英语人>词典>汉英 : 选择函数 的英文翻译,例句
选择函数 的英文翻译、例句


choice function · selection function
更多网络例句与选择函数相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper is base on the research harvest about compete stratagem, Some eigenvector which reflect compete stratagem are advanced, there are price, affixation value and difference.


It is proved that the choice function must satisfy the axiom of consistency if the choice function meets the axiom of substitutability together with quotafilling condition; then, it is driven that the choice function is a path independence choice when it satisfies the substitutability and consistency condition.


Then our choice function can choose the least element of every set under our unusual ordering.


They are derived from the corresponding components of struct Class by simply removing one indirection from the declarator.

Here is the application:前两个原型声明选择函数,它们从Class结构体中对应的元素中通过简单地从声明函数中去掉一次间接而派生出。以下是应用

The first two prototypes declare selectors. They are derived from the corresponding components of struct Class by simply removing one indirection from the declarator.


We analyze the three conditions that Hattori has given,and then establish a new social choice function with subordinate reations,which only satisfy the condition of unrestricted domain and not the conditions of existence of a dictator and independence of influence of irrelevant individual,so as to make the social choice functions with subordinate relations more complete.


The result is an explicit choice function : a function that takes the first box to the first element we chose, the second box to the second element we chose, and so on.


A strong limit theorem on gambling strategy for Bernoulli sequences is extended to the sequences of arbitrary dependent random variables which take numberable values by using the conditional moment generating function .


This kind of problems is first changed into the model of perceptrons in neural theory, Under the assumption of a finite set of social states. a sufficient and necessary condition for single-valued choice functions to be sum-fuzzy implementable is obtained: a geometric characterization is also given: an efficient algorithm for the sumfuzzy implementation of single-valued choice func...


The whole process of text representation were discussed — word segmentation, building stop words list, feature selection, weight computation and generating vector space. Aim at the influence of stop words, a list, which is fit for text categorization, is set up and makes the vector dimension reduce.


更多网络解释与选择函数相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

choice function:选择函数

chi squared test of goodness of fit 拟合优度检验 | choice function 选择函数 | chord 弦

choice function; selection of multifunction:选择函数

选择公理|axiom of choice | 选择函数|choice function; selection of multifunction | 薛定谔方程|Schrodinger equation

function name:函数名

当然,我们不能忘了在第二帧中调用第五帧中的程序,所以我们还要给第五帧取一个卷标(Label)就像C域严重的函数名(Function Name)一样. 我们把第五帧的Label定为program(在Timeline区第五帧的方格点右键,在弹出的菜单中选择Properties...

value Function:价值函数

通过一系列的心理学实验,卡尼曼等人在对实验结果科学处理的基础上,提出了自己的选择理论框架,试图以此取代新古典的预期效用理论,为了和预期效用函数相区别,卡尼曼等人把其创立的效用函数成为"价值函数"(value function),见图一.


常常对各种符号进行长期的比较研究,然后再选择他认为最好的、富有启示性的符号.他创设的符号还有 此外还有对数符号、函数符号、行列式符号等等.很多符号的普遍使用与他的提倡和影响密切相关.他还引入了"函数"(function)、"常量"(con

penalty function:罚函数

透过事先定义好之处罚函数(penalty function)来衡量此等分派之总处罚,以作为修正此k点位置之选择与资料点分派之依据,目标是使总处罚值最小化. 此种方法在资料分析处理与决策问题上已有广泛应用,由於决策问题有时所面对或收集之资料具有不精确性,

asymmetric step function:非对称函数

asymmetric selection polymerization 不对称选择聚合 | asymmetric step function 非对称函数 | asymmetric suspension 不均匀悬浮

asymmetric step function:非对称阶梯函数

asymmetric seletion polymerization 不对称选择聚合作用 | asymmetric step function 非对称阶梯函数 | asymmetric stretch 不对称伸缩

tfind tracepoint:通过跟踪点号选择一个跟踪帧

tfind start -- 选择跟踪缓冲区中第一个跟踪帧 | tfind tracepoint -- 通过跟踪点号选择一个跟踪帧 | trace -- 设置一个跟踪帧在指定的行、函数或地址

Type Conversions:比较函数和操作符

queries,孪生项目的查询 | type conversions,比较函数和操作符 | columns,列类型,选择正确的列类型