英语人>词典>汉英 : 退化雄蕊 的英文翻译,例句
退化雄蕊 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
staminodium  ·  staminode  ·  staminodes

更多网络例句与退化雄蕊相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Outer staminodes 2, obovate, staminode tube longer than corolla tube; callose staminode wholly callose, not petaloid at apex.


Flowers small to medium-sized, bracteate and often bracteolate, bisexual or unisexual, actinomorphic or rarely zygomorphic, hypogynous to epigynous, floral cup shallow to urn-shaped, sometimes absent; sepals 4 or 5(–10), sometimes absent, imbricate, usually persistent; petals absent or 4 or 5, yellow, white, greenish or red, often ribbonlike and circinate in bud, caducous; stamens 4, 5, or many, free, rarely arranged in 2 whorls with the inner whorl staminodal, development of polyandrous androecia centripetal or centrifugal; anthers basifixed, thecae mostly bisporangiate, each opening by two valves or a simple longitudinal slit, or monosporangiate and opening by a single valve (Exbucklandia, Hamamelis and the genera of the S hemisphere), connective protruding; disk scales sometimes present between stamens and carpels.


Staminode tube usually short; staminodes white, occasionally tinged or marked with purple; outer staminodes 2, petaloid, obovate, exceeding corolla lobes; cucullate staminode with median or subterminal appendage; callose staminode obovate, apex petaloid.


Stamens in 2 series, 5 perfect and 5 reduced to staminodes; filaments free. Pistil 1; ovary superior, borne on short gynophore, 1-loculed; placentas 3, parietal; ovules numerous; style 1; stigma minute.


Fertile stamens 3, on 1 side, 2 inserted opposite sepals, 1 opposite petal; filaments glabrous; staminodes 3; antherodes 4-lobed, butterflylike.

能育雄蕊3,在1 边,2着生与萼片对生,1与花瓣对生上;花丝无毛退化雄蕊3; 4裂的退化花药,蝴蝶状。

Stamens 6, free, all or only 2 or 3 fertile; filaments glabrous or torulose villous; anthers parallel or slightly divergent, longitudinally dehiscent, rarely dehiscent by apical pores; staminodes 1--3; antherodes 4-lobed and butterflylike, 3-sect, 2-lobed and dumbbell-shaped, or entire.


Fertile stamens 3, in a few flowers only anterior 2 fertile, posterior 1 depauperate or absent, often anterior 2 also depauperate; filaments densely white lanate; staminodes 3; antherodes 3-sect. Capsule ovoid, 1.5--1.7 cm, acute at apex.

能育雄蕊3,在数花内只前面的2枚能育,后面1发育不全或无,通常前面2也发育不全;花丝浓密的白色绵状毛;退化雄蕊3;退化花药 3全裂;蒴果卵球形,1.5-1.7厘米,锐尖的在先端。

Petals 5, red. Stamens 15, in 5 groups of 3 alternating with staminodes, connate at base into tube; staminodes 5, nearly as long as petals; anther 2-celled, extrorse.


Flowers solitary, sessile; perianth lobes free, incurved; stamens 6, rarely 3 reduced to staminodes, anthers introrse.


Umbrella form inflorescence normally 2~4 bunch gives birth to short branch of Yu Xie armpit, short branch grows 1~2 millimeter; Inflorescence total stalk grows 5~10 millimeter, by short fluff; Bud piece 4, wide egg form, have 5~6 arteries and veins, outside a few without wool, inside face by white short fluff; Inflorescence of each umbrella form has beautiful 4~6, the leaf is opened or open at the same time with the leaf first; Peduncular grow about 1.5 millimeter, close by white fluff; Perianth piece 6, elliptic, two sides by short fluff; In male flower can Yo is staminal 9, filament has grey yellow fluff, form of heart of shape of aegis of body of gland of ministry of the 3rd round of stamen radical, do not have a handle nearly, degrade pistil is not had; Stamen degrades in female flower 9, staff state, by grey yellow fluff, ovarian crock form, style is dumpy, post head shape, shallow crack.


更多网络解释与退化雄蕊相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Arachis hypogaea:落花生

落花生(Arachis hypogaea)豆科. 一年生栽培油料作物. 根部多根瘤. 高20~70厘米. 偶数羽状复叶,互生,小叶4,倒卵形;具叶柄;托叶披针形. 花单生或簇生叶腋;花萼和花托合生成托管,花梗状,萼齿二唇形;花冠蝶形,黄色;雄蕊9枚合生,另1枚退化;


仅美人蕉属(Canna)一属,约55种,热带草本植物. 分布从北美东南部到南美. 具根茎,也有高达3公尺(10呎)的直立茎. 叶绿色或青铜色,螺旋排列. 花不对称;发育雄蕊一枚,仅一边具发育的药室,另半部花瓣状;退化雄蕊数枚,一枚向外反卷成唇瓣,


staminode 退化雄蕊 | staminodium 退化雄蕊 | stand 植熟林


乔木或灌木,稀草本,具乳状液汁.单叶互生,稀对生;托叶二,常早落而留痕迹.花单性,雌雄同株或异株;头状,葇荑花序或隐头花序( syconium);花萼一般4片,有时退化或不存;花瓣缺如;雄蕊与萼片同数而对生,或单一,花丝在蕾中弯曲或直立;

Celosia cristata:鸡冠花

我国有3种,常见的有青葙(Celosia argentea)和鸡冠花(Celosia cristata),分布各地. 该属特征:一年生草本;叶互生;花小,簇生,或为稠密的穗状花序;花被片5,干燥;雄蕊5,下部合生成杯状;退化雄蕊缺;胞果,盖裂,有种子2至多颗.

epipetalous stamen:着生花冠雄蕊

02.423 上位着生雄蕊 epigynous stamen | 02.424 着生花冠雄蕊 epipetalous stamen | 02.425 退化雄蕊 staminode


staminate flower 雄花 | staminiferous 具雄蕊的 | staminode 退化雄蕊


staminiform 雄蕊状的 | staminigerous 具雄蕊的 | staminode 退化雄蕊


雄蕊分成2轮排列,外轮为6个外部雄蕊(outer stamen),内轮为3个内部雄蕊 (inner stamen) 及3个退化雄蕊(staminode). 所有的雄蕊组织都皆为4室,外部雄蕊的腔室内向;内部雄蕊为外向或侧向,花丝的基部有一对橙色蜜腺,退化雄蕊亦为橙色,


淡黄色 stamineous | 雄蕊 staminidia | 不孕雄蕊;退化雄蕊 staminode