英语人>词典>汉英 : 逐步升高 的英文翻译,例句
逐步升高 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
escalate  ·  escalated  ·  escalates  ·  escalating

更多网络例句与逐步升高相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In contrast, the activity of NADH-GDH was low at first stages of cotyledon development, and then gradually increased.


The results indicate that in recent 40 years temperature has been increasing gradually, fluctuating with time.


In recent years, the demand for methylglyoxal increased with the rise of the demand for imidazole and furanone.


But the salt marsh trend to be larger.2. The reducing of wetland also has the relation with human movement.


The relationship between aboveground net annual primary production,aboveground average growth season production and long term climate change was analyzed in Stipa breviflora desert steppe in Inner Mongolia.


According to his words, 17 about 11:00 am, he goes out the noodles which buys for the family member noon eats, passed by a computer lottery ticket sale point, although already purchased lottery ticket more than one year, but achievement not good he was not always willingly, saw the wrong side of the door posted goes against gua blows "the touching a stone and turn it into gold" a little not to be able to control, therefore has purchased 100 Yuan lottery tickets first, after not having the big harvest, he decided that bought 100 Yuan to try one's luck again, how hadn't thought that just blew first, a prominent digit presents in him at present, this time he a little hoodwinks, with others speech, has not hurried the lottery ticket to putWent home to the pocket.


It gradually increased with prolongated infection time. In the spleens of infected mice, IL-4,IL-5 and IL-10 were also elevated. However, their ranges were obviously lower than those in livers. In the colons of infected mice, IL-4,IL-5 and IL-10 slowly increased with prolongated infection time.


The results of XPS about the boron-rich rare-earth borides synthesized by themethod mentioned above show that the valence of La is +3, and the valence of Smand Eu is a fluctuation system in which the average valence is about 2.6 for Smand 2.4 for Eu.


Dian floor of the distribution of symmetry in the changes, scattered in the contact and tortuous loop, the actual situation of health, Xiaoqiaolinglong, space rich, varied levels, see in the small, unknowingly for such a small place, is compact and Cuola dependencies, and its layout Pingchuan temple is different from the axis prominent, symmetrical, but also different from the mountain Temple mountain gradually increase the pattern, Junyi cliffs convex, the shape of the potential trial,by zhe naturally , air and structure, look, Stack Cuola, subtle changes to the composition and physical space to contrast the orderly performance art.


Ergo those that refused the program, while a minority, if unchecked, would constitute an escalating probablility of disa ster.


更多网络解释与逐步升高相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在完备性逐步升高的情况下拉马克领悟到从最简单的动物到结构最复杂的动物,最后到人,"动物性"(animality)是逐渐增强的. 他并不按对环境的适应或某一动物在自然界中所起的作用来评价完备性,而只是按复杂性进行估定.

ascendent:上升的, 占优势的

condescend 谦逊, 屈尊 | ascendent 上升的, 占优势的 | escalate 逐步升高, 逐步增强,战争升级

escalate i:逐步升高, 逐步增强 t. 使逐步上升

543. erythrocyte n. [医]红血球 | 544. escalate i. 逐步升高, 逐步增强 t. 使逐步上升 | 545. esophagus n. 食道

Out of the Blue:突如其来

他认为大陆高层突如其来(out of the blue)地决定要攻打台湾的可能性十分低,比较可能的局面是,两岸的紧张经过一定时间的酝酿,台海的军事准备不断升高,美国在此期间也会逐步开始向台海调兵遣将.

trophic level:營養階層

这些素食者又被肉食者摄食,产生三级生产力,如此形成一个逐步升高之营养阶层( trophic level )即为食物链. [不过生态系统中,并非所有生物都只食用某一阶层之食物来源,若从不同阶层摄食,则形成食物网].

unstableness of market:市场不稳定

undervalued 贬值的 | unstableness of market 市场不稳定 | upward price trend 股价逐步升高