英语人>词典>汉英 : 逐客令 的英文翻译,例句
逐客令 的英文翻译、例句


marching orders · order for guests to leave
更多网络例句与逐客令相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dan: All right, I'll take that as my cue to leave.


They haven't given Marx the heave-ho, but students in up-to-date primary and secondary schools learn more about patriotism and ethical behavior than about class struggle and the dictatorship of the proletariat.


Lydia : I guess that's her way of asking us to leave.


To Sue's chagrin and my anger, John took to haunting her apartment; when at last she exorcised him I sighed in relief--until it dawned on me how serious our relationship was getting !


更多网络解释与逐客令相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


亲人的相继离世,除了让弗罗斯特和妻子埃利诺(Elinor)身心遭受重创之外,也令原本就不宽裕的家庭经济情况捉襟见肘. 到了1900年9月初,他们已经连续数月无力支付房租,加之目睹屋内屋外无人看管的混乱现状,房东最后发出逐客令,

marching orders:(逐客令;免职通知)

◆ make-up (化妆;补考)makeup | ◆ marching orders(逐客令;免职通知) walking papers | ◆ mark (防守;盯住) guard

marching orders:解雇通知书,逐客令

ethnic diversity 种族差异 | marching orders 解雇通知书,逐客令 | market penetration 市场渗透

get your marching orders:[口]被解雇;被辞退; 免职通知,逐客令

11 the order of the day议事日程 | 12 get your marching orders [口]被解雇;被辞退; 免职通知,逐客令 | 13 lay out cold[口]打昏; 使昏倒

lay out cold:[口]打昏; 使昏倒

12 get your marching orders [口]被解雇;被辞退; 免职通知,逐客令 | 13 lay out cold[口]打昏; 使昏倒 | 14 be out of it迷迷糊糊; 昏昏沉沉; 闷闷不乐; 心不在焉

Read someone the riot act:下逐客令

2299. Read from the same page 发表相同言论 | 2300. Read someone the riot act 下逐客令 | 2301. Real deal 事实

Show him the door:请他出去. (逐客令)

You had better see to the performance. 你最好负责一下演出的事. | 12. Show him the door. 请他出去. (逐客令) | Show him to the door. 陪他到门口.

show sb. the door:下逐客令

喜怒哀乐 the gamut of human feeling | 下逐客令 show sb.the door | 新官上任三把火 A new official applies strict measures ./A new broom sweeps clean

Show him to the door:陪他到门口

12. Show him the door. 请他出去. (逐客令) | Show him to the door. 陪他到门口. | 13. Have you finished the paper? 你写完论文了吗?