英语人>词典>汉英 : 适合程度 的英文翻译,例句
适合程度 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与适合程度相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The effects of environment factors on the migration and distribution of anchovy were probed quantitatively by using environmental fitness.


How easy it is to put on and take off depends on how you fit into the Anorak.

你脱与穿的难易程度取决于你适合不适合 Anorak 。

The Periscope Drawtube will be bent because of the water resistance in sailing and this bend will cause the error of star measurement. Due to its especial structure, contactless measurement is the only way to measure its bend degree. First this paper introduces the method by linear array CCD based on structure and light path; Second it expatiates linear array CCD work principle and driving scheduling with example of TCD1501C and the driving circuit by CPLD. The output signal of linear array CCD includes common disturbance so the differential amplifier is needed. In order to make the signal adapt to computer processing, a threshold circuit with Schmitt characteristic and the data process following threshold are given. At last, some key problems in application are given.


Using the uniform information channels and the technology of SOAP and COM/DCOM/COM+, information integration among tool management system, ERP/MRPII, CAM and CAPP system is come true. Finally, the distributed tool management system is developed in using mutil-tired Client/Server model as the frame of software. It has the functions of tool general management, searching milling cutting data for CAM by providing the milling cutting data e-book and computer aided tool selection for CAPP by using expert system. The tool management system offers the tool-coding function, too. The study of tool management system in DNC improves the level of tool management and the flexible of arranging production, haleness and the automatic extent of DNC systems.


You can control the intensity of trampling rotation speed and the extent of dehydration, when you feel the wet cloth level for the first time, you can wipe to the


From this sense,utility vector function to measure the degree of suitability of each proposal is presented.


The effects of 20~100 mg/L MS-222,Tricaine Methanesulphonat,were tested at water temperature 15~25 ℃ on two species of sturgeons,Acipenser sinensis and A.schrenckii.

以20~100 mg/L的MS-222在水温15~25℃条件下对中华鲟和施氏鲟(A.schrenckii)的麻醉效果进行试验,中华鲟或施氏鲟分别达到不同程度的麻醉状态甚至出现死亡。30~40 mg/L的MS-222具有较好的麻醉效果,鱼的活动量明显下降,可保持镇静并维持身体平衡和正常体位,麻醉48 h后,在清水中数分钟内可恢复正常游动状态,适合于长途运输。50~100 mg/L的MS-222对中华鲟和施氏鲟具有较强的麻醉作用,适合于进行短时间的操作,如捉拿、称重、测量、外科手术、体外标记等。

The first step,this thesis evaluates the whole risk level of the port investment project. On the risk analysis,this thesis sets an index system for evaluation. The system comprehensively reflects risks on port investment projects. It has taken all the risks, through the construction to the running process of port investment projects into account,and numbers the index by experts investigation,then valuates the whole risk level of the project by fuzzy mathematics methods which is comprehensive, clear, effective and clean.


Therefore, if the various degrees of suitability reflect qualities, as they do in worthy individuals, so that some are worthy, some worthier, and some most worthy, it is clear that good things are suited to the worthy, better to the more worthy, and the best to the most worthy.


Not just know-how but the right conditions: deep snow, a steep slope, and snow of the right consistency for digging.


更多网络解释与适合程度相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


6.1 存货(Inventory)问题6.2 分派(Allocation)问题第一类是资源的数量可以完成所有任务,但有不同的方法来分派资源,所以我们要找出最好的分派方法. 如派遣五个人(资源)去分别担任五件工作,每人适合每件工作的程度可以打一个分数表示,

business english:商用英文

The University of Sheffield整年提供学术性的英文与商用英语的课程,包括企业管理硕士的先修班(pre-MBA)英语与英文暑修的课程学术性英文(Academic English)适合给想在中程度大学就学的学生;商用英文(Business English)适合具有专业商业知识背景的或想在进入MBA前,

case study:案例分析

象过去用的"社交故事"现在我们不再用了,不是说不好,而是那种"使用说明书"的方法已经不再适合于闻森的程度了,我们需要的是更深一点的分析和判断.我现在的想法是象MBA课程里的"案例分析"(CASE STUDY)会更适合,我们可以从一个特定的事例出发,

Cluster analysis:聚类分析

聚类分析(Cluster analysis)是定量研究分类问题的多元统计方法,属于一种探索性的分析,能够在没有先验知识的情况下将一批样本数据按照其性质上的密切程度自动分类,是非常适合于在不对类别特征做先验假设的情况下对国有商业银行和股份制银行进行重新分类.

crossword puzzle:纵横拼字谜

本质上,每个细胞都是纵横拼字谜(crossword puzzle)中的一个字母. 那将是 DNA 的一个片段. 而且, DNA 将决定一个细胞与其他字母的适合程度. 这样,对英文纵横字谜来说,"an"和"he"将是合适的组合,而"xz"将不是. 这并不是说"xz"不可能出现,

cut sth down to:把......节制到......程度上

see off 目送某人远行 | cut sth down to 把......节制到......程度上 | cut out for 某人天生就适合做什么

cut sth down to:把什么节制到什么程度

fall behind 落后,落在后面 | cut sth down to 把什么节制到什么程度 | cut out for 某人天生适合做什么

path dependency:路径相依

初始条件变数在某种程度上会限制成立后变数的发展和选择,此概念与Teece等人(1997)所提出的路径相依(path dependency)观念相同. 在人员类合作网络模式中,模型整体配置之适合度衡量指标 值为25.90(自由度为13),P值为0.018;适合度指标(GFI)为0.95,


3) 活学配音(dubbing). 配音练习并不适合所有程度的学生,有时可能收效甚微,应在学生仿说练习进行得较为成功的前提下进行. 配音练习的一大优点就是可以大大调动学生的学习主动性,激发学生学习英语的热情,有了动机(incentive)和创意(creativity),


6.1 存货(Inventory)问题6.2 分派(Allocation)问题第一类是资源的数量可以完成所有任务,但有不同的方法来分派资源,所以我们要找出最好的分派方法. 如派遣五个人(资源)去分别担任五件工作,每人适合每件工作的程度可以打一个分数表示,