英语人>词典>汉英 : 通俗地 的英文翻译,例句
通俗地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
popularly  ·  vulgarly

更多网络例句与通俗地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They are known colloquially in Australia as… wankers.


In the most general sense, computer security is concerned with controlling the way in which a computer can be used.


Is the issuer to the investors out,"IOU."


In layman's terms, this is commonly called the sticker price.


In some denominations of the Latter Day Saint movement, the temple garment (or the Garment of the Holy Priesthood, or informally, the garment or garments) is a set of sacred underclothing worn by adult adherents who have taken part in a ritual ceremony known as washing and anointing ordinance, usually in a temple as part of the Endowment ceremony.


Speaking popularly,"flower"ing breeds organ vegetatively, meaning the carriage is beautiful, the color is fresh and gorgeous, the smell appreciates a plant rich in fragrancely,"卉" is the generic name of grass.


BPS Research Digest : accessibly covers new psychological research.

BPS 研究摘要:通俗地讲解最新的心理学研究。

That is, generally, they are not suffering from organic or functional diseases and disability, but feel discomfortable, fatigue, blunt, inactive or inadaptable, and are always in a state of anxiety, annoyance, fastidium or hopelessness, and are very tired with life.


That is, generally, they are not suffering from organic or functional diseases and disability, but feel discomfortable, fatigue, blunt, inactive or inadaptable, and are always in a state of anxiety, a oyance, fastidium or hopele e , and are very tired with life.


We were railroaded into -- if I can be vulgar, we were suckered into -- that war merely so that the Zionists of the world could obtain Palestine.


更多网络解释与通俗地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at fault:有错

答:要全部解释清楚,需要几页纸,简单通俗地说,三保不保自己的车(交通意外时自己无错当然会得到赔偿),全保保自己的车,不论无错(NO FAULT,无错不涨保费)或有错(AT FAULT)均可得到赔偿.


commonly /一般/普通/通常/以普通的程度/通俗地/ | commonness /普通/平凡/共性/ | commons /平民/下议院/公共用/


通俗地理解,可以将人们尽自己所能,减轻压力的努力称之为"应对"(coping). 另一方面,采取"积极的应对"并不能帮助你抵达幸福的彼岸. 最新的积极心理学研究证明,人们的应对方式与主观幸福感的相关程度,并没有你想象的那么大. 研究发现,

Incontestable clause:不可抗辩条款

不可抗辩条款(Incontestable Clause)是国际寿险行业中的一项惯例. 通俗地说,保险合同生效之日一段时间内,通常为2年,也就是投保人按合同缴纳保费满2年后,保险公司不能以投保人未如实告知而进行抗辩,或者行使解约权. 保险法第十七条第二款规定:"投保人故意隐瞒事实,

informally:非正式地; 通俗地; 不拘礼节地 (副)

informality 非正式; 不拘礼节 (名) | informally 非正式地; 通俗地; 不拘礼节地 (副) | informant 报案人; 报信人; 报告人 (名)


使用反射编程(reflective programming),可以使你的程序在运行时通过自省(introspection)运行需求,使用具体化(reification)能力自己调解(intercession)自己(通俗地说,就是运行时自动修改程序),动态获得新的行为能力.


popularly 平易地 | popularly 通过民众 | popularly 通俗地


popularly 通过民众 | popularly 通俗地 | popularly 一般地

tabloid newspaper:通俗小报

saloon-bar n. 沙龙酒吧 | tabloid newspaper 通俗小报 | hurl v. 猛投,气势汹汹地吐(恶言)


vulgarize 通俗化 | vulgarly 通俗地 | vulnerability 弱点