英语人>词典>汉英 : 逃逸速度 的英文翻译,例句
逃逸速度 的英文翻译、例句


escape velocity · velocity of escape
更多网络例句与逃逸速度相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Smaller objects like Ceres have lower escape velocities, making it easier for parts of it to be separated.

越小的物体,比如 Ceres ,就有着较低的逃逸速度,这就使它的部分结构更容易被分离。

Put simply: I don't know whether the development of rejuvenation therapies good enough to get us to escape velocity is a project like the atomic bomb and space tourism or whether it's more like the chronometer.


A number of problems are worked out and students learn how to calculate an object's escape velocity.


That's a pretty strong version of escape velocity!


That's a strengthened version of individual escape velocity.


You'll never hit escape velocity.


So, the 10% per year rate of progress is what I've started to call "escape velocity".

所以,每年10 %的进步速度,我开始称之为"逃逸速度"。

This is called the earth's escape velocity.


But for the sake of precision, it makes sense to define a second type of escape velocity, individual escape velocity.


Prominence a wide variety of shapes and movement characteristics, in general can be divided into four categories:(1) quiet prominence, change is slow, longer life expectancy, up to the number, and with the presence of sunspots related to sunspots for a long time, it is also a little more;(2) the activities of prominence, from a quiet prominence changes years, the movement is faster, but lower than the sun's surface escape velocity, so mostly circular, the material eventually thrown off the plane back to Japan;(3) the outbreak of prominence, activities of the most intense one, and sometimes velocity can exceed the Sun the surface escape velocity, reaching 100 km D seconds, or even higher altitudes of up to one million kilometers, 20,000 kilometers thick;(4) crown-shaped prominence, looks like clouds, is a rather exceptional prominence.


更多网络解释与逃逸速度相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

escape velocity:逃逸速度

在这个世界中,以无限的未来发展为目标,技术、商业、传媒等一切活动都以它的加速运动把我们驱向摆脱地心引力的逃逸速度(escape velocity)运动. 作为人类,我们的地心引力是历史和现实;现代世界的逃逸速度作用就是让我们摆脱历史和现实的束缚而获得自由.

velocity, escape:逃逸速度

velocity, critical 临界速度 | velocity, escape 逃逸速度 | velocity, final 末速

escape speed velocity:逃逸速度

escape sequence | 代码换向序列 | escape speed velocity | 逃逸速度 | escape system | 航空救生设备

velocity, final:末速

velocity, escape 逃逸速度 | velocity, final 末速 | velocity, initial 初速

initial velocity:初始速度

宇宙逃逸速度逃逸速度(Velocity of Escape) 在星球表面垂直向上射出一物体,若初速度小于某一值,该物体将仅上升一段距离逃逸速度 (escape velocity) 物体要离开某一天体的引力所须的最少初始速度 (initial velocity).

runaway star:速逃星

据国外媒体报道,日前,哈勃望远镜观测到一颗超大质量速逃星(runaway star)以40万公里每小时的速度从邻近的"恒星托儿所"逃逸,它的惊人逃逸速度很可能是由于超大质量同伴的"弹球游戏"或者超新星爆炸驱逐形成的.

escape stair:防火楼梯,疏散楼梯

escape speed 逃逸速度 | escape stair 防火楼梯,疏散楼梯 | escape synthesis 逃避合成

velocity of sound:声速;音速

velocity of escape 逃逸速度 | velocity of sound 声速;音速 | velocity potential 速度位

escape with bare life:死里逃生

escape velocity 逃逸速度 | escape with bare life 死里逃生 | escape with life and limb 无大损伤地逃脱