but common people can also have the Therapy such as"self-treatment"or"experienced treatment"rely on Prescription and drugs because of the promotion of government and some scholar-officials of Tang Dynasty.


So reaching out to Republicans won't work, and neither will trying to pass only the crowd-pleasing pieces of reform.


Critics of the referendum argued that it was rigged in favour of monarchists because it gave voters only the option of having Parliament elect a President and not the direct election of a head of state by the people.


更多网络解释与通过民众相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

the grass roots:基层民众

12 on the grapevine通过非正式的渠道得到的,小道的 | 13 the grass roots基层民众 | 14 the gravy train美差; 轻易发大财的工作

Pressure groups:压力集团

不仅如此,很多压力集团(pressure groups)、非**组织(NGOs)还通过各种可能的方式公布相关信息. 这一切都大大方便了普通民众与政策制定者之间的沟通.


认为社会资本是一个社会内在的社会和文化的凝聚,是影响民众相互关系的准则和价值观(values),是嵌入社会中的惯例(institutions);"社会资本"通过社会相关的作用而产生外部性,并且其效应具有持久性(Alejandro Collier,1998);

Jessica Simpson:潔西卡

他们通过自己的音乐在全球百万歌迷中找到了归属,为了乐队和歌迷,这条路将延续下去...结束了一段几乎是在全美国民众眼前度过的婚姻之后,洁西卡(Jessica Simpson)决定要以快乐的舞曲来表现她挥别婚变阴霾的心情.


这种称呼出现在>中,当时除了在韩国国内的版本被修改为"朝鲜"(Korea)之外,日本、美国、欧洲的版本都写为"李氏朝鲜"(Lee Dynasty Korea). 对此,韩国玩家及民众相当愤慨,并通过韩国著名游戏网站发出集团抗议E-mail,


popularly 平易地 | popularly 通过民众 | popularly 通俗地


popularly 通过民众 | popularly 通俗地 | popularly 一般地


popularizer 使普及的作家 | popularly 平易地 | popularly 通过民众

working class:劳动阶级

"得人选票,与人消灾",工党在议会中为劳动阶级(working class)谋利益. 在朝,通过立法、施政,扶持弱势群体,迎合劳工愿望;在野,利用议场辩论,反腐纠弊,做民众意愿喉舌,为劳工权益把关. 当时,


德国哲学家克劳斯(Crouse)认为,受众按其规模可分成三个不同的层次:"知情权"这一概念是由美国合众社总经理肯特.库珀(Kent Cooper)于1945年提出的. 1953年,他的著作<<人民的知情权>>出版,其中的"知情权" 是指民众享有通过新闻媒介了解政府工作情况的法定权利.