英语人>词典>汉英 : 通过某种方法 的英文翻译,例句
通过某种方法 的英文翻译、例句


by some means
更多网络例句与通过某种方法相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is OK to brush website discharge the website that the in a sense makes all-time freeboard person enrage, but the visit amount that increases a website on discharge statistic program, can achieve some kind of goal thereby, if the website improves person energy of life, raise Alexa rank quickly, raise search quantity to wait a moment, especially to novice user, improving website person energy of life is the wish of friend of a lot of stationmaster all the time, but adopt common method very inaccessible, some should be not talked additionally.


That is,the truth value of an implication compound proposition is just the compatibleness degree of the actual implication degree or implication rate between its sub-propositions with the language value that describes the feature of implication relation in this compound proposition.


Zhang : I might be engaged in artistic creation for a longer period and seen relatively more in this field. As a teacher facing a great number of students I'm not able to rely on any means to point out a feasible as well as effective way because each individual has his or her own way to blaze.

张: 我可能从事艺术的时间更长一点,见的多一些,所以作为一个老师,我面对众多的学生没有办法通过某种方法给他们指出一条行之有效的路来,因为每个人都必须走一条自己的路。

And also this paper deduced load of tower crane jib according a typical tower crane operating cycle.


Many people accept a different materialist theory, which stresses the way it is possible to change human behaviour.


SEO is in previously when it is behavior of a kind of nearsightedness, its purpose is to pass some kind of method to raise the rank in searching engine.


Digital watermarks that technology produce in recent years to acknowledge generally, At its enormous commercial value, so it just productions, receive international scientific and technological circle and the great attentions of business circles, And has nowadays become one in information science and computer science novel and unique and has wide research focus question of using the prospect quickly.


JAVABEAN is kind of a kind of Java, become through encapsulating and have a certain function or target of dealing with a certain business, can visit Bean and method in JSP page Java code inside through inlaying.


Topographical maps not only show planimetric position but also indicate relief by some method.


The computer accesses an object through the use of one of the object's methods.


更多网络解释与通过某种方法相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


这方面,欧洲联盟的法律制度近似化(approximation)的方法可以借鉴. 目前在WTO所有成员国中,只有大约82个国家通过了某种形式的竞争法. 世贸组织在协调其成员国的反垄断法方面仍有艰苦的工作要做;第三,成员国之间应就反垄断的合作程序如信息交流和通报等方面达成协议;

by some means:通过某种方法,用某种办法

by no means 决不 | by some means 通过某种方法,用某种办法 | at last 最后,终于

Canonical correlation:典型相关分析

典型相关分析(Canonical Correlation)是研究两组变量之间相关关系的一种多元统计方法,它能够揭示出两组变量之间的内在联系. 通过建立典型相关模型,本研究认为孤独感与对某种特定的互联网服务的偏好存在相关.

give away 1:让路,2.让步,屈服

855.by way of 1.经过,经由2.通过...的方法 | 856.give away 1.让路,2.让步,屈服 | 857.in a way 在某种程度上,从某一点上看


免疫接种(immunization)是用人工方法将免疫原或免疫效应物质输入到机体内,使机体通过人工自动免疫或人工被动免疫的方法获得防治某种传染病的能力. 用于免疫接种的免疫原(即特异性抗原)、免疫效应物质(即特异性抗体)等皆属生物制品.

pedigree analysis:系谱分析

系谱分析(pedigree analysis)是了解遗传病的一个常用的方法.其基本程序是先对某家族各成员出现的某种遗传病的情况进行详细的调查,再以特定的符号和格式绘制成反映家族各成员相互关系和发生情况的图解,然后根据孟德尔定律对各成员的表现型和基因型进行分析.通过这样的分析,



trend analysis:趋势分析法

3)趋势分析法 (trend analysis)是通过分析组织在过去若干年中的雇佣趋势,以此来未来的人员需求. 4)比率分析法 (ratio analysis)是根据某种可变指标与所需人数之间的比例关系进行预测的方法. 比例的大小通常来源于本组织的历史数据或本行业的经验数据以及国完颁布的行业标准.