英语人>词典>汉英 : 逃避现实者 的英文翻译,例句
逃避现实者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与逃避现实者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First, Dostoyevsky will be return to original state into "the individual person", review his misery and lofty life approximately; then based on his "Writer" status, to examine his creative experience, creative motivation and so on; Finally, according to the specific discussion about Dostoyevsky\'s life and creation, I pointed out that Dostoyevsky namely a "desolate man"., and according to his Russian moral character which based on religion, start to explore his concept of loneliness from his religious concept, and summarized as follows: because of the lack of communication and sincereness, desolation has become a inescapable destiny of mankind.


I am trying to hide from the reality,hoping to find a proper virtual world to settle down.But I am not an avoider.


For the mode of legislation, it is suggested that a principle regulations to be made while the detailed applied situation and conditions are specified further in judicial explanation; regarding the applied situation, give four kinds of examples as shortage of capital, mixing of company, property of shareholders, business and personality, avoid the liability of contract and legal liability using of company personality; when making judgment, such three parts as main body, action and results have to be considered. The voluntary creditor and forced creditor consists of prosecutor, those person who abuses the force of company is the defendant who has the act of abusing company personally resulting in bad effect; the responsibility of producing of evident may refer to those of courts of Germany, which is proved by prosecutor, after that, the defendant provides the evident that he has a proper action for the suit of company or his action is not the direct cause for the loss of company; the legal effect of disregarding of corporate personality is to deprive the rights of limited liability of shareholders and shall undertake the affiliated liability according to different situations of company debts, however, it is clear that the legal effect is only limited to the special legal relationship in the specific case; the exercising body is made by court while the corporate personality might not be disaffirmed directly in exerting process; finally, it points out the real essence and also its real sense and difficulties in practice.


更多网络解释与逃避现实者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


shintoist神道教徒 | autoist开汽车的人,驾车游玩的人 | 242.escapist 逃避现实者,逍遥者

Duck Soup:鸭汤

面对危机,电影院成了人们逃避现实的最佳选择,无数失业者或失意者涌进电影院寻求安慰. 文艺因此得到了长足的发展,好莱坞恐怖片鼻祖>(Frankenstein)、著名的喜剧>(Duck Soup)等都是大萧条期间的作品.

escapism:逃避现实, 空想, 逃避主义 (名)

escapeway 逃路; 太平梯 (名) | escapism 逃避现实, 空想, 逃避主义 (名) | escapist 逃避现实者 (名)


escapist 逃避现实的 | escapist 逃避现实者 | escapology 脱逃术


autoist开汽车的人,驾车游玩的人 | 242.escapist 逃避现实者,逍遥者 | papist 天主教徒


242.escapist 逃避现实者,逍遥者 | papist 天主教徒 | rapist 强奸犯

quitter:轻易放弃的人 ,懦夫,逃避责任的人

Pyromaniac 纵火者,放火者 | Quitter 轻易放弃的人 ,懦夫,逃避责任的人 | Realist-idealist 现实主义者&理想主义者