英语人>词典>汉英 : 途中 的英文翻译,例句
途中 的英文翻译、例句


on passage
更多网络例句与途中相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The American president is attending the national prize of honor that an university hold to make awards the on the way situation of the rites Trump card that kills the .....conduct and actions with gun to be responsible for protecting the American importance to leader the safety exclusively especially work,beats to feel deeply self-reproach for own malpractice,with the result that anaesthetize the oneself with the alcohol all day long;A girl reporter that is responsible for reporting a this case especially discovers to look for the true fierce clues by chance,however,seem to total someone at keep watch on her movements,each provide the clues for her of all odd death of persons.


Based on the theory of division of mid-way running motion period in boating style sprint, the motion of lower limbs' arthrosis and muscles was explained in terms of an atomy , which should be useful for sprint training.


Your distresses in your journey from Heidelberg to Schaffhausen, your lying upon straw, your black bread, and your broken 'berline,' are proper seasonings for the greater fatigues and distresses which you must expect in the course of your travels; and, if one had a mind to moralize, one might call them the samples of the accidents, rubs, and difficulties, which every man meets with in his journey through life.


Half of the people who have embarked on a one hundred mile journey may fall by the wayside.


On one's way 「在途中」 I met him on the way to school.


Offscreen, they have visited Keizo first en route to Tokyo, but Ozu and his scenarist, Yoshikata Yoda, portray only their stopover during their return trip—partly to allow us to form expectations about how hospitable their youngest son will be, but also to respect the family-tree structure.


En las misiones en las islas Filipinas y en imperio de la China (Madrid, 1763); Memoria acerca de las Misiones de los PP.

恩拉斯米西奥内斯途中拉斯y菲律宾群岛途中帝国德拉鲁阿中国(马德里, 1763年);回忆简介梅德拉斯米西奥德洛斯聚丙烯。

Sousa and his wife were enjoying a European vacation in 1896, when they saw a startling newspaper article. Sousa's band manager, David Blakely, had died a few days earlier. Soon Sousa and his wife were on a ship heading home to New York. On the journey home, Sousa started hearing "the rhythmic beat of a band playing within my brain. It kept on ceaselessly, playing, playing, playing. Throughout the whole tense voyage, that imaginary band continued to unfold the same themes, echoing and re-echoing the most distinct melody." When he got home he wrote down the music for what would become "The Stars and Stripes Forever."


Sousa and his wife were enjoying a European vacation in 1896, when they saw a startling newspaper article. Sousa's band manager, David Blakely, had died a few days earlier. Soon Sousa and his wife were on a ship heading home to New York. On the journey home, Sousa started hearing "the rhythmic beat of a band playing within my brain. It kept on ceaselessly, playing, playing, playing. Throughout the whole tense voyage, that imaginary band continued to unfold the same themes, echoing and re-echoing the most distinct melody." When he got home he wrote down the music for what would become "The Stars and Stripes Forever."


Came to the lava cliffs fall zone, take the left side of the road directly in a group of birds where there are two columns below, the jump down (not dead, I am sleepy in this place as long as two hours), skip left after the first go, be reminded to observe, and now moving about in the magma, but can only be waist high magma, there is a need to see more of the terrain, do not waste HP, now jumped down, back to the left跳崖Department, went to is located in Magma, Fire Dragon Shou equipment can move around a half height of magma, first up, get a weapon, and then down, has been in the end, to continue filing filed walk inside the wind can be magic, the way to the red chest is a green precious stones, to increase the wind magic attack, and get back only to return to bandage things MM has emerged, but said a few left, and then returning to fight BOSS, the BOSS to attack his tail, the beginning of the head is of no use, finished BOSS, while red chest after using wind magic jump can be achieved


更多网络解释与途中相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be on the way:就要出台,就在途中

be on the verge of 接近于 76 | be on the way 就要出台,就在途中 317 | be on track 在正轨上,未偏离 358

Revelations on a Bomb Run:飞行轰炸途中的启示

5. Discovery in a Thunderstorm雷雨中的领悟 | 6. Revelations on a Bomb Run飞行轰炸途中的启示 | 7. The Hidden World Around Us我们周围隐秘的世界

Flight 814 was hijacked en route from Kathmandu to New Delhi on Friday:航班 814在周五从加德满都飞往新德里途中被骑劫

跌破 6%的心理关口falling under the psychological b... | 航班 814在周五从加德满都飞往新德里途中被骑劫. Flight 814 was hijacked en route from Kathmandu to New Delhi on Friday. | 伪造指控 fabricated the a...

en route:在途中

为了使存在有意义,还必须在畏中把虚无体验为关涉到整个实存的现象. 施泰格缪勒认为,海德格尔是一种矫揉造作的折中主义. 他不是一个系统的思想家. 他证明有限的存在只可以掌握碎片. 你的存在永远在途中(en route),永远不会达到目标.

en route:途中

预期航迹(Intended Track),选定一适当之接近航向及在途中(En Route)能利用以定位之助航设备(Navigational Aids),并标注出转向方位. 如属可能,最后之接近应选择顶流,如风向之影响较大则选择顶风. 接近航迹之距离必须够长,

en route:去......的途中

Airforce One(美国总统乘坐的)空军一号专机 | en route去......的途中 | fact finding visit 进行实地调查的访问

en route to:在......途中

embargo 禁运 | en route to 在......途中 | enlisted man 现役军人

on one's way back:在返回途中

26. on one's way to ... 在去......的途中 | on one's way back 在返回途中 | on one's way to doing something 将要干某事

hours underway:航行时间,途中时间

航行时间,途中时间(以小时计) hours underway | 航行时间,途中时间 hours underway | 室,建筑物 house

hours underway:航行时间,途中时间(以小时计)

细腰形试片 hour-glass shaped specimen | 航行时间,途中时间(以小时计) hours underway | 航行时间,途中时间 hours underway